
Not my kind of angel (1)[Minor NFSW]

[Content warning: Minor NFSW]

When Terrence returned, Elara had ordered their food and was waiting for him.

"Welcome, angel. Come let's eat," Elara beamed while helping the male put off his jacket before hanging it out. Terrence gulped internally.

Was she doing this on purpose? Did she know just how wifely this seemed? He, of course, knew that to Elara this was nothing weird. It was just a normal thing to do with friends. The remainder that she was probably like this with others too, infuriated him.

He frowned, caressing the crease on his forehead before saying, "Elara, I hope you don't need to do this with others..."

Elara stared at him dumbly, "Do what?"


"Never mind."

