
Chapter Two Hundred and Ten

Rose POV

Claire Davidson I must give it to her she is really brave but also stupid at the same time. She really spring a surprise on me cause she was not on the list of people I suspected to be behind this set up, my suspects were Anna or Steve cause am sure by now Steve already know the true relationship between Sarah and George and he will want to get back at them. I still can't figure out how to tackle this Claire issue, for the first time after many years am out of idea on how to tackle a problem.

I guess Fred presence is really distracting me, I can't think properly anymore all I think about is him. I thought that am already too old for love, guess am wrong after all cause my heart beats fast whenever am in the presence of Fred. I think I have to adhere to George advice and confess to Fred and wait for the outcome, the confession is long over due. Whatever the outcome will be I should prepare myself mentally so that if I got rejected in the end I won't be hit badly by that. 

I called Fred asking to meet with him later in the day cause I still have Claire issue to tackle. I have been thinking about how to handle Claire but am not successful with it yet, so I think having a face to face meeting with Lisa and get from her what Claire actual plan are, I think that way I will be able to come up with a better solution. I walked to George office, I knocked and enter his office luckily for my single heart, Sarah is not his office if not I would have met them all lovey dovey. Aunty I was about to come to you before you walked in, George said.

Well am here already why do you want to see me? I asked him. I can already guess that he want to know if I have come up with any idea yet. Yeah I just want to know if there is any progress regarding Claire issue, He stated. Just as I expected, I mused. Well there is no progress yet that's why am here, I told him. George sit back and asked me like he can read my mind. What exactly is going on in that smart head of yours? He asked while smiling with relief.

I need to meet with Lisa so that I can get from her what exactly Claire planned to do, that way I can be able to figure out how to handle her, I told him. George looked at me in admiration like he always do whenever I pull the unexpected on him. I don't understand why I never think of this and never asked Lisa the most important I should have asked, George lamented. There is no need for you to beat yourself up over this, all I need from you is to make sure that I meet her, I instructed him.

Sure I will make sure of that, you don't need to worry about it, George assured me. Before I forget Aunty what about what will discuss yesterday? Have you decided to do the needful? George asked. Just as I expected he ask me about it, how caring. Yes am going to meet with him later in the day but am still nervous, I told him my fears. There is no need for you to be afraid Aunty, just have a little faith that everything will be alright, George tried to motivate me with his words.

George called Lisa and she agree to meet with me tomorrow in the noon. I left George office afterwards and went to my office to know if there is files that still need my attention. Am in my office space killing time while waiting for time to reach so that I can start going to our meeting place. The awaited time finally arrived and I hurriedly pack my things and left the company, am sure those that saw me leaving in a haste will be wondering what is chasing me or who is after me. I arrived at our meeting place and Fred is not there yet, I took a seat at the corner to wait for him.

I have been here for thirty minutes but there is still no sign of Fred anywhere, am feeling dejected right now cause I can feel almost everyone in the restaurant glancing towards my direction. One hour later still no sign of Fred, I already given up and stood up to leave, when he barged inside restaurant breathing heavily. Wait did he run all the way from his office to this place and how is that possible cause from here to his office is very far.

He saw me already standing and I guess he figure out that am about to leave, he quickly approach. Am sorry that I kept you waiting, please don't go yet, He apologized and pleaded with me. I sat down without saying any word cause I can't say no to that pleading eyes of his. What kept you so long? I asked him. There is this emergency case that I have to treat back in the office and that is what kept me so long, He explained his reason for been late.

That's okay, I understand your reason, I told him. Have you order anything yet? He asked. I shook my head telling him no. Okay then let's order before we start discussing, he suggested to which I agreed with him cause am already starving. We ordered what we want to eat and started eating when our order arrived. After eating we were sipping wine cause I order for a bottle of champagne cause whatever the outcome is today I will drink Champagne. It is either to celebrate of acquiring the love of my life or to drink to drown my sorrow.