
My Blue Lock System

Leonardo Marcia, a 30-year-old footballer from Verona, Italy, experienced a devastating injury 15 years ago, causing him to be released from La Masia, FC Barcelona's youth program. Despite multiple trials, he was rejected by most teams, leaving him no longer a promising prospect. In spite of being fat overtime, Marcia still adores playing football with children in the park and died whiles playing with them. He regrets squandering his talent and never reaching his full potential as a professional athlete. In a new world after he transmigrated, he received a Blue Lock invitation. The real story begins on from there.

Luciffero · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs


End of Match

Score: Team A 5 - 1 Team B

Third Selection "Tryout"

Winner: Team A






The final whistle blew, signaling the end of the match. The scoreboard declared Team A's 5-1 triumph. Sweat intermixed as Murano, Shidou, Chigiri, and Kiyora celebrated their victory. But the celebratory mood was interrupted by a voice.

"Hey!" Rin yelled at Murano as he was walking towards the exit, sweat dripping from his brow. Shidou intercepted his path.

"What are you doing here?" Shidou questioned, his voice drawn with suspicion.

"Back off, this ain't about you," Rin said, shoving past Shidou with a rough edge.

"Oh, you wanna go? I'm ready when you are!" Shidou responded, squaring up in a fighting stance.

Suddenly, Rin lunged, a fist aimed at Shidou's jaw. But the reflexes honed on the field were real and quick. Shidou blocked the blow, their feet kicking up air as they grappled.

"Tch! Bug off, you bottom feeder," Rin said, his eyes focusing on Murano. "Being fed by Murano must be nice."

Shidou's eyes blazed. "Oi, f**k off! You should've talked big when Isagi scored the only goal for your sorry excuse of a team!"

He lashed out with a kick, but Rin, agile as a cheetah, deflected it. Before the brawl could escalate further, Murano's voice rose above the fight.

"What do you want from me?" he asked, his tone deceptively calm, although there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Rin's jaw clenched, frustration carved on his face. "Right then, did you even try?" he asked.

Murano's smile widened into a playful smirk. "Why would you ask that?" he countered.

The question was a spur that pricked at Rin's pride. He'd poured his heart and soul into every game he played, only to be dismissed with such nonchalance. It felt like a personal attack, a belittlement of his very worth.

"You looked relaxed," Rin growled, his eyes narrowing. "It was like you were holding back."

His frustration was clear. He couldn't accept that someone like Murano, someone he considered a rival, wouldn't give their all against him. It was an insult to his competitive nature to try his best on the battlefield.

Murano chuckled, "Maybe I wasn't," he admitted, leaning closer in a not-so-secretive whisper. "You see, Itoshi Sae's little brother, when it comes to you, giving my all isn't necessary."

Shidou jumped in with a smug grin and shoved him away. "You heard him!"

Rin's brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?" he pressed, his voice low and urgent.

But Murano simply turned and walked away, leaving Rin standing there with a seed of doubt biting at his confidence. How would he face his big brother when he can't even beat Murano? The question of Murano's true strength now remained in the air, a challenge Rin wouldn't be able to ignore.



VIP Cafeteria


Hunger clung to Murano like a second skin as he walked into the VIP cafeteria. His first match, a blistering 5-1 victory over Team B, coupled with the integration process of his system, squeezed the last drop of energy from him. The system had reminded him after the game that his performance would dwindle as the integration went on. He craved the tranquility of a secluded box—the comforting silence marked only by the satisfying sizzle of a perfectly cooked steak.

But fate had other plans. A loud laugh crammed the air, shattering Murano's hope for thoughtfulness and solitude. Nagi and Kurona, Team C's duo, came in, their eyes scanning the room. Soon enough, they spotted Murano and his duo, Shidou, sitting over a table stuffed with half-eaten meals.

"Yo, Blue Lock No. 1," said Nagi, his enthusiasm as low as ever.

Murano mumbled a polite greeting, barely glancing at Nagi. The creative forward had good ball control, passing ability, and trapping skills, a stark contrast to his own style.

"How'd your match against Rin go?" Kurona asked.

"Easier than I thought it'd be. Is he really the same guy who defeated us back in the second selection? I'm disappointed in myself, that's all," Murano replied.

Nagi's stomach growled. The arrogance in Murano's words was displeasing to his ears, as they (Team C) had just lost against Rin's team. Were they all just ants to be swatted away, stepping stones on Murano's path to the top? He wasn't the only one who felt that way.

Kurona himself drifted over, his face lightened by the cafeteria's lighting. He nodded briefly at Murano and Shidou, but his focus remained on Murano.

"Why the gloomy faces, Kurona?" Murano asked. "Did your match not go as planned?"

"Nah, we lost 5-3 against Rin's team," Nagi replied.

Kurona chuckled with a cold, humorless sound. "I still have a long way to go, so please go hard on me in the next match. I've been waiting to be on the opposition side for once. So I can know how it feels to go against you," he added.

Nagi let out a low growl. "Let's see how it'll turn out if we face you on the field, Murano. All of you. Full power, no holding back."

"Funny coming from you," Murano shot back at Nagi's lackadaisical attitude. Murano chuckled coldly. "I've been itching for a real challenge anyway," he added.

For a moment, silence threatened to swallow them whole. "Fine," Nagi finally said, his voice low.

Shidou jumped in with a sly grin. "Don't forget about me, either. I will turn out more explosively on the field."

Hi, I just read the 2023 Authors Report. Its been such a great year of writing and I would like to shutout Sun_Dragon, Holy_Jam and NISS782 for being the top 3 readers to have supported me the most with Power Stones. Also giving great thanks to anyone else who have supported my book this year. It was a fun ride. Thank you!!

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