
Chapter 25 Fuck me

Fuck me.

Martin had never thought words could have such power.

But as soon as Zoe said them, looking at him with that irritatingly needy gaze that pushed all his buttons, it felt like his body was no longer his own. Blood pumped in his cock and balls, demanding release.

His fingers were disgustingly shaky with impatience as he put on a condom and slicked his aching cock up. All the while he couldn’t look away from the girl: from his lightly tanned, golden skin, long, curvaceous limbs, glazed green eyes and panting mouth. Beautiful. She was beautiful from the top of her messy golden-brown hair down to her perfect toes.

And then as if reading his thoughts, Zoe spread her legs wider, her wet slicked hole glistening.  


“Fuck me,” Zoe repeated unsteadily, her pretty lips trembling. She met Martin’s gaze. “Please. I don’t want foreplay.”