
Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Nine

George POV

Am glad that I consulted Ella on this issue cause she will help me greatly, My mother is itching to know what she will do to guarantee that the proposal goes smoothly. I need to meet with Sarah's mother and ask for her blessing and tell her about my plan to propose to her daughter. Yeah, am a young man with an old soul, I like doing things in what I call the proper way, Ella is yet to give me any feedback but the most important thing is that I have the ring with me and there is a location already. I dialled Sarah's mother's number and she picked up the call on the first ring, Hey George, to what do I owe this call? She asked me the moment she picked up the call.

Hey Mum, I want to have lunch with you today and discuss something important with you, I told her. That's lovely George, I will love that, you know this old woman need to feel what it feels like to be on a date, She responded. That's great and for the record, you are not old one bit, I said to her. Haha! Thanks, dear am flattered and why don't you come over to my shop, I will take you to this diner, they have great food and we can discuss whatever you want us to discuss without being interrupted by anyone, She suggested. Sure, we can do that, I will see you in a few hours, I told her before she ended the call. And that was what I was saying when Sarah walked in.

Hey babe, are you going out later? She asked me. Yeah, I will be having lunch outside, I informed her. Again? She asked looking sad. I hate that look on her face but I have no other choice but to continue with what am doing cause I want to surprise her. Come here love, I gestured for her to come and sit on my lap, she sat down looking at me with those sad eyes. Love, I don't want you looking sad, it doesn't suit you one bit and is sorry that am not around like before, I said to her. Can't I come with you to this lunch meeting, I promise you will not notice that I am there, I will be quiet, I just miss you so much, She said to me burying her head on my chest.

At that moment I want to bury myself inside her cause she looks so cute and I miss her as well, but I have to stick to what am doing now cause that is the only way to ensure that the proposal will be a successful one. Babe, I will love to go with you, but this is a huge contract and the client specifically asked for me only and also if you are there you will be a distraction for me, cause the whole time I will thinking of how to devour your lips, I said while I held her chin up and capture her lips. It didn't take long for her to reply to my kiss, my intention is to Peck her lips but it turned into a full make-out, both of us were panting hard when we break the kiss.

Babe, I want to have you here and now, I whispered in her ears. Then what stopping you? She asked me more like challenging me. Babe, I will love to have all of you but I have a meeting to attend, I will do this with you later, I said to her. She stood up and looked at me without saying any other word, she left my office. I know that she is pissed off but I also know that it will not be for long. I tidied up the remaining work and once it was lunchtime, I head out of my office to see Sarah's mother. Are you going out for lunch alone again? Aunty Rose asked me. Yes, I am and I will be back soon, I answered her. I did not tell Aunty Rose about my plan cause I mean it when I said that I want her to concentrate on her new family.

I don't know what is going on with you but if you need my help, don't hesitate to ask for it, she told me. Of course, Aunty, I will not hesitate, I assured her and hurried out of the company cause I don't want Sarah to come out and meet me there, cause I don't think I will be able to step an inch if I see those sad eyes. I drove to Sarah's mother's shop and she is already outside waiting for me, I wanted to come down from the car but she signal for me to stay put, that she will join me instead. She directed me to the diner, which is not very far from her shop. We sat down and the waiter approached us immediately to get our order, after we ordered and the waiter left to get what we ordered, Sarah's mother started talking.

You said that you have something important to discuss with me, am all ears, she said while staring at me. I gulped and am nervous, what if she thinks that am not good enough for her daughter, I mused. I came here because I want to ask for your blessing, I want to ask your daughter to marry me and I need your blessing to go ahead, I finished with my speech and looked at her but her face is emotionless, I can't even tell what is going on in her mind. Am glad that you decide to do the right thing, the cause is against her moving in with you when you don't have any intention to marry her, you are a good kid George and you have my blessing but the two of us know that the person that has the final say is my daughter, She said to me.

I feel like jumping up and shouting at the top of my voice cause right there I was afraid she will turn me down. Thank you so much Mum, I appreciate this and I promise to take good care of your daughter, I assured her. That's good to hear and I wish you luck in your proposal, she said to me. The lunch went well afterwards with her asking me how I want to propose to her and also giving me a few pointers to help me give Sarah a memorable proposal.