
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve

Mrs Vincent POV

George called me and gave me the best news,I can't believe that Sarah can pull such successfully. I think I really undermined her capability, there is no doubt that she is the best woman for my son. I called Mr Davidson after my son called me.

Me : hello Mr Davidson, how is the family?

Mr Davidson : hello Mrs Vincent, what an unexpected call and I guess you are calling because what we discussed last time we met.

Me : yes,you are right that's why am calling you.

Mr Davidson : why don't we go somewhere or you can come over to my mansion so that we can start with preparation.

Me : I don't think that will be necessary cause I have talk with my son and he told me what his mind is and that's what am going to do.

Mr Davidson : and what could that be?

Me : he said that he don't have any interest to marry your daughter, that he want marriage filled with love not marriage of convinence.

Mr Davidson : I think you did not explained to your son what you get to lose if he reject this proposal, cause am sure that he will not like his mother to go back to the past..

Me : he is aware of all that but he chose his happiness and I also chose his happiness and I will appreciate it if you will respect our decision.

I cut the call after I said all that I need him to hear and am not in the mood to listen to his threat. I called Rose to know if Sarah is still in the company so that I can come and see her and thank her properly for what she did for me. Rose informed me that she is in the company, I thanked her for the information and start preparing myself fto go and meet her. I arrived at the company and walked straight to her office and knocked door she ask me to come in. 

I entered her office and she was surprise to see me here,Hey Mum what a pleasant surprise, she said while smiling genuinely. I was so happy to hear her call me Mum although this is not the first time she called me Mum but any time she calls me Mum it gladden my heart. Am here to take you out,what do you say? I asked smiling widely. That will not be any problem but I have to ask my boss first,to know if he still need me,Sarah said. Okay I will be waiting for you I assured her.

She returned and tell me that her boss permitted her,of course my son will permit her so long am the one asking. We walked to the nearest park around my son's company,I decided to to walk to the park so that we will have much time to talk while I enjoy her company the more. I started thanking her for what she did for me, Thank you so much Sarah for what you did today, it means a lot to me I said to her. It's nothing much Mum and there is no need for you to come all the way to thank me,She said.  Come off it Sarah what do you mean by it's nothing, it is something in fact it is my life,you just save my life,I told her.

She looked at me with surprise clearly written all over her face. Your life? How? She asked. You see that company is my husband and my sweat and if I lose it I don't know what will become of me,I told her. Wow I don't know that the shares is that important, she stated. Of course it's very important cause if I don't have this shares to support me for this upcoming tussle I will be doomed,I told her. Her eyes widened when she heard what I just say,am glad that I accept to help out she said. I took her to the park there I asked her what she will like for me to do for her,in order to show her my appreciation.

But she turned down my offer,this girl is making me to love her the more and I can't wait for her to be my daughter in-law, if only my son will gather enough balks and confess to her or whatever is his reason for stalling. We really spent quality time in the park and have a lot of fun. When it's time for us to part we arrived at the company, I was expecting her to walk to her car but she walk to the bus terminal to wait for public transport. What! That can't be possible, there is no way my future daughter in-law will be commuting public transport. I will have to mention it to my son and I think that will be the best appreciation to her.

Mr Davidson POV

I can't believe that George Vincent turned down my proposal and his mother is unable to convince his son to accept my proposal. I can't believe the incompetence of that woman,I thought she know what business is all about,I offered Davidson's empire on a platter of gold to him but he turned it down. I really want to hurt someone right now, Mrs Vincent made a fool out of me,I really tried to be friends with her but she just made me her enemy.

I was pacing around my study when my daughter barged in,I wanted to lash out at the person that barged in but when I saw that the person is my precious daughter, I calmed down immediately. My daughter looked at me with concern when she saw how angry I am right now. Dad what's Wong? You look so angry she asked. I decided to tell her what is going on,Mrs Vincent called me and she told me that her son rejected my proposal and his reason for his rejection is that........ He want to marry for love not for business, my daughter interrupted me. How do you know that will be his reason? I asked her.

Because that is the same reason he gave me as well when I approached him, my daughter answered. But Dad I thought that you said that you have everything under control? Claire asked me. Yes that's what I thought but they are ready to lose everything for the so called happiness of theirs I told her. Am sure is because of that girl,Claire said frowning. That really got my interest, Which girl are you talking about? I asked her cause am wondering which girl will be better option than my daughter. Well I don't know for sure but I think George is in love with his personal assistant and I think that is the love and happiness they are referring to Claire said.

Personal assistant over my own daughter, is this some joke or what? What did he tend to gain from this assistant and who the hell is she? So this assistant of his,who is she? Which family is she from? I asked Claire. She is nobody Dad,I checked her background and she is from nowhere Claire answered. I can't believe what am hearing this people are jokers. Claire I want you to focus on George as I instructed you before cause I don't want any other man for you except him and I will pull the strings that I need to pull which will make Mrs Vincent and George to come back to their senses.

Dad leave that for me,I already have plans for George, you just have to focus on making your own plan to be successful, Claire said smiling proudly. I don't know what plan she have or what is going on in that head of hers but am confident that whatever it is will be amazing. Okay if you say so I will work on my own plan and it will be successful this time,I assured her. I don't want to associate myself with the president of Vincent company that's why I supported Mrs Vincent in the first place but the situation on ground is pushing me to do otherwise.

My daughter left my study,I sat down contemplating whether to call the president or meet him in person. That guy is the last person I want to talk to,maybe I should give Mrs Vincent some time to think through her decision but on the other side if I support the other side and they kick her out of the company. She and her son will have no other choice but to join me and I don't need any other person to take over my companybut George cause that boy is more than capable. At the end I decided to meet with the president to tell him of my intention to support him with my shares cause I know he still want that position he is just looking for opportunity.