
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Five


The dinner went well and I went home with smiles on my face, this is the kind of life I want now, nothing or anybody will take that away from me. I still need to call George and let him know that I will be coming to his office tomorrow, yeah I need to inform him first cause I don't want to walk into an ungodly scene cause those two seem not to get enough of each other. I went back to my parent's house cause there are things I need to discuss with my father regarding business. After my conversation with my father which took us two hours to be done, I walked to my room, showered and get to bed, so that I can be mentally and physically ready for tomorrow and the baggage that will come with it.

I woke up in the morning and went about my normal morning business, taking my bath, and having breakfast with my family. I left and went to work but that was after calling the love of my life to check on her and see how she is doing, to which I got a positive answer. It's lunchtime and I know that George is expecting me, so I stopped at one of the famous food trucks and ordered lunch for four people. I arrived at George's company and headed to his office but I stopped at Aunty Rose's office and handed the lunch I got for her to her and walked into George's office and Sarah is not in there. Hey dude, where is Sarah? I asked him the moment I noticed that Sarah is not in his office. Hello to you too, am good and you? Since you don't care about how am doing but I still care about you, George responds. Such a drama queen, dude chill am just asking after your lady cause I thought that the two of you are now sharing the same office, so I am surprised that she is not here that's why I am asking, I explained to him. He looked and scoffed, and why will you assume that we now share the same office? He asked.

Come on Dude, am not expecting you to ask this question, first she is your girlfriend so it won't be a bad idea if the two of you decide to share the same office, secondly, she is your assistant so it's common to share the same office, I answered his question. Why do I have this feeling that this is not your answer, George stated while looking at me with scrutiny eyes. Think whatever makes you sleep at night, by the way for real where is she? I asked him trying to hold back my laugh that is about to burst out cause the expression on his face right now. You said you have something important to discuss with me, why don't you go ahead with it and stop trying to know where my girlfriend is, George said putting an end to Sarah's topic. Sure, but I brought lunch for the both of you so you see you have to call her, I told him. He picked up his office phone and Sarah's office. "Max is here and you bought lunch for us" he delivered his message and dropped the phone. Dude, I don't understand why you are so cranky today but I will advise that you get your shit together and not transfer the aggression to Sarah, I told him cause I don't understand his sour mood.

Sorry man, I have been stressed out this past few days, this particular contractor seem not satisfied with any design I present to him and that is tiring me out, he explained to me the reason for his sour mood. Dump him then, so that he can look for another company that will give him what he wants since he is not satisfied with your work, I told him cause I know that he is the best in the industry and the so-called contractor will regret it if he missed the opportunity to work with George. That is what I am thinking cause I don't want to waste more time trying to please someone bent on not being satisfied, George said. At that moment Sarah walked in and give me cheek to cheek kiss and walked to George and kiss him on his lips I am sure will be the hundredth time she has kissed him today. How are you doing Max? She inquired. Am good and happy, I answered her cause her best friend is making me happy. Am glad to hear that you are happy that goes to show that my best friend is doing her job very well, she said. I smiled at her and nodded my head, now I understand what is it that I saw in Sarah earlier, I saw a good friend like she is the female version of George.

We all sat down and have our lunch, after lunch Sarah left, excusing herself that she still have a lot of pending work. After she left George started talking. What is it that is so important that you want to discuss with me? He asked. Yeah, you see I stopped May from getting into business with Stephen's company but am still worried that she might try to look for other companies and the five best companies in this city are beyond her reach except one. Davidson empire I presume you are talking about, George inquired. Yeah, I don't know how to go about it, I don't have anything over them and there is no way I can convince them not to accept May's business proposal cause am sure she will use her father's name just like how she tried to with Stephen, I explained to him my fears. Max, seriously I don't see any reason why you are bothering yourself because of this lady's presence in this city, she can stay all she wants all you need to do is be open with Ella and tell her everything that is going on especially things that concern May and I don't think May is the only woman you should be concerned about the cause you did not deal with only one woman, George said.

Seriously George do you find this funny? I asked him cause I don't see how this situation is something to crack jokes about. Chill man is just kidding but seriously man you should not allow this girl to stress you this way, whether she eventually goes into business with Davidson or not that should not bother you, you know why? Your heart beats for Ella unless you are about to tell me that you are not sure of that, George said. Of course not, you know that I love Ella and only Ella, I told him. Then don't fret and relax and am sure that Mr Davidson is a good businessman and he will be very careful when getting involved in such business but if you are not satisfied yet, we can call Aunty Rose then you can tell her your fears, George suggested. I accepted his suggestion cause I don't want to take chances to cause one thing I fear the most is a desperate lady cause she can go to any length to achieve her purpose and right now May is desperate. George called Aunty Rose, when she arrived I explained my fears to her. After my explanation she looked at me, Max I understand your fears and I don't think I should tell you this but I think it's important, Aunty Rose said.

Her words got my heart beating so fast but I gathered the little courage left in me and asked her to tell me what is it. Sure Aunty goes on if you think that is important, I assured her. Okay, the thing is that May and Claire are good friends and if you are thinking that the Davidson empire will be her next target, then you are not far from the truth, cause she will use her friendship with Claire and acquire the business, she pointed out and she turned to George. I already told you that Claire is coming back next week and if Claire is still obsessed with you and this two eventually meet, then it will be bad news, She said to him. George doesn't look disturbed one bit and I understand cause his relationship with Sarah is not like mine. After all, they already established the trust in their relationship but mine is working in progress and I don't want anything that will disrupt that. Aunty, we should stop the meeting from happening, I suggested. I don't think that will be a good idea, we should allow them to meet at least if we heard that discussion we can know what Claire's response to her will be, Aunty Rose suggested.

Am with Aunty Rose on this one, Claire has been out of the country for some months, we should expect something positive, at least give her that benefit of the doubt, things might turn out to be in our favour, George said. I accepted their suggestions while praying and hoping it will turn out positively.