
My Billionaire Pet

“Evelyn. Once we meet again in our next life, I swear to our gods that you are going to be mine. Everything about you will be in my possession. But you will not succeed in getting my heart anymore. I will make sure that you live a miserable and helpless life in our next reincarnation as revenge for betraying my love and trust. You will suffer at my hands, Evelyn. I promise you that.” He raised his gun to his head and pulled the trigger. BANG! ••• Their past life was full of tragedy and they promised to meet again in their next life. Levi, a Vice President in his father's company, was set to marry Plumeria, who was the daughter of his father's good friend. As children, they were close, but misunderstandings happened and they drifted apart. Now that they meet again, he is hell bent on taking revenge on her, but something unexpected happens which makes it difficult for him to set his plan in motion. He transforms into a dog! What will happen to him once she finds him abused in the streets? Will their misunderstandings be cleared or will he continue to hate her?

Maha_Noor_Malik · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

Chapter 13

"I love you." She told him.

He froze upon hearing her words.

"W-what?" he asked her in shock.

She leaned back and looked at him with teary eyes. She raised her hand and held his face gently as she gave him a painful smile.

"No matter how much you hate me, I will always love you. You are my love for eternity. My life. My forever." She told him.

Plumeria leaned in and kissed him.

He looked at her with wide eyes, not sure what was happening.

Axel was also looking at his sister in shock. Meanwhile, Logan cleared his throat awkwardly and looked away. He felt proud of his son that he managed to capture her heart so quickly.

She leaned back and looked at him.

"I promise to make things right in this lifetime." She told him.

Levi continued to look at her with wide eyes. His heart was beating loud in her chest.

A few hours ago, she was screaming at his face with hatred, but now she was throwing herself over at him. He didn't know what to make of this.

"Plumeria?" Finn called her out in a hurt tone.

She turned to look at him, and her eyes were filled with hate when she saw him. She pulled away from Levi and stormed up to Finn while glaring at him.

Without any

warning, she slapped him with all her strength in her body.

"Not this time. I won't let you hurt us anymore." She told him with anger.

He looked at her with hurt and shock. He never hurt her and was confused about what she was talking about. Suddenly, he remembered the incident.

'Did she find out?' he thought in horror.

Levi grabbed her hand and turned her around.

"What the hell are you doing?!" he asked her angrily because he just saw her slap his brother.

"Don't trust him. You can't…" she told him and felt dizzy.

"He's my brother, and you can't disrespect him like that." He told her.

"He… he…" she lost the strength in her body.

Before she fell to the ground, he caught her in midair.

"Plum?" He called her and gently tapped her cheek, but she was out cold.

Axel ran to her to check her condition, but Levi pushed him away.

He remembered that Axel almost tried to kill her and he suspected that he might've something to do with her again.

"Security! Take this man away!" Levi told the security guards that were near.

"I'm a doctor and she's my sister! If anything happens to her just because you were too jealous of someone else, then I'll kill you!" Axel threatened him as the guards came near her.

Logan stopped the guards and gestured for them to move away. The guards did as they were told.

Levi looked at him a bit surprised because he thought that Axel was her lover.

Axel ran over to her and checked her pulse. It was a bit irregular.

"She needs to be taken to the hospital." Axel told him. "They will be able to figure out why she passed out if they run some tests on her."

"Take my car. I already called my driver to pick me up." Logan told them.

Levi nodded at him and hurried out of the building with her in his arms.

Axel followed them closely behind.

Levi laid her in the back seat and sat with her head resting on his lap while Axel unwillingly sat in the passenger seat

"Take us to any hospital, and fast." Levi told the driver.

Without letting him say it twice, the driver drove away from the company.

"What happened to her?" Levi asked her.

"I have no idea. She was taking a nap in the bedroom when she suddenly ran out of the house like her life depended on it." Axel told her.

"You were threatening to throw her out the window. For all I know, she was running away from you." He told him.

"She is the person I love most. I would never hurt her in any way." Axel told him. "And I was just messing around with her earlier."

"I still don't trust you. How come I never heard that she had a brother?" He asked her.

"Because I was adopted. And I've been out of the country for a long while. I just recently came back. Does that answer your questions?" Axel asked him in an irritated tone and looked at Plumeria.

He then looked at Levi.

"I don't know what came over her, but she said she loved you. So if you ever hurt her, I'll make you die the most horrible death." He told him.

Levi didn't answer him and just rolled his eyes at him.

They soon got to a hospital, and Levi carried her to the emergency room.

Axel called the doctors, and they quickly inspected her.

They waited in the VIP room after she was shifted there and waited for her test results to come back while she was still unconscious.

As soon as the doctor came in, they both got up and looked at him impatiently, which made the doctor chuckle.

"She's just exhausted and a bit stressed. Her foot has some cuts, but other than that, there's nothing else is wrong with her. You gentlemen can relax." The doctor told them.

They both took a sigh in relief and looked at each other before they looked away from each other with a hmph.

Levi got a call, so he went out to answer it.

"When will she wake up?" Axel asked him.

"When she's fully rested. She's in no danger." The doctor reassured him.

"Thank you." Axel told him.

"I'm just doing my job." He told him. "Now if you'll excuse me."

Axel nodded, and the doctor left.

After a few minutes, Levi came back inside and saw Axel gently rubbing her hand in between his. He got annoyed by him.

"I have to go. There's a meeting I have to attend. Call me when she wakes up." He told Axel, but he didn't reply back.

Levi cursed him under his breath and wrote down his number on a piece of paper and placed it on the desk.

"Call me when she wakes up." He told him again and left.

Axel made an ugly face and copied what Levi had told him.

"Call me when she wakes up." He repeated in an ugly tone and then in his normal annoyed tone, he said. "Jackass."