

Julia Davis, a very beautiful,smart, hardworking 24year young lady finds herself working in a noble business institution as an interpreter under her strict boss Kerry Harrison ,whose seen as a workaholic and a "no joke, no distractions" when it comes to business. Although she dislikes his whole being and personality including the way he treats women, she makes sure everything she does goes into accordance with his instructions, especially business matters. She works in accordance with his rules because to hell she needs this job to take care of her mother and young sister, her worlds. She knows her boss very well and doesn't want to mix personal feelings with work. Nervousness kicks in when she has to work even closer to her strict boss as his personal assistant for six months. Kerry Harrison, the 27year youngest owner of Harrison &Sons Corp . He's known to be cold, a workaholic business man who doesn't mix personal feelings with work. Being the youngest and only son to his parents,he had no other options than to inherit everything his father left, upon a long time separation with his mother. Although he's main objective was to become a doctor owning his personal hospital facility and not to become the next of kin to his father's company. His dreams was shattered right after college when he had to save his father's company from collapsing and going bankrupt. Now, the raising of his father's property is entrusted to him and that explains his personality. Although he does not do relationships but he adores women who possess good work ethics most importantly when they're very hard-working towards their job. He easily discards anyone who tries to pull him back when he's progressing. Now, there's Julia to whom he made his personal assistant for six months. Will she be able to meet his criteria, standards and love codes? Will he be able to tolerate her? Will she ever get used to him ,let alone get attracted to him? **** Let's dive into their world

MartFord21 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

Julie's POV

At home...8:50pm

It was a weekend, all rainy and cold outside that I felt like climbing under the sheets and sleep comfortably not wanting to ever get out of bed but it's a weekend and there were some chores to take care of before anything else comes. Juan and I, we usually do the cleaning and washing on Saturdays and after cooking sumptuous meals for the week. Juan helps make all these dishes because I couldn't count on her. She might burn the house so we both help prepare for what we'll eat for the week when I'm off to work . Juan sucks at cooking and I just wonder when she'll learn to do that without getting herself and even the house burnt into ashes, not that she had burnt a house before but it's possibility. On the other hand, Juan's a good fashion designer, she's been the one to design and create all my outfits whether to work or church.

After a little game competition with her in the afternoon, the evenings came and we had dinner. Now, we're at the parlor watching "Kissing booth" the movie on Netflix sipping on hot chocolate because we needed it since the weather suddenly turned colder than before but it wasn't winter, how strange!. My mind kept replaying from the moment where Ann bashed out at me concerning my boss. I began to realize I didn't know him at all like I thought I did.

Hope I didn't do anything wrong to upset her, right?.

"Are you concentrating on washing TV or your mind is elsewhere?."What are you thinking about?",Juan asked.

"Hmm.. it's Ann, hope I didn't say anything wrong to her because she looked really upset and disgusted about me". "I can't get it out of my mind".

"Ah!, It's a lie",Juan said not believing what I told her about Ann's behavior the other time. I couldn't get what she said to me and the looks of disgusts she threw my way.

"Juan , I'm shocked",I told her

"Really?,same Ann, are you serious?. "I told you , now it has happened". "It has happened. "You see?. "You see what I warned you about?",Juan said looking at me.

"Juan I'm just realizing I never knew my boss".

"But I told you, didn't I?",she asked.

"You told me what?".

"I told you,you didn't know him at all", Juan said shaking her head.

"Juan can you stop being dramatic!,at least not now",I said frustratedly.

"Really?". "I should stop being dramatic, not now?. "Now it has happened,it has happened",she repeatedly said like I was to be blamed.

"Look, I admit it , it's alright. "It's ok, it's ok I admit",I kept on saying more or less to myself than her.

"Julie I don't understand you at all",she said and sighed.

"Ok, now do you like him?". "Are your eyes clearer now?"."Can you see now?",she continued to asked while I glared hard at her.

What the hell is she talking about? That's nonsense she's asking!",my subconscious mind tells of which I agreed.

"Why are you looking at me like that?",Juan asked averted her gaze from me and sipped on her hot chocolate. It was cold and the rains hasn't stopped since sunrise.

"Are you crazy?". "Are you crazy Juan?',I said as Juan scrutinized her eyes at me and dramatically searching in my eyes trying to find the kind of expression I am showing or whatever.

"Hmmm... that's not what I'm seeing in your eyes",she said still trying to find something to say about how I was feeling of which she managed to do. I swear, my sister right here can read me like a book while I can't read a thing about her. "I feel jealous about that.

"I'm seeing something else",she said still dramatically searching in my eyes as if she can find something unusual.

"Juan what are you seeing",I asked through gritted teeth annoyed as to why she had to make matters worse.

"I'm seeing the eyes of regret that had I known Harrison was a catch?",she said.

"You know what?, You're just a fool!",I said already pissed not at her but at myself for starting all of this. I stood up and headed upstairs.

"Keep going upstairs!! I'm telling you!",Juan shouted behind.

On my way, I heard her shouting behind that I lost him but I ignored her ,went into my room and flopped myself down on my bed not wanting to ever get away from it .

The following week....

My boss visited my home again and I was again surprised to find him waiting to see me at the parlor. I knew I was trying to avoid him and he must have sense it from the looks of confusion he gives me.

"Oh here she is, Mr Harrison, are you sure you aren't going to sit? At least get to have a feel our couch, it's really comfortable",Juan said being all clingy and touchy on him.

"Um,what brings you here sir. "Is anything the matter?",I asked him but looking anywhere else but him. At a point, I felt him taking in my appearance ,his eyes glued to me.

"I'm here to see you Julie",he said.

"You know it's good to see you again Mr Harrison". "Would you like something to drink,alcohol ,oops sorry! I know you don't drink alcohol, you like something like a cocktail, juice because that's what we have, hahaha...",Juan interrupted with her ranting whiles she knew I was glaring at her from my side.

"Please Juan would you give me a moment to talk to my boss?",I said firing her away smoothly.

"Oh that!. " Please do talk while I go to the kitchen to prepare the chicken", she said winking at both of us and left.

"Your sister's an entertainer indeed",Mr Harrison said after I laughed that off as if that could shrink away my nervousness whenever I'm around him.

But it absolutely worsened it.

"Um, please let's have a seat sir",I suggested.

"Oh no thank you, but I've got somewhere important to attend right from here, I won't keep long". "I just came to check how you're faring and all that". "You've been acting different off- late and it's really having an impact on me as your boss". "You're doing great at your job but I can't stand to see you unhappy all day and this keeps repeating". "So, please, if there's something you want me to change at work or whether it's because of the workload or something, at least, I can fix someone at the interpreting department to take over, reduce part of your workload to make you feel-...",he said but I caught him off telling him I'm ok,

"Are you sure?", He asked again worriedly but I gave him a little smile of assurance.

"Well I gotta go". "See you at the office tomorrow",He said.

"Ok sir",I said . He was about to turn , open the door and leave when Juan came rushing vinto his arms.

"It was nice meeting youuu Mr Harrison",she said hugging him tightly making me cringe and embarrassed.

"Me too , I got to go now", he said smiling at her as they broke apart.

" Yeah sure, I'll see you again", she said as he waved goodbye then I followed and shut the door behind him closed with Juan still on my tail, behind me still wanting to get a glimpse of Mr Harrison's retreating figure.

"Enough! "What was that about?", I asked her in my embarrassed state.

"What did I do this time",Juan threw back rolling her eyes at me.

"You are so shameless sis",I said harshly.

"Thank you, At least, I'm shameless in peace not in pieces!!",she exclaimed in a sarcastic tone.


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MartFord21 ♥️

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