
Chapter Three Hundred and Forty One

George POV

Aunty Rose's wedding to Fred is fast approaching, we have been on our toes to make sure that everything is put in the right place. Sarah and Ella have been doing their best to give Aunty Rose the best wedding, but today I noticed something strange between Max and Ella. Max seems too quiet unlike his bubbling self and Ella always spaces out, most of the time staring at Max and the latter will try to avoid her gaze. And that is weird, something must have happened between them to warrant such behaviour. I walked to Sarah where she is seated talking with the decorator, Hey babe, can I talk to you? I requested from her. Sure, she answered and stood up.

We walked outside, away from others overhearing what we are saying. Okay, what do you want to talk about? She asked me. Do you notice the weird tension between Ella and Max? I asked her. Sorry, I did not notice anything, I was very busy with the decorator but Ella is quiet today unlike her usual self, Sarah answered and pointed out her little observation. Okay, you know what you need to do for me, observe her and Max you will see what am saying, then ask Ella what is wrong with her cause am going to do the same with Max, I told her. Sure, I will do that, cause they will do the same for us if we are to be in their shoes, Sarah assured me and walked back inside to carry out her words.

I approached Max and the dude is looking at her feet looking so lost, I tapped him and he jumped but calmed down when he saw that am the one that tapped him. Do you mind telling me what is going on? I asked him. It's nothing bro, I was lost in thoughts, thinking about this new project, He said but I can tell that he is lying. And do you think that I believe that crap you just said now? I asked him. Come on dude, am not lying to you, he said trying to smile but he is finding it difficult to do so. You are a hopeless liar, you can't even smile properly, so quit trying to lie and tell me what is going on, cause you and I know that there is no way a project will get you in a foul mood like this, I told him clearly stating that I don't buy his lies.

Max heaved a sigh and looked at me, I can see how tired his eyes are, probably he did not sleep last night. Okay, you got me there, it's not about any project, it's about Ella, he answered. What about Ella, wait don't tell me that you too break up, I said to him fearing the worst. He'll no, we did not break up, just that I don't know where I stand in her life, Max said and that got me confused. To me, I thought that the both of them are happy with each other and the love they had for each other is clear as the day. What do you mean? I don't understand, I asked him. Will you believe me if I tell you that since Ella and I started dating, she never told me that she loves me, Max spilt out. Okay, that right there is shocking, I can't believe it.

Well, do you try to ask her if she loves you? I asked him. Yeah, I did yesterday night and she couldn't give me an answer, Max answered. Now, I understand why he is so down, he must be hurting, I mean who wouldn't this is a lady you are in a relationship with for months and you love so much and she not reciprocating the feeling will hurt so bad. Man, I don't know what to say to you now, one thing I want to tell you is that I understand what it means to love someone and the person did not love you in return but I think you should not jump to a conclusion yet, maybe something is holding her back from telling you how she feels for you, I told him.

Am sure that Ella loves him cause her action and her facial expressions and body language says it all but it seems like something is holding her back, but the question is what could that be. Are you sure that could be the case? Max asked looking so hopeful. Yeah, I am sure of that, trust me on this, I assured him. Okay, I believe you, he said and looked around the room and I know that he is looking for Ella. I think she and Sarah stepped out a little while ago, I told him, answering his unasked question. Oh, you know since today I have not talked to her and I think she must be worried, Max said. There goes my whipped friend, don't worry am sure she understands why you are like that, I assured him.

Which reminds me, how is it going with your uncle? I have not heard you mention him for some time now, Max asked. Well, Claire called off the relationship when my uncle got Stephen beaten up and since then he has been laying low since Claire refused to get back with Victor, I narrated everything to him. Wait, do you say, Stephen? What has Stephen got to do with this? Max asked me. I looked at him like he has suddenly grown a horn on his head. Wait! Claire and Stephen? I did not see that coming, Max said smiling. Well, you can't tell our hearts what they want, it decides on its own and all we have to do is to follow it, I said to him. You are right, Max said nodding his head in agreement.

George, you should not relax, the fact that your uncle is quiet does not mean that he has given up already, Max advised. You don't need to tell me, I already know that and security is right around here, I don't want to be taken unawares, I told him. I know that my uncle laying low means that he is recuperating to strike back in full force.