
Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Seven

George POV

Aunty Rose called and informed me that meeting Anna will not be possible tomorrow, since I will not be able to meet with Anna tomorrow I have to go with my original plan for tomorrow which is to take Sarah out on a date tomorrow. I know it's not safe but I trust Aunty Rose team and my team, but I need to ask Sarah first to know whether she is free tomorrow. I want to be spicing up our relationship from time to time, I wanted to take her to Los Angeles for exclusive sightseeing and a lot of places to have fun but the situation right now will not permit it.

I called Sarah and she picked the call, Hey babe are asleep yet? I asked. No am not but am about to, she answered but her voice sound so weak. What's wrong did anything happened that made you sound so weak? I asked her cause am really worried. Nothing much just Ella, I put her to bed some minutes ago cause she have been crying since we came back this whole thing that happened today must be really hard on her, Sarah explained. Am relieved that nothing is wrong with her but at the same time worried about her best friend, Ella is such a sweet soul and she don't deserve that  kind of father.

What exactly happened? I asked Sarah cause I suspected that something more than the announcement happened tonight. She told me that she disowned her father and the man did not bat an eye or try to stop her, she is really devastated cause at the end her just proved to her that he don't care, Sarah explained and I can detect the anger in her voice. I don't know that such father exist in this time, I think I need to call Max maybe together we can visit Ella father and talk some sense into him before he lose his only child because of his quest for expanding his empire.

So how is she going to cope now that she disowned her father? I mean financially, I asked cause am afraid that her impromptu decision will affect her. About that Ella can handle herself perfectly well in that regard, she already set herself up financially with the money her mother left for her, all that she want from her father is love and care but it seems that those words are not in her father dictionary, Sarah explained. Okay that's a relief then and am thinking about telling Max about this recent development, what do you think? I asked her cause I need her opinion or what am about to do cause she know Ella more than me.

I think that will be okay, no harm will be caused, cause am suspecting that Ella already have a soft spot for Max, so she will accept any help you two offers, Sarah said. Okay but how can you tell that she already have a soft spot for Max? I asked her. She is my best friend remember? I know her more than anyone even her father, if she did not have a soft spot for Max she will not listen to him after the announcement, she will walk out on him when he was talking to her but she listened to him that's means she know what he is capable of and she is willing to trust him, Sarah explained.

I think that's a good news for Max right? That he means he really need to step in and offer to help her that way Ella will gradually be letting her guards down without knowing that she is doing so. That's good then it means that my best friend efforts are not in vain, I mentioned. Yes they are not in vain, so tell me love have you eaten yet? Sarah asked. I wanted to tease her that I have not eaten but when I remembered how mad she is whenever I skip any meal, I changed my mind. Yes babe I have eaten and you? I asked. Same here, she replied.

I don't know if it's the right time to bring up my main reason for calling her considering that she is taking care of her best friend emotions, I decided to ask her anyways and see what her response will be. Babe actually I called because I want to ask you out on a date tomorrow but it's alright if you will not be able to make it tomorrow, I totally understand that you need to take care of Ella, I told her. Awww you are so sweet love, you deserve a lot of kisses, thank you for understanding but I have to see how Ella is tomorrow then I will give you a feedback, maybe if she is okay tomorrow we can have evening date, Sarah proposed. Okay babe I will be waiting for your reply then, I have to go now cause I need to sleep am really tired, I told her while yawning indicating how tired I am.

Wish am there to massage you and also help you with your weariness, Sarah said. I know she is teasing me. I will advice that you don't start what you can't finish young lady, I told her. She laughed, I really love hearing her laughing is like a music to my ears. Goodnight love have a good night rest and dream about me okay, I love you so much, I wished her good night. I love you too babe, goodnight and dream about me too, she replied. I ended the call and dialed Max number.

Max picked his calk but from his voice you can tell he was sleeping when I called. I apologized for disturbing his sleep to which he wave it off as usual. I told him what Sarah told me happened today. What do you think I should do? He asked. You mean we should do? I asked him then continue talking, Bro your problem is my problem and am suggesting that we meet Jerry Williams and talk some senses into that man skull, I told him. Do you think that will work? Max asked. I don't know but we have to try than doing nothing at all, I told him. We agreed to meet Ella's father on Monday and see how it goes.