
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Three

Ella POV

Since Max introduced himself to my father as my suitor, my father have been constantly calling me, asking me to invite Max over to our place. Max on his own side have been a good friend, the guy is not that bad just that am not convinced yet about him been faithful in a relationship. Am in Sarah room going through some files, yes am still at Sarah place cause I don't have the strength to face my father every now and then, cause am sure he will do everything in his power to annoy me at any chance he will get.

My phone started ringing, I looked at the caller ID and it turns out my father is the one calling. I don't want to pick the call but I know if I don't pick the call, he will not stop calling to the extend of calling Sarah to give me her phone, I don't want all that drama. So I okayed the call. Hello Dad, I greeted him. Hello my dear daughter, how are you doing? He asked as if he cares about how am doing. Am great Dad, I replied waiting for him to state the reason why he called.

I know you must be wondering why I called, don't worry am not about to call you and ask you to come home with your suitor rather I want to invite the both of you to this party am hosting this weekend, My father stated. Party? I wonder what this man have up his sleeve that he is now hosting a party. I know he is desperate to clear his name after I did not turn up on my supposed wedding day and I think he already have a story prepared he will tell people the moment Max and I will walk into that party.

But I don't want to give him that satisfaction, I don't want to be introduced with Max to the public yet until am sure of what my feelings are for him. Dad I don't think that will be possible, you see Sarah, myself,Max and Sarah boyfriend have a double date schedule this weekend so it will not be possible for us to come, I told him. That's not a problem at all, all you have to do is cancel that date and come to the party instead, My Dad said. Am about to counter what he said and stop whatever idea he have in mind, when he started talking again.

You can come with Sarah and her so called boyfriend but make sure to remind her and her boyfriend to find something nice to wear for the party cause this party is meant for our class only and am sure that Sarah is dating someone in her class, My father stated. Thank God Sarah is not here to hear what my father uttered cause am sure I will be beyond embarrassed. This is one of the reason I don't want to be identified with my father cause he always look down on people, if you are not in his class he have no word for you.

Because of my father insinuating that Sarah is a nobody I will go to that party with Sarah and George of course. I can't wait to see the look on my father face when I will introduce George Vincent as Sarah boyfriend. I accepted his invitation and my father was boasting how he will make sure that the party will be the best party ever host in history, I ended the call cause I don't want to hear him talk once more am sure my ear will burst. If there is one thing my father is good at, that will be hosting parties to please his elite community or to show off his wealth or his latest collection.

At that moment after I ended the call, Sarah walked into her room. You are working from home? She asked looking at the files on the bed. No today is my day off, so I decided to bring these files home and sort it out, I replied. Sarah smiled at me and laid down on the bed without saying any other word. I must say since Sarah started dating George she have been smiling a lot and she is also glowing. I guess that only happen to people that are in love, well I don't really know cause I have not really been in love before cause I can't call my past relationship as been in love.

Sarah my father invited us to this party he is hosting on Saturday, I informed her. Sarah sat up when she heard what I said. What do you mean by us? Sarah asked showing the confusion and shock on her face, I can't blame her cause my father have made it clear from the beginning of our friendship that he don't like Sarah and I being friends because of Sarah poor background. Yeah you heard me right, when I said us I mean Max, George, you and myself, I explained to her. I understand the part of Max and myself coming to the party but why is George included in it? Sarah asked giving me that"I know something is not right look". 

You dummy! How do you expect to go to a party during the weekend without going with George and am sure that George already prepare to go out on a date with you, I scolded her which she blush deeply at what I said. Okay I get your point but why will your father invite me to a party that he is hosting?  Cause the last time I checked the man hate the mention of my name to talk more of inviting me to his party, Sarah stated. Sarah can we not talk about my father now and allow me to finish with what am doing, then we can talk about the reason why my father invited you to his party after am done sorting this files, I told her. Her phone started ringing and interrupt whatever it is she want to say, I silently thank whoever that caller is cause am not ready to talk about that with her now.