
The Divine Condor Was Bullied

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Outside the Mantuo Villa.

Ralph was preparing to leave, so he began to search for the Divine Condor's location.

He placed a sensor on the Divine Condor's body, which could sense the Divine Condor's location. It could even transmit sound to the Divine Condor through the sensor. This was also one of the reasons why he let the Divine Condor travel alone without being afraid of losing the Divine Condor.

"It actually flew so far!"

He checked through the sensor receiver and discovered that the Divine Condor was at least 500 km away from him.

This fellow could really fly!

"Divine Condor, prepare to leave!"

Ralph transmitted his words over.

This world was not the Divine Condor's world after all. Before he left, he naturally had to send the Divine Condor back to the Divine Condor Valley.

The Condor heard Ralph's message and flew back as fast as he could.

A few hours later, Ralph and the Condor met at last.

At this time, he was surprised to find that the Condor seemed to be injured, there were not many of the condor feathers left, and some places even bleeding.

"Brother Condor, what's wrong with you?" Ralph asked curiously.

"Coo coo coo coo coo." The Divine Condor kept calling.

The average person certainly could not understand the words of the condor, but Ralph could calculate and analyze them.

Each tone of the carving represents a different meaning, as long as the rigorous and complex data analysis, coupled with a long time before contact, he completely analyzed some of the meaning out.

After calculation, some of the tones were translated into words.

"Mountain, the snake, fight, bullied, revenge!"

After analyzing these words, Ralph asked, "Brother Condor, you met a big snake in a mountain and was bullied by it. Do you want me to help you take revenge?"

"Cu cu~!" The Divine Condor nodded.

"Brother Condor, you should take revenge yourself. You can't even beat a snake. This isn't possible!" Ralph laughed.

Although this sentence was half-joking, it made him notice one thing, and that was the problem of the Divine Condor's strength.

Now, the Divine Condor could be considered one of his subordinates and was very loyal to him.

However, the Divine Condor's strength was a little weak, and could not keep up with his progress at all.

"After dealing with the gold problem and buying a villa, I'll bring the Divine Condor to raise some strength. Otherwise, if his strength isn't good enough, it'll be a little shameful!" Ralph thought to himself.

"Brother Condor, let's go back first. Next time, we'll come and find trouble with that big snake!" Ralph patted the Divine Condor and said.

"Coo coo!"

The Divine Condor nodded its head.

Riding on the Divine Condor, he activated his digitized shuttle and left the Heavenly Dragon digitized world.

After sending the Divine Condor back to the digitized world of the Divine Condor, Ralph returned to the real world, and his interspatial ring was safely storing 1,000 taels of gold.

Such a large amount of gold was not a small amount. An ordinary small gold shop would not be able to purchase such a large amount of gold.

"Let's go to the Thousand Gold Restaurant!"

The Thousand Gold Restaurant was one of the largest jewelry companies in the world. It had deep financial resources. Not to mention 1,000 taels of gold, even 10,000 taels of gold could be easily bought.

He came to the largest Thousand Gold Restaurant in the city, carrying a small box in his hand as he walked in.

The box was filled with gold!

A saleswoman walked to Ralph with a smile on her face. "Hello, what do you want to buy? We have an event today, buying gold jewelry will give you valuable gifts!"

"I don't buy gold, I want to sell gold. A gold store should buy gold, right?" Ralph said calmly.

"Buy, but the purchase price must be based on the purity of the gold and the gold price on that day!" The saleswoman explained in detail.

"Okay, this is my gold!" Ralph pointed at the box in his right hand with his left hand.

"Please give it to me!" The saleswoman stretched out her hand.

"I think you'd better call two male salesmen to help. This box is very heavy. You can't lift it!" He reminded.

"I'm not weak!" The saleswoman seemed to feel that she had been underestimated, so she immediately said.

"Alright, you can try!" He put the box on the ground, or else he would directly hand it to the saleswoman. It was a small matter that she could not lift it, and she might even be directly smashed in the foot.

1,000 taels of gold were equivalent to 100 kg. With the box, it was at least 100 kg. If it smashed into the foot, the saleswoman's foot would definitely shatter. That was not a joke.

When Ralph put down the box, the saleswoman bent down and was ready to lift it up.

With a sudden force, the box only shook slightly and could not be lifted up.

"So heavy!"

The saleswoman finally knew that Ralph was not joking. This weight was probably 100 kg.

Immediately, she stared at Ralph's arm in shock.

A 100 kg item, Ralph was actually holding it with one hand. What a terrifying strength!

"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Li!"

The saleswoman called for two male employees to help.

But when they moved the box inside and opened it, they were all dumbfounded.

There was too much gold!