
Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Eight

Third Person POV

Their vacation have come to an end and they are all packing their bags to go back to their home. Ella still did not give Max opportunity to tell his own side of the story, Sarah is so happy to go back home cause she can't wait to tell her mother all that happened during their vacation. Sarah wished she could share the story with Ella but having idea of what her best friend is passing through at the moment made it to be impossible. Ella is so down, she is in a battle with herself, one part of her kept on scolding herself for not giving Max the opportunity to explain himself but the other part assured her that she did the right thing by not allowing him to lie to her again.

George is happy to go back home but not really happy cause going back home means that he have to sleep separate from Sarah, he has gotten used to having Sarah beside him while he sleeps and he is not ready to go back to sleeping alone now that he knew how it feels to sleep together with Sarah. George saw how unmotivated his best friend is at the moment, and he can't bear to see the ever vibrant Max looking and acting opposite of himself. I think I should talk to Sarah, I can't bear to see him looking so lost, George mused.

Sarah noticed that Ella have not pack any of her clothes yet, she is just starting at a particular spot. It's obvious that she is lost in thoughts, I wonder what she is thinking right now. Hey, do you need me to help you with packing your stuff? Sarah asked Ella trying to get her to talk to her cause she seem to be spacing out. No, I got this, don't bother yourself, Ella told Sarah. Oh, I thought you will not be able to hear me considering you have not pack any of your clothes and kep on staring at one particular direction, Sarah explained. Ella smiled, despite whatever she is passing through at the moment she is so glad that she has her best friend beside her.

I have been thinking, Ella said deciding to tell Sarah what is going on in her mind. Okay, what is it that is going on in your mind? Sarah asked. Am thinking if I should give Max the opportunity to tell his own side of the story or just let things to be the way they are now, Ella told Sarah what have been going on in her mind while she wait for Satah response. Well, I don't think it's proper for me to tell you what to do especially regarding a matter as sensitive as this, I will advice that you follow your heart, do what your heart want, Sarah advised Ella. Ella was expecting a no or yes from Sarah but it made things more complicated right now.

How can she follow her heart when she knew that her crazy heart will like to listen to his reason for what he did and also forgive him irrespective of what his reason are. Could she trust herself not to do the opposite of what she intend to do when she comes face to face with Max. You are right Sarah I should follow my heart, Ella said to Ella. Sarah nodded her head to that while hoping that Ella could give Max chance to explain herself cause lately she is having this feeling that Max could be innocent of all this whole thing, considering the fact that the lady that claimed to have slept with Max is nowhere to be seen.

Is she running but from who? Max? Ella? There is no way that she could be running from Ella cause she doesn't seem sorry or remorseful when she announced to all that is present there that she slept with Max or she is running away from Max cause she knew that Max will be looking for her. These are the thoughts going on in her mind but she don't voice out that she is now feeling that Max could be innocent, she has learned her lesson, she is not going to be the middle woman for anybody not minding how close the person or people involved are to her and she will start with her best friend.

George and Max decide to go shopping on their own since the ladies already go for theirs. Max already made list of those that he want to but gifts for including Ella father. They passed an ornaments shop, Max stared at the rings that were displayed on the show glass. Let's go inside and take a look at it, George suggested, he himself want to look at the rings as well and hopefully buy one for the thoughts that have been going on in his mind lately. Max kept on admiring the rings displayed while imagining how they will fit on Ella finger.

This will look good on Ella, Max said while admiring the ring that he is holding, he want to buy it but not knowing his stand with Ella is stopping him from buying the ring. Max turned and looked at his friend he saw him holding a ring while smiling at the ring, just with the smile on his face Max could already tell what is going on in the mind of his friend. You should buy that ring, it is beautiful and will fit Sarah very well and Sarah deserve to have a ring, the two of you deserve each other, Max told George. That is the only encouragement that George need.

He took the ring and walked up to the cashier, Max followed behind him with a ring also. George gave the cashier the ring so that they will will put it in the box, Max also gave them a ring to pack as well. George looked at Max surprised at what his best friend is doing. Dude what are you doing with a ring? He asked him. I intend to propose to Ella as soon as she accept me back, Max explained. I don't mean to sound harsh, please don't misunderstand me, what if she did not come back to your life again? George asked Max. Well if she did not come back I will donate the ring to charity but I strongly believe that she will come back, Max said trying to sound confident.

That's good then, she will come back cause you are innocent it is just a misunderstanding and am sure that it will be clear soon, George said trying to boost his friend moral. Yeah and that will be only possible if you can talk to your girlfriend so that she can talk to her best friend, Max pointed out. Well about that I have given it a thought and I have decided to talk to Sarah but mind you I will not guarantee that it will be successful, am not assuring you that I can convince Sarah to do that, George told Max. The latter eagerly nodded his head in affirmation that he understand what George is saying cause he is so excited that he can't even talk or he might end up uttering incoherent words.

Max is feeling so happy right now, at least there is light at the end of the tunnel, he mused. They l left the shop and went to other shops and got all that they need. Max and George   came back to the hotel, Max is feeling a little bit relieved and also pry that Sarah will accept to help him out this time around. George is so happy with himself for getting that ring, it have been on his mind for a while now but he don't know how to go about it but a little encouragement from his best friend did the magic.