
Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty-three

Sarah POV

I have been here three nights and there is no sign that I will be rescued, I don't want George to lose his company because of me and the worst part is that Anna might kill me after getting what she wants. I don't know how she intends to get the child from me cause am not yet in labour and tomorrow is the deadline she gave to George. They have been treating me well here, it is not like most kidnapping stories that I have heard, here everything I want is being given to me. Apart from Anna's annoying presence, I don't have any other issue, speaking of Anna the devil always makes sure to visit me every day and reminds me that nobody is coming to save me and that I should stop hoping for a saviour. I don't want to think much about what she is saying but as the day goes by, it starts to seem like what she is saying is true.

I was at the window looking outside, darkness has already descended but I sat down at the window and continue staring at nothing in particular. I noticed movement on the fence, I thought I was hallucinating but it turns out that am not hallucinating, for there is a man on the fence. I squint my eyes to take a closer look cause the light on the wall of the fence made him a little visible. I saw him, he is one of the men that Rose tasked to guard me, if he is here that means that they have found me. Oh my god! They have found me, I can't believe this, I know that they will not rest until they found me. I wanted to wave at him to tell him that I recognised him but I heard the door handle turning, I quickly close the window curtain and stare at the door to see who is about to enter.

Anna walked in with that stupid smile on her face, I just want to slap her real hard. I gave her a bored look cause am that she is here to annoy me. You don't look happy to see me, well that is not important now, am wondering why are you not in labour yet? I thought you are in the ninth month. She asked me, but I did not bother to answer her. I know that you are not going to answer me, but I need you to go into labour tomorrow latest cause it's important, she said. Listen psycho, if you are a woman at all, you will be able to know that I can't put me in labour, it comes naturally and my pregnancy has no business with you, I said to her glaring at her, but she did not act like she is affected.

I know that it comes naturally but things that can be done to push for early labour and your pregnancy is my concern cause that baby will be mine after you will give birth to him or her, Anna said giving me that creepy smile. My blood is boiling at this point, I am trying so hard not to burst out cause it's not good for my situation. You dare not touch my child 'cause my baby will not be raised by a psycho like you, I said to her in a low cold voice. Anna wanted to say something but was stopped by the door opening and Steve walked in. What are you doing here? He asked her. Oh, nothing, am about to leave just came in to check on her, Anna answered and walked to the door and left. Steve did not spare me a glance and left too, I hope George Will be able to rescue me before this devil will carry out what's on her mind.