

Julia Davis, a very beautiful,smart, hardworking 24year young lady finds herself working in a noble business institution as an interpreter under her strict boss Kerry Harrison ,whose seen as a workaholic and a "no joke, no distractions" when it comes to business. Although she dislikes his whole being and personality including the way he treats women, she makes sure everything she does goes into accordance with his instructions, especially business matters. She works in accordance with his rules because to hell she needs this job to take care of her mother and young sister, her worlds. She knows her boss very well and doesn't want to mix personal feelings with work. Nervousness kicks in when she has to work even closer to her strict boss as his personal assistant for six months. Kerry Harrison, the 27year youngest owner of Harrison &Sons Corp . He's known to be cold, a workaholic business man who doesn't mix personal feelings with work. Being the youngest and only son to his parents,he had no other options than to inherit everything his father left, upon a long time separation with his mother. Although he's main objective was to become a doctor owning his personal hospital facility and not to become the next of kin to his father's company. His dreams was shattered right after college when he had to save his father's company from collapsing and going bankrupt. Now, the raising of his father's property is entrusted to him and that explains his personality. Although he does not do relationships but he adores women who possess good work ethics most importantly when they're very hard-working towards their job. He easily discards anyone who tries to pull him back when he's progressing. Now, there's Julia to whom he made his personal assistant for six months. Will she be able to meet his criteria, standards and love codes? Will he be able to tolerate her? Will she ever get used to him ,let alone get attracted to him? **** Let's dive into their world

MartFord21 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter Nine

Julia's POV 🍎

"What's wrong with you huh?! . There's definitely something wrong with you",Juan said angrily.

"Ah! ,Juan I just told you why I don't like him".

"And I'm telling you it's not making any sense don't you get it?. It's unreasonable,ugh! I'm tired of talking please, goodnight",she said as she got up pissed with her marshmallows in hand heading straight upstairs. I just sat down and watched her in bewilderment, confused of her actions not understanding her at all.

"Ah! I don't get this girl... why's she making a big deal out of this?."How am I not making any sense... I'm just giving someone a helping hand and you're pissed..SMH! Whatever!", I said to myself and sighed.


Harrison's POV

In my office...11:30am

I was talking to Ann over the phone when I heard a knock at the door.

"Uh excuse me Ann". "Come in", I said to the person at the door and continued my conversation with Ann over the phone.

The door opened to reveal Julie. I raised a finger at her as a sign to spare me a minute since I was on a call.

"What, you're busy", I asked Ann.

"Yes",she responded.

"Right, I guess I'll see you some time this week".

"Oh, did you want to see me?",she asked.

"Yes, I wanted to see you today but it's fine, alright take care", I said hanging up.

After the call, my eyes darted to Julia with the documents in her hand as she approached me.

"Uh so sorry about that".

"No it's fine sir",she said handing over the documents to me.

"Hope everything's in their right order ,any clarifications?

"There's none sir, everything's in its correct order",she said with her hands behind her.

"Right, you can leave", I said dismissing her as I took a look at the documents.


At my house...8:30pm

A knock came at the door . Heading towards it, I checked and opened to find Ann at the door with a tote bag in hand. I then gestured  her to enter. Seriously I wasn't expecting her to be here and at this time so to say I'm surprised.

"You do look surprised, don't you?",she said eyeing me.

"I wasn't expecting you", I said which  made her face fall in disappointment.

"I just wanted to see you",she said as she entered.

"Oh really", I said looking at the tote bag in her hand wondering what was in it.

"Oh I brought you some chicken light soup."I decided to bring this because I couldn't make it to lunch so I said let's have this for dinner",she said.

"Oh nice,you know what?. "Let's make justice to that soup. "Let me have it", I said as she handed the tote bag contain a bowl of soup over to me. I turned  heading towards the kitchen to warm it up.

"Can I come with you", I heard Ann behind on my way to the kitchen.

"Yeah ,sure", I told her and in a blink on an eye she followed.


Julia's POV 🍎

Harrison's premises.....7:20am

Mr Harrison isn't feeling well today so I decided to work in his house not forgetting to bring my laptop and other documents with me to his house.

I made sure to cook something healthy for him and made sure he took his medications. I  was alarmed when I didn't hear any response coming from him when I knocked on his door this morning and when Mr Persus called to inform me about Mr Harrison's health condition,not that it was that serious but he caught a fever and was puking his guts out .

His temperature was seriously higher when I arrived at his house this morning and now it's relatively better now.

Thank God, I still need my job and money!

Making a glass of cool pomegranate juice with some other fresh citrus fruits to help him heal faster.

Knocking on the second time on his door with the tray in hand, I heard a faint "come in" from him.

I opened and entered setting the tray on his nightstand. My eyes setting on his sleeping form as the duvet covered the upper part of his body.

"Uh sir, I brought you some juice", I said drawing his attention. He opened his eyes ,sighed and sat upright revealing his only bare chest and I tried my best not to look at his sculptured body and strong arms.

He took a sip of the pomegranate juice and laid his head back on the headboard.

I stood close to his bed watching his reactions and feeling sorry for his breakdown. I've never seen my boss in this state ever. The fever was putting a toll on him.

"Are you feeling ok sir?", I asked wanting to be sure of his condition. I don't know what came over me but I had the confidence to lay the back of my palm against his forehead checking his body temperature. I felt his gaze on me the whole time and I began to feel nervous of my actions.

I was relieved to see that his temperature was ok now.

"Were you able to send the email to Mr Josh concerning our project?", He asked with his captivating gaze on me.

"Yes boss I did, except that I'm still working on filling the rest of the documents. "Since you are alright now, I gotta go finish that and prepare your lunch sir", I said to him as he nodded.

I was about to turn when he grabbed my hand stopping me. Confused as to why with my eyes widening I stared down at him.


"Julie, I want to say thank you.., for everything",he said looking into my eyes sincerely.

"Uh.. thank you..um I mean nevermind sir, I'm just doing my job", I said nodding my head my eyes settling on his hand on mine. As if noticing it too, he took his hand off rubbing his chin and averting his gaze anywhere else but me.

"Ok I'll go sir, please don't hesitate to call me if you need anything", I said leaving but I could feel his gaze on me.


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