
Chapter 27 Going to the Montreals

Zoe was getting into a cab when her phone vibrated in her hand. She glanced at it without really seeing it before her gaze finally focused.

She winced when she saw who the text was from: Wendy.

Dammit. Derek had likely told her what he’d seen a few hours ago.  

Bracing herself, Zoe tapped on the message, opening it.

Hi! Are you still awake? Can I call you?

Zoe sighed, staring out the dark window as the car started moving. Trying to explain herself to Wendy was the least appealing thing she could think of at the moment, but she probably owed the Montreals an explanation.  

She typed,  Yeah. Can I swing by your house? I wanted to talk to you.

The reply came almost immediately.

Sure. I’ll be waiting.

I’ll be there soon.

Zoe sighed again. Turning to the driver, she told him the Montreal’s address. She was now glad she hadn’t taken Martin up on his offer to borrow his driver.  
