
My Billionaire Husband is My Lecturer

Follow Instagram @sere_nity_lee for new info novel of Serenity Lee [Mature content] [WSA 2022] || Vol 1-3 END "So, you are, my lecturer?" Audia asked as the two of them were on their way in Alvin's private car. Alvin cleared his throat once. "Yes, that is so." "No wonder I feel like I know your face," said Audia, matching her memory. "What do you teach, huh?" "Architecture." Audia nodded her head while her mouth formed an 'o' shape. 'Uh? .... Wait ... what?' Suddenly the nerves of her brain suppress the memory in the hippocampus. "Mr. Mandala?" Audia asked for sure. Which immediately got a nod from Alvin. "No way!" Audia screamed in disbelief. Her eyes narrowed at Alvin. "Why?" asked Alvin in surprise. A Mandala H, that's what Audia remembers when the new lecturer introduced himself when he first taught. Wearing a plaid shirt, smooth hair, neatly slicked back, glasses always perched on his sharp nose. Came with a bag containing his laptop and a textbook for teaching. Lecturer arrogant, pretentious cool, stingy smile, flat face, killer. Very different from Alvin who is now her husband. Unexpectedly 'that Mr. Mandala' and Alvin—her husband, turned out to be the same person. 'That annoying person turned out to be my husband?' she thought. 'Oh noooooo!' * * ******* ** The bride-to-be suddenly withdrew from the marriage due to an arranged marriage. Then run away and the news is not known. The groom-to-be was left speechless in front of the invited guests. Worry for a moment. Canceling the marriage contract or looking for an impromptu replacement bride. Until his eyes caught a woman in a white dress sitting among the invited guests. The other ones were students at his campus where he had just taught. As a substitute teacher. How will the story of their marriage continue? Will the seeds of love grow between these two strangers? With a myriad of question marks in the bride's heart, why was she chosen among the many other single women who were also present at the grand wedding of the son of one of Indonesia's well-known real estate entrepreneurs. cover: www.freepik.com === INCLUDE COLLECTION/TAP LOVE/ADD BEFORE READING. SO THAT THIS STORY IS IN YOUR READING LIST AND GETS NOTIFICATIONS WHEN NEW CHAPTER UPDATES ^^ CONTINUE SUPPORT THIS STORY, by throwing BLUE STONE'S POWER STONES FOR THIS STORY! — 1 POWER STONE WILL GET 1 FREE VOUCHER TO OPEN THE LOCKED BOOK. DON'T FORGET, A 5 STAR REVIEW YES! THANK YOU

Serenity_Lee · Urban
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018 Where Are You Going, Honey?

"Want more?"

Audia chewed the food in her mouth, swallowed it, before finally being able to say, "No, Didi will be fat!"

Alvin laughed amusedly, pinching her cheeks. "It's okay fat. I still like it, really."

Audia scowled. "Crap! Now Didi is still thin, you can say that. Try it later, if Didi is fat, it must be said differently."

Alvin chuckled. "No, Honey. You will still my lovely wife. Here's the proof."

Alvin kissed Audia's lips, making Audia's eyes widen.

"Didi, your lips are salty, spicy, sweet." Immediately Audia felt her face heat up. It made Alvin laugh.

"You're still shy, Di?"

"Ouch!!" Instead of answering, Audia prefers to teach Alvin a lesson. Pinching his waist. Then left him. Ignore it.

"Irritating!!" she rebuked.

Audia walked away stomping her feet. Alvin was always teasing her. And now he's laughing at herself when she's upset.

Audia went to her room, took her bag, and searched for her cellphone. During a short honeymoon yesterday, Alvin asked Audia to turn off her cellphone, so as not to interfere with their honeymoon.

When Audia turned the phone back on, several notifications of messages and missed calls flooded the phone. Audia then sat on the sofa, which was in her room.

Most were from Erika. Audia and Alvin's parents–asked about their daughter and son-in-law. The rest are from some of her college groups. Discuss schedules, coursework, and so on.

Audia opened the topmost message, and it was from Erika.

["Didi, you really have the heart, you know. Honeymoon, but doesn't say anything. Even though we met yesterday."] Erika added a tearful emotion, five times.

["You're not very lucky, Di. Mr Mandala didn't come in today either.]

["Didi ... your cellphone is turned off, are you? How dare you."] plus the emotion of crying ten times.

["Didi, how long is your honeymoon, anyway? Our friends have received news of your marriage to Alvin. Just get ready, go back to college, bring tribute. Treat me to a meal!"]

["Oh, so you went to Tanjung Lesung. Hehe, I saw it on Alvin's Instagram. It's not really, really. Just hands."] Added a mocking expression.

[So sweet, this photo of the two of you, Di."] Erika added a screen shot from Alvin's Instagram. A collage of Alvin and Audia taking a photo together.

"Who is that?" Alvin's baritone voice startled Audia.

"Igh! Didi was shocked, you know!" Alvin chuckled. Hugging Audia from behind. Kissing Audia's cheeks and neck. Silently peeking at the incoming messages on Audia's cell phone.

"Peek!" Audia immediately turned off the screen of her cellphone, inviting Alvin to laugh again.

Audia freed herself from Alvin and got up from the sofa.

"Where are you going, Honey?"

"Make a tribute," Didi replied curtly.

Alvin followed Audia to the kitchen. His brow furrowed.


"My friends already know about Didi's marriage." Alvin nodded. Paying attention to Audia who was opening the kitchen set cabinet.

"What are you looking for?"

"Wheat, butter, cocoa powder, vanilla. Ingredients for making cakes." Didi closed the door to the last kitchen set. Empty.

"I really didn't stock up on those ingredients. Want to buy them?" offered Alvin, who was immediately greeted with joy by Audia. Forget about her annoyance.

Alvin smiled. It's easy for Audia to be persuaded. More or less Alvin began to understand Audia's preferences related to the kitchen.

Audia immediately took her jacket, covering her minimal home clothes.

"Come on." Audia is about to walk towards the elevator. But Alvin shook his head.

Alvin then pulled her to their room. Open the walk-in closet. Get clothes for Audia. Offered a knee-length midi dress, light blue.

"Change." Audia looks reluctant.

"I don't want Didi's thighs to be seen everywhere, like that. Change." Resigned. Audia takes her clothes.

"Alvin, come out first, please!" Didi pushed Alvin's body towards the door.

"Why, what are you doing? You are my own wife, how come, I see." Audia put on a sullen face.

"No! Anyway, get out first." Audia was still trying to push Alvin's body, which didn't move an inch.

"Not so, huh." Alvin started teasing Audia.


Immediately Audia took her hand away from Alvin's body. And undressed her clothes. She glanced at Alvin who was smiling triumphantly.

Audia's face reddened. Hurry up and put on her midi dress. Alvin helped Audia close the zipper. His hand rubbed Audia's upper arm. Then landed his lips on Audia's neck.

"Didi is beautiful and sexy." His praise was soft in Audia's ears. Makes Audia growl.

Inhale and exhale again. Audia tried to neutralize her heart. Is the honeymoon not enough for Alvin? She thought.

"Let's go, it's getting late." Audia rushed to leave Alvin after she managed to free herself. Preventing him from doing more than just flirting–which Audia really likes.


At the supermarket, Audia put the ingredients for the cake, along with the container for the cake, some drinks, as well as other ingredients for cooking. Alvin faithfully pushed the trolley for Audia.

"Don't just buy it, Di. It's faster, you know." Alvin gave Audia a practical choice.

"No. Didi prefers to make my own. It's more economical." Alvin laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Didi forgot, who are you married to?" Audia frowned. Yes, sometimes she forgets that she is married. Should they discuss it here? Now? She thought.

"I'll buy one for Didi's friends. Just choose which cake you want. Consider it a gift from me. Didi can also make the others byself. How about it?"

Rich man! But I like it! Inner Audia cheered.

Audia chose her and Erika's favorite red velvet cake, at cake shop. Hope that's enough tribute for her best friend. Coming home later, Audia will make another cake.


Arriving at the apartment, Audia immediately prepared the ingredients to make a simple cake. Tried the new KitchenAith for the first time.

Coffee Chocolate Topo Map. Audia opened a recipe that she got from the internet.

Read carefully, so that no ingredients and methods of making are missed. Audia prepared a 22x22x6cm tin, according to the instructions.

In about two hours, Audia's cake was ready. Audia made three pans. The smell filled the apartment kitchen.

"Smells good, here." Praise Alvin, hoping to get a share.

"Alvin, want?" Alvin nodded.

Audia sliced ​​the cake which was starting to cool down. Get a small plate for her husband's ration cake.

"I like making this, each piece is different, it's really like a map. Hehe ... look, it's different, isn't it. It's really unique." Audia handed her a plate filled with pieces of her homemade cake.

"How?" Audia watched the way Alvin cut her homemade cake with a small spoon, put it in his mouth.

"Mmmm ... delicious, Di!" Audia smiled happily. Alvin loves her cakes.

"Add." Alvin put on a pitiful face, while holding out a small plate that was already empty.

"Ish! What are you hungry for." Audia sneered. Her hand deftly sliced ​​another piece for Alvin, and handed the plate to Alvin.

Alvin immediately ate the piece of cake voraciously. Audia is amazed.

"Really good, huh?" Alvin scooped a piece of his cake, and fed Audia.

"Nice?" asked Alvin. Audia smiled and nodded.

"Well, yeah. Don't ask again. This is for Didi's friends, tomorrow. Didi will make it again for you later." Audia kept the cookies away from Alvin.

"Promise me." Audia nodded.

"I didn't think that Didi, apart from being pretty, was good at making cakes." Audia snorted.

Suddenly remembered the incident when Audia was angry with Alvin because she was late. On that day, Audia was baking a cake. Say or not. Audia thought.


Topo Map Cake Recipe [Chocolate Coffee]


5 eggs

250 grams of butter

300 grams of powdered sugar

300 grams of wheat flour

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp baking powder

2-3 tsp of brewed coffee with a little hot water, let it cool down

Sufficient cocoa powder

How to make:

1. Beat butter and sugar until sugar is dissolved and pale at max speed. Add eggs one at a time while continuing to beat.

2. Reduce the speed of the mixer, add the flour in 3 stages while continuing to beat until smooth.

3. Divide the dough into 3 parts (1/3 white, 1/3 coffee, 1/3 chocolate).

4. Pour the white dough on the bottom of the pan, smooth it out. Sift the cocoa powder on top until it is evenly covered with all the white dough. Pour the coffee mixture, smooth again. Sift the cocoa powder on top until it is evenly covered with all parts of the coffee mixture. Finally, pour the chocolate mixture and smooth it out. Tap the pan to let out the air in the dough. Bake until cooked (temperature and time according to each oven).