
Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Eight

Third Person POV

Ella can't wait for their visitors to leave so that she can start to taunt her father, the moment she saw that the dust Sarah's car raised had dispersed, she linked her arms around her father's hand. Jerry was surprised by his daughter's action he thought probably it was because of his offer to help Josh with his future, that's why his daughter is still clinging to him but he is not complaining cause this is what he wants. Ella looked at her father and gave him her famous mischievous smile, Jerry gulped when he saw the smile his daughter gave him cause he know that nothing good comes out of that smile. The father and daughter duo walked inside their mansion but Jerry is feeling so uneasy about his daughter's new actions, earlier he was enjoying it but when he saw that mischievous smile he know that she is up to something.

They arrived in the sitting room and each of them sat down, Ella still with that smile of hers and Jerry can't take it anymore, decided to ask his daughter what was going on with her. What's going on with you Ella? Why are you giving me that creepy smile? He asked her. Ella laughed out loud cause the look on her father's face is so priceless. Chill Dad, you should see the look on your face it's so priceless, anyway don't fret am not going to do anything bad I just need answers, Ella told him. Jerry doesn't know what answer his daughter is seeking but he is ready to answer it if he has the answer. Okay go ahead, what do you want to know? He asked. How do you see Laura Croft? Ella asked her father. Jerry was taken by surprise cause of what he was asked by his daughter, he thought that nobody noticed his stolen glances at Laura and his extra care but guess he was kidding himself but that doesn't mean that he is going to give his daughter a straight answer.

In what aspect are you asking? Cause I think she is a great mother, Jerry answered while smiling inside him seeing the frustrated look on his daughter's face. Seriously you are going to play the ignorant game, huh? Ella mused. I mean as a woman, how do you see her as a woman? She asked him. Jerry shrugged his shoulder enjoying the curious look on his daughter's face, is okay I guess, He answered nonchalantly. Ella looked at him with wide eyes, she can't believe that her father is now acting nonchalantly while he was the one drooling over Sarah's mother a few minutes ago. That's not what my observations gave me, Ella uttered. Jerry is finding their conversation amusing but at the same time worried that the reason his daughter is asking this question is that she will not approve if he decided to pay attention to his new feelings. What did your observation give you? He asked her while trying to hold himself from looking so anxious. From my observations you are drooling over her like you will devour her at any given opportunity, Ella said.

And it's that a bad thing? He inquired. Ella was taken aback by her father's admission to her accusation, she thought that they will go back and forth before he will accept the truth. Not at all there is nothing bad about it at all, you are an adult and single, you have every right to choose any woman you like to be with you and the same thing goes for Mummy Laura she is single and in my own opinion I think she will be good for you, Ella told her father. Jerry released his breath that he is not aware that he held when he heard what his daughter said. Thank you Ella for understanding but am not rushing it, I want to understand what is I am feeling right now, and I want to be sure of my feelings before making any move cause I don't want at the end of the day will realise that it's just an infatuation, Jerry told his daughter. Ella nodded her head in understanding, "no problem take your time and do what you think is the right thing, is not like the two of you are running or something, Ella assured her father of her understanding.

Meanwhile, inside Sarah's car on their way home, their mother is still smiling to herself, she is not aware that her children are observing her cause she is in her world. Josh can't take it anymore and tapped his mother's shoulder to get her attention, Laura turned to look at her son still with a smile on her face. Jeez! Mum, you are so whipped, you just met him today but you are already acting this way, Josh scolded his mother while Sarah is trying her best to not laugh out loud cause she finds the whole thing funny. What do you mean by that? Laura asked her son while looking at him fiercely but Josh is not fazed one bit by her stare. Well, it's obvious that you find Ella's father attractive but for God's sake stop acting like a teenager who just asked out on a date by her crush, Josh said and rolled his eyes. Laura was shocked that Josh noticed and also wondering if Sarah noticed too.

Who told you that I am attracted to him and stop being overdramatic, Laura said trying to deny her son's accusation. Oh, Mum please don't try to deny the obvious, the two of you can't even hide it well that you are attracted to each other and if you are worried that we will oppose it if you two decide to start to date then here is my answer, you have my blessing and will always support any choice you make, Sarah told her mother. Laura heard her daughter clearly and she is happy that she is not opposed to it but what stood out clearly to her is that her daughter said that Jerry is attracted to her as well. Thank you so much, Sarah, I appreciate your open mind, she appreciates her daughter. And you moreover have my blessing, Josh said waiting for his mother to appreciate him as well but Laura purposely ignores him so that he will start with his rambling. Are you sure that he finds me attractive as well? She asked her daughter.

But before Sarah could answer the question thrown at her, Josh have already taken the floor. Of course, he found you attractive, which man in his right senses will not find you attractive, you are beautiful and sexy in and out, I would have dated you just that you are my mother and I am happy you gave birth to me, Josh said to his mother. Laura was so happy when she heard her son's words and she also know that he is looking for appreciation from her. Aww, my love, you are such a darling and thank you for wanting my happiness and also for complimenting me, She said to him. Josh smiled proudly cause he has achieved his aim. Am sure you will be able to sleep tonight since you have gotten what you want, Sarah said to Josh but he rolled his eyes in response and they all laughed at his antics. The car was filled with their laughter as they head home.