
Lara (2)

That day, his mother, who had mostly forgotten about his existence, visited him and his father, and they had a full-blown fight. There was screaming and panicking, and his mother ended up slapping his father— he had to interfere, or it would have escalated into something more drastic.

That was when he heard the shocking story.

"Your evil bastard of a father colluded with his partners to not only defraud an innocent man but instigated an accident that had him in the hospital till today. Now, I don't know how his daughter has evidence, and we're getting sued by tomorrow!"

His mother declared fiercely, her eyes never leaving his father— she seemed to be explaining to him what he did wrong instead of narrating the issue to him.

He stood there, aghast, but his mother wasn't done.

"I poured a lot of money trying to suppress the news, only for it to spill out. God, this is so infuriating. Why did I marry an idiot like you?!"