
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Five

Third Person POV

Steve Victor father is so determined to find the reason why Mr Davidson suddenly want to side with him cause something inside him kept on telling him that whatever the reason is, it will benefit him greatly. Steve already sent people to look for his son but they all always come back with negative result. I wonder where that brat is hiding, the hole he crawl into but wherever you are be rest assured that I will find you no matter what and when I finally find you, you will surely regret ever knowing me, Steve muttered.

Sir we did not find him there, one of his men reported to him. Steve gritted his teeth cause this particular report seem now to be a norm around here. What about the lady that I asked you to investigate for me? Steve asked. Yes Sir am done with the investigation and here are my finding, Steve spy said handing the brown envelope he is holding to him. Steve took the envelope and dismissed the guy, after the guy left Steve opened the envelope inside it are well detailed information about Sarah Croft and there are pictures backing it. Steve wanted to strangle someone right now especially his idiotic son.

From the beginning his sister in-law is ahead of him and Mr Davidson. Why won't she be ahead of them when she have a genius as a son and who is also supporting his mother. His sister in-law really outsmart him this time around and it's all thanks to his son who decided to sell his shares without informing him and also sold his shares without investigating the person he planned to sell his shares to. All along Sarah Croft is George girlfriend and personal assistant, I know from the moment I lay my eyes on that lady there is something shady about her.

Steve called one of his numerous private investigators that he assigned to find out the reason why Mr Davidson turned his back on his sister in-law to know if he have any update for him. He dialed the P.I number which the latter picked at the second ring. Do you have anything for me yet? He asked immediately the guy picked the call. Not really what I have here is not much and they are mostly empty, the P.I answered. Steve hit the table very hard to the extent that the person on the other line flinched.

Why everything seem to be working against me, I have try to be better to the best of my knowledge but nothing seem to be working, Steve muttered. Steve are you talking to me? The P.I asked. No am not talking to you, why don't you send the vague information you have to me let me see if I can make something out of it, Steve requested from the P.I. Sure I will send it to you and take it easy man, The P.I advised. Steve want to snap at the person on the other line and ask him to face the business that fetch him money and stop meddling in his business but decided to keep quiet and get the information he want from him first.