
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty One

Rose POV

I was in my office when I got the Intel that Anna have located Paul and she is on her way to meet him. I don't know why she want to meet him and what she intend to gain from their meeting but one thing is certain nothing good is going to come out if it. I already informed George of what is going on cause I want him to be cautious of his surrounding and people around him cause we don't know what that evil woman have up her sleeve. I dispatched my most trusted men to follow Anna to wherever it is they are going and they should not let them out of their sight no matter what.

My men followed Anna and Evans to Norway where Paul is currently staying. They have been informing Anna and Evans activities so far since they arrived at the city. They seemed to be monitoring Paul activities that's the report I have been getting so far. I was still thinking about what exactly Anna tend to achieve when my private line that only those am working with on security issue have access to started ringing. I picked the call immediately maybe something new happen today. Hello what's the situation report? I asked immediately.

Boss Anna and Evans took Paul, Collins one of my security men reported. What are you waiting for? A special invitation? Follow them! And keep the line open don't end the call, I ordered them almost shouting. Anna is really pushing it this time around I wonder how far she will go to achieve her purpose. Boss they arrived at a junkyard, Collins reported. I hummed in response. Boss she pulled a gun and pointed at him, Collins reported sounding alarmed. Gun! Anna have a gun this is serious, what kind of demon is she?

Why don't you guys go closer to them and make sure that she will not kill that man, I requested from them. Am sorry boss but we can't move from where we are now cause any movement we will make she will notice our presence, this place is too open, they responded. Anna is really something else this got to show that we should be really careful with her. Can you guys get a good shot from where you are stationed? I asked them cause I don't want anything to happen to that innocent man. Yes boss we can get a clean shot from here, he responded.

That's good make sure that she will not get the first shot, I instructed them. Sure we will, they responded. Twenty minutes later the reported that Anna and Evans are done with the guy with no scratch left on him but they left him behind. Give him a ride back home and as well try to know what Anna want from him, I instructed them and end the call without waiting for them to respond. I needed to put a tight security around Sarah and George but I will still need to meet Melvin cause it's obvious that the man is not aware of what is going on.

My security team called me and informed me what they got from Paul, I can't believe that this lady took a flight all the way to Norway because she want to know if she was double crossed. So she can betray someone but she don't want to be betrayed, so been betrayed really hurt her. Serves her right let her feel a little bit of what George felt when she betrayed him. So long am alive I will make sure that no harm will come to George nor Sarah.

I called George to update him on what is going on, I dialed his number which he did not pick guess he is not around his phone. Five minutes later George called me back. Hello Aunty Rose I saw your missed call, he said the moment I picked the call. Yes dear I called because I want to update you about Anna recent move, I told him. Okay go ahead am all ears, he said. So Anna met with Paul today and she is asking about that design Sarah gave to Evans and I think she will like to take revenge on you, so be careful, I informed him.

George heaved a sigh, Aunty I can't believe that I once dated that woman and to think that she want to have her revenge whereas she is the one that betrayed me, all I did is to be smart this time around, so she can't take what she dish out to people, George said. George don't blame yourself for dating that woman, it's now in the past stop beating yourself up focus on the beautiful thing you have going on with Sarah, I advised him. Thank you so much aunty I will keep that in mind, he thanked me. I can imagine him smiling now cause Sarah was mentioned.

Before I forget George, Anna is armed with a gun, I informed him. What?! She is really crazy, what's with the gun? George asked. That I don't know but I will advice that you should be careful if you come across her and also inform Sarah too, I told him. I know he will not like to get Sarah involve in this but we have no choice cause considering the fact that Anna is now armed, everyone should be careful cause you never can tell what will happen next.

Aunty I don't want to get Sarah involve or give her reason to be worried, George stated as I expected. We don't have any other choice Sarah need to know so that she will always be careful in case she come in contact with Anna, I explained to him. Okay aunty if you say so I will inform her, he responded. I ended the call cause I still need to meet with Melvin and know more about his wife mental state.