
Chapter Fifty-Two

George POV

We arrived at Livermore valley wine country,we were welcomed by the doorman. There is a waiter waiting for us at the table the doorman directed us to.

Please be seated so that we can start the wine tasting here is the list of wines we have at our disposal the waiter said while handing the menu to us.

Wait here they said that we can tour the vineyard Sarah said more like asking the waiter to confirm what she read. Yes that's true the waiter replied. Sarah turned to me please can we tour the vineyard first then we can taste the wine later she pleaded with those lovely eyes of hers and how can I say no to that lovely eyes though am dying to start the wine tasting.

Sure we can tour the vineyard I don't have any problem with that I assured her. We toured the vineyard and what we saw there is so amazing the people that handles here know what they are doing. Am glad that I brought Sarah here and she is obviously enjoying herself.

We returned to the table the waiter approached us again asking if we want to visit the wine cellars so that we can chose the wine that we want to taste. We reached there Sarah picked all varieties of white wine that she can lay her hands on, I noticed that she love white wine but since we are here to taste wine I intend to make her taste some good red wine. I picked  the wine that I want to taste and we returned to the table.

We sat down and wait for the waiter to start serving us, while we are waiting for the waiter I decided to ask Sarah questions about herself like what her growing up is like cause I really want to know her story. 

So Sarah tell me what is growing up like to you I asked her. She raised her brow looked at me but decided not to ask me why am asking such personal question but decided to answer me instead.

Growing up is not really a good memory to me,my mother,brother and I really suffered. My mother was doing everything in her power to take care of us while my father is alive and healthy, just that the man decided not to take care of us. I don't see him as my father I see him as my mother's sperm donor,when he died my brother and I did not felt his death because he have no impact on us.

So all my life I have been looking for father love all my life, that's why when Evans showed me little care and attention I fell for him and you and I know how that turned out. Growing up is a nightmare to me but my mother, brother and best friend make it worth living she finished her story with tears in her eyes.

I shouldn't have ask her about her past if I know that it will be this painful for her and I don't know how to cheer her up luckily the waiter saved me from that awkward situation that I am in.