
Chapter 24 Martin finally came

Zoe stared at herself in the mirror, taking in her flushed face, dilated pupils, lips slightly red and puffy from all her anxious chewing.  

She eyed her t-shirt and short shorts, wondering if she should take them all off. She usually slept in her naked, but what if Martin thought that it was…

God, she was being ridiculous. Zoe wondered if this was how a bride felt on her wedding night centuries ago, waiting for her husband to come to her room and consummate their relationship.

The thought startled a laugh out of her, which somewhat helped break the tension building under her skin.

It was just sex, for fuck’s sake. Not that there had ever been anything “just” and effortless about sex for Zoe, but with Martin, sex felt as natural as breathing. It felt like something she needed instead of something she had to do. Besides, Martin knew how inexperienced she was. There was no need to impress him.