
My Blessed Psychic System

Supernatural creatures, Master cultivators. Psychics, magic users, and humans with unexplained superpowers called Elites. Reveled themselves all at the time, at the end of 2020. The humans that ruled the planet were abusing it. So The seven, the most powerful beings on the planet, came together to overthrow the world governments. They create a new government called (Infinite). Within just ten years, all major world problems were gone- hunger, disease, Globe Warming all gone. After everything was resolved, the only thing left was selfish desires, greed, and jealousy above all else . The 7 were challenged for their positions. Yet, none could stop them. They decided to create a school to grow the next generation of rulers of the planet. They Called it Infiniti Prep Academy. Isaiah Greenwood was raised in a somewhat normal life, for a Psychic at least. He discovers his father is a being made of pure Psychic energy and that his parents manipulated his memories as a child. Struggling to live up to his father's name, Isaiah is tasked with Protecting the god-host and the Earth itself. In return, this god-host blesses him with the ultimate weapon, a system. I do not own the cover

A_lucid_Dreamer · Fantasy
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46 Chs

40: K2 (3)

"What! They plan on humiliating her!?" We need to rush in and take out every one of them without mercy." Isaiah says with his eyes glowing.

"Calm down; we need to have a plan of action before we go in there. If they manage to capture her, then they must have a powerful person inside." Carly said.

"Powerful? Who could be stronger than us, the six of us right here?" Isaiah shouted.

It grew silent.

"You're not entirely wrong. But the world is a big place, especially in the Infinite Void. There are some beings and organizations that can rival the seven kings." Titus says.

"Don't get cocky, new guy. We may be powerful, but we're still young cubs compared to the lions that lurk in the shadows," Xavier added.

"Their right Isaiah, as long as you're at the top, there will always be a challenger waiting to topple you," Lia said

"Either way, they're all dead," Isaiah says in a low voice

"Without a shrivel of doubt," Kat added.

"We need to hit hard and fast. Xavier, you, and Kat will be the running point. You'll be making an opening for Lia and Isaiah to fall behind you. Titus, since your abilities are limited in a cave, you'll be waiting at the entrance so that no one will escape."

"I will follow behind Isaiah and Lia. I'll block their network connection if they try to upload the pictures to the dark web. Any questions?" Carly asked.

"She thought of a plan in that little time? Man, she is so sexy when she takes control like that." Xavier thought.

"Great. Let's move." Carly said with authority.


Inside of the cave.

"Well, that sure didn't go as planned." Iron heart thought he saw another one of his men lying on the ground dead.

"Even unconscious, she has a way of defending herself."

3 mins before. One of Iron Heart's men tries to strip the unconscious Akri. As he grabs her Kimono, a sword made of red lights Pierces through his chest, killing him instantly.

"What do we now, commander?" A man in a black uniform says.

"If you want it down right, you gotta do it yourself. Let's see if her little light swords can penetrate through my skin." Iron Heart says, grinning and licking his lips.

Before Iron Heart could begin, one of his men came rushing in.

"Sir, we're under attack!" He says, panicking.

"What by who? Who could know that we're here except the general himself? Iron heart thought.

"They.. they look like teenagers, sir," The soldier said.

"What? This is what you came to be for? This better is good."

"Doyle, Neil, go see what this Idiot is talking about. If it is not anything, make sure we leave him here on this Mt." Iron Heart says, looking back at the two men.

"Roger, that sounds good," Neil says, getting up

"I hope it's something; this has to be one of the lamest missions we've been on," Doyle says the following behind Neil.

"Those two should be able to handle whatever it is—especially that sick f*** Neil. Doyle is not that bad either if he would just shut up most of the time. Iron heart thought to himself.


Five minutes early at the entrance of the cave.

A man in a black uniform sees the body Daniel.

"S***, Intruders!" The man yells.

Before he can get his rifle at the ready, he's sliced in half. The last thing he sees is a girl with light red hair standing over him with a sense of resolve on her face.

"Still as fast as ever I see," Xavier says, standing behind her.

"I'll be using vampire blood to enhance my movements to try to keep up," Kat says, rushing into the cave.

"Like I ever had a hard time with that," Xavier says, moving behind her.

"They are!" A man in a black uniform says he has started shooting his rifle at Kat and Xavier.

The bullets stopped in mid-air before they could reach. Kat and Xavier

"Are they using actual bullets to try and stop us? They either have a low budget, or they really don't like this guy." Xavier says, sending the bullets back at an even greater speed.

Both of the men cover their faces as the bullets bounce off them.

"What the h*** That kid has a point: why am I the only one with an old rifle, he says, recovering from the bullets.

" I don't know, ask the Commander." The guy next to him says, shooting his energy rife with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, their uniforms are bulletproof. What will you do now, Xavier?" Kat said as they dodged the incoming. Energy bullets.

Xavier's Gauntlets begin to melt off of his hands and form into a solid black pitch pitchfork.

"That's right; you never knew my nickname within the Infinite void before I came here," Xavier says, pointing his pitchfork at the man with the old rifle.

Xavier lifts up the man in the air while the rifle metals away like his gauntlets did, turning into 100s of small Needles. Impaling the man, killing him.

"They called me …Hades, god of precious metals," Xavier said as the man fell to the ground.

"Fitting," Kat said with a fake smile.

"I thought these guys were supposed to have superpowers. They seem like normal humans," she says.

"We do." says the man in uniform as his Toss is a rifle.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH," the man yells as a sound wave hits Kat and Xavier. Shaking the whole cave

Xavier falls to the ground. Covering his ears.

"Kill him already." Xavier roared.

Kat, unaffected by the scream, walks up to the man still screaming.

"That's a cute little man. But have you ever heard the scream of a Banshee?" Kat says, sheathing her sword.

Kat walks up to the man grabs him by his throat, transforming her mouth. Her mouth now shows large teeth and a snake-like tongue.

Kat screams in the man's face, turning it to dust, then dropping his body on the cold cave floor.

"Holy s***," Xavier, Isaiah, and Lia say simultaneously.

Xavier turns to Lia and Isaiah.

"Oh, thanks for the help," Xavier says, getting up with his ears bleeding.

"How come you guys weren't affected by the sound wave," Xavier shouted.

"Oh, I put up a barrier, preventing the sound from coming out as soon as I heard it," Isaiah says.

"That's probably why it sounds louder than it did," Lia says.

"HUH!?" Xavier shouts again.

"Ugh, let me heal him, so our eardrums don't break. Lisa says, beginning to heal Xavier.

They all begin to hear clapping from deep inside the cave.

"Here, I thought this mission was going to be boring," a man says, appearing deeper in the cave.

"Who are you guys supposed to be? The Teen Titans? The man joked.

"Enough of your foolishness Doyle. Let's make this quick. Niel said, appearing behind him.