
My Boss is Inlove with His Gay Secretary

Warning: This novel is R-18, it contains sexually explicit scenes, mature language, and boy-to-boy romance. ••• Armando is a long time boyfriend of a gay senior high student. He will risk everything and does sacrifice just to show his love and let it feel to his sweetheart, Hale. This is a love story where the antagonist and second leading man whose love is more genuine and sincere. "What I hated the most when I realized the fact that MY BOSS IS INLOVED WITH HIS GAY SECRETARY." And that gay secretary is Hale. How can he deal with this? How can he fight his love if his love rival is a million times wealthier than him?

UnluckyLoveRomance · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 29

Yesterday was so tragic, Hale was so lucky he survived that disastrous day. He had a nice good night's sleep since he finally met his secret love during their bad day. He was hugging his big teddy bear so tight imagining that he was lying on the bed with Xander.

He is so motivated this new day. He woke up and rose early just to prepare a present for Xander. He baked a heart-shaped cake and then put it on an ice cream can. Guess what? Today is their monthsary, so he really put effort into creating his special presents.

Armando went out the bed wearing only boxers shorts and sando. He was supposed to enter the shower room, but he noticed that his girlfriend was too busy in the kitchen. Since he needed to clean, he just ignored what he saw.

Just after he prepared himself to go to work, he greeted Hale and started to ask what made him busy right now. He is really curious about what is going on. He remembers that tomorrow is their monthsary, so he is asking himself now what is the occasion today.

"Hi, Armando. I didn't notice that you are already here."

"Hhhhmmm... So what made you busy earlier?"

"What do you mean?"

"I saw you baking a cake."

"Ohh... that one? Well, I am so happy right now because I am alive. I just want to give our boss Harrison a small present since he didn't leave me and he was with me when we were trapped in the Audio-Visual Room."

"R-Really? Are you serious about that? Did you think it was too informal?"

"Why? What is the problem with that? I don't see any issues and it's quite normal to appreciate our boss and pay such respect."

Armando smirked but he didn't show it to him as he walked distant to Hale since he got some coffee. He thinks that this might be a bad idea, he wants to warn him but he doesn't want to waste the efforts exerted, so he just lets it be.

"Very well said, thanks for convincing me that I must not act too seriously."

"You know Armando, we don't need to be too workaholic, formal, and serious at all times. If you are always like that, you will be getting old faster and have wrinkles in your face."

"I bet you are right. What a meaningful realization for myself."

"Uhhmm, just to make this clear... Uhhmm I-I don't want to make you jealous. I know you are thinking that I am flirting and then bribing our boss, well you are literally wrong."

"Who said that I am jealous? Just... No! I have you and you are my girlfriend, we are sleeping together, lying on the same bed, so why would I be jealous? I am aware that you are just being grateful."

"Thanks for understanding. I hope I will never hear any side comments."

"Sure, my Hale. I support you."


Hale doesn't get out of the house too early until he has the inspiration to be one. He just went to his business at six in the morning. Obviously, there are still no students here at Fuentabella Company, even the employees are not still there.

He seems too excited. He walked fast and approached his boss's office. Luckily, he saw him jogging on a machine. He can give his gift with him and nobody will see them. However, it looks like he is going to be scolded for what he just did.

His boss is just wearing a fitted sando and boxer shorts. Hale just opened the door and then just entered inside without telling him that he come in.

Harrison stopped what he was doing and then groaned with shock. "Holy shit! What the f*ck! Why did you just come in? You did even not knock on the door and notify me that you were here."

Hale realized that he must wait for his boss to change his outfit. Because of what turns out, he felt awkward. He is embarrassed about what he did, it looks like his plan will not come to reality.

Since he knows that Xander is sweet sometimes, acts sassy to make him calm. He just picked a towel inside his bag and then wiped it on his boss's face.

Harrison stopped him by holding his hand with a towel. "Why are you doing this to me? Do you know who I am? I am your boss! And wait... What the hell are you doing there? It's not eight in the morning yet and you just came here."

Hale was shocked about his boss's reaction. "Huh? I-I am s-sorry. The truth is I came here early because I just want to give you this present. It is my gift to you because you stayed with me during the disaster that happened yesterday."

"Seriously? Are you just investing in a story? Do you think I will believe you?"

"Huh? Xander, what is wrong with you? Why are you raising your voice to me?"

"X-Xander? Did you just call me with that name?"

"Yes, because it's you. Am I right?"

"I think I am talking with a psycho. You are ridiculous. And with this gift, I am sorry I cannot accept this. This is a form of bribery, it is not Christmas yet."

Hale is now confused. He thought that his boss was really Xander as what he discovered yesterday.

"What do you mean you are not Xander? You have just introduced your true name yesterday?"

Harrison laughs out loud. "And why would I do that? Do you think I am a fool? Wake up, Hale! You are just fantasizing about having a boyfriend who is a boss. Don't show you are a social climber and gold digger. I already know your kind. Not me, Hale. Definitely not me."

Hale immediately left the office and ran while sobbing. He threw his gift into the trash can and then just exited the building.

He shouted and spoke what was on his mind. "Why? Just why! Why do I need to play with destiny! I thought he was Xander, and now he become Harrison. What is happening to him? I don't understand himself!"

"I thought I would become the happiest person in this world because I finally met him, but why did I get fooled? It breaks my heart."



Armando has just arrived in front of the Fuentabella Company building with his car. He watched Hale crying and in pain. Oddly, he smiled and seemed like he is happy.

Well actually, he is the mastermind of why Hale went that way. He planned this so that his girlfriend would not date again with Xander.

But how come? What has just happened?


Hale finally arrived at his boyfriend's boarding house. He surprised him when he knocked on the door.

After three knocks, Armando immediately opened the door. He is hoping that Hale is already there. When he opened the entrance, he suddenly hugged Hale so tight.

"Oh my god, Hale. Thank God you are totally safe. I missed you so much. I thought you had an accident. I was so worried that you even didn't contact me."

"I am okay, Armando. Thank God also because the rescue team reached us."

Armando prepared the dinner so that they could eat together. While he was doing business, he opened a conversation.

"So what happened to you yesterday?"

"I don't know. I was shocked when I got trapped in the Audio-Visual Room. I was supposed to call you to ask for help but I realized I forgot to bring my phone."

"Oh, that's sad. Then who is with you in the trapped room?"

"Our boss. And speaking about him, I just discovered that is so unbelievable."

"What is it?"

"My guts are right, our boss is Xander! His name was changed into Harrison legally due to unknown reasons."

"What? Do you mean he is alive? How sure are you?"

"He just said it with his own."

Armando felt disgusted and upset. He thought he successfully dispatched Xander. Now, he needs to do something just to stop Xander from meeting his girlfriend again.

After an hour...

Xander is watching a comedy movie, but after a while, he receives a call. He is not expecting a call on this late a night unless it is a very important matter call.

"I am glad to talk to you again, Xander. How's life with your new life?"

He recognized the voice from the call. His heart races and he is now sweating. His hands are trembling and eventually starting to seize.

"I know where you are right now. I am telling you, you will not meet Hale again as I am going to torture you again. Hahahaha!"

He freezes and cannot move. In just two seconds, he passed out and remained unconscious.

[End of Flashback]

"Now Hale, there will be no Xander in your life again. You are just only mine. Mine! Ahahahahaha!"