
My Billionaire Crush

She’s 25, she’s free, makes rich…. A billionaire. She’s the richest and the most successful lady in South Korea. She’s the daughter of former president Banks. She’s the owner of the Krystal group of companies, the biggest in Korea. She’s also a fashionista, a fashion idol who owns Arizona’s fashion institute, the biggest in Korea and popular for idols patronization. She lives a lavish and extravagant lifestyle. She can buy a hundred different car brands at the flick of a finger. She spends billions at a standstill. Cosmetics, shoes, clothes of different designers, jewellery, shoes and brands of bags are her babies. She spends money on them every day. She has been tagged as a shopaholic. To top it all, she’s a sociopath. A crazy one. Her name is ARIZONA BANKS, the p, sycho herself. The first daughter of the rich BANKS family. She has two juniors…. Adam and Cassidy. Adam Banks…. An eye candy. He’s 18. Cassidy Banks, the pretty baby of the house, the last born… She’s 15, a student of Flowers high, junior class. The parents are former president Paulson Banks and Rita Banks. Arizona has a rival. Her name is Arielle Lee. Arielle is the daughter of an assemblyman. She’s the owner of a wealthy group of companies, the second biggest in Korea. She’s also a fashionista like Arizona, another fashion idol. She owns Arielle’s fashion institute, the second most popular after Arizona’s, but at times, it competes with it. Arielle is proud and arrogant, she never gets along with Arizona, they ha, the sight of each other. Arizona believes a lot in dramas and her whole life depends on it. She loves romance movies but she ha, tes romance for real. Why? , Due to the ups and downs involved in love, she’s not ready to cry over a guy. Guys and men flock around her but.. She’s not a fan of feelings. She calls all men snakes…. Different species. Things changed when she met a cold guy. Viace Mendelssohn. Who’s he? How did they meet? Cold meets crazy Surely some crazy occurrences will take place.

Sajawal_Ali_4181 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Squeezed the flyer

"Were you sh,ot in the head?" Arizona glared.

" I'm not sure" he replied and left the office, Chrissy followed him Immediately.

Arizona squeezed the flyer on her palm and Yang quickly left the office.

"He came here to give me a flyer?" She muttered in disappointment.

She looked at the flyer in her hand and suddenly noticed something was written behind it.

She unwrapped it and saw SORRY at the back of it.

She breathed hard, calming down.

"He did it" she sighed.

She smiled shortly and sat.

She started working on her laptop very fast and for over two hours, she didn't look up or stand.

She finally finished up and stood, she stretched and took her phone.

She dialled a number.

"Two cup noodles and…soju, that's all" she ordered and sat after dropping the call.

" Let's eat and watch some movie" she smiled.

She took the flyer and looked at the SORRY again.

"Should I try out the restaurant?, H_HEY restaurant, not bad" she smiled.

She went to her changing room and put on a simple dress and slip-on shoes.

She came back and fell on one of the couches then got the remote.

She put on the TV and gasped.

"The sound of magic!"

She sat comfortably and watched with interest.

" No romance, but still manageable" she said, wanting to eat popcorn but she noticed there's no popcorn.

"aish!, Ming!"

Ming rushed in.

"My popcorn and tissues, I guess I'm gonna c,ry so much in this movie" she said.

Ming rushed to get them.

She came back some minutes later and handed it to Arizona.

"Nothing beats watching movie with a big bowl of popcorn" she smiled as Ming left.

Yang rushed in.

" Don't tell me I have a conference to attend or meeting or more documents to check out or…

" Owner of HAESUNG UNIVERSITY is calling, Mrs Hwang" he interrupted.

She pointed out her hand and he placed the phone on it.

"Miss Arizona?" Mrs Hwang said.

"On the line" she replied, throwing a popcorn into her mouth.

"I'm really sorry about what happened between you and our student yesterday" Mrs Hwang said.

" It's ok, he came to say sorry already" she replied, smiling.

" Really?, Then can we reschedule the seminar?, Anytime you're free" Mrs Hwang said.

" Yang how many appointments do I have tommorow?" She whispered.

"Just four" he replied.

" Then fix it for tommorow, Ligament will tell you the time tommorow morning" she said.

" Ligament?" Mrs Hwang said in confusion.

"I mean… Yang" she replied.

"Oh..ok we'll be expecting you" Mrs Hwang said and Arizona hung up before returning the phone to Yang.

" When will you forget the incident and also stop calling me Ligament?" He asked and Arizona smiled.

" The incident last year, how can I forget" she laughed.

Yang secretly rolled eyes.

" Your eyes might just fall off" she said and he quickly stopped.

" Do you have eyes at the back of your head or something?" He said.

" Leave and let me enjoy my movie in peace, Anara Sumanara" she said.

" What's that?" He asked in confusion.

" Watch the sound of magic" she replied and he left the office.

She smiled when she remembered tonight again.

"What'll my date be like?, S,cary?

Of course… S,cary.



"You should really become a professor Vince, I envy your brain" Chrissy said, looking at his test results.

Full marks in all subjects.

"I dream of becoming something more cool" he replied.

"What's that?" She asked interestedly.

" I need to use the restroom" he said, standing up.

"Ok don't take long" she replied and he left the class.

He entered the male restroom and opened the first door.

He slightly pulled down his trousers and was easing himself when someone hugged him from behind.

"Whoa!, Your d*ck is cute!" Summer's voice said.

He shook her away and p,ulled up his trousers before facing her, looking shocked.

"What did you just do?" He said.

Summer smiled and rested on the zinc bowl.

" I trailed you here and entered with you unnoticed, then hugged you from behind, I caught a glimpse of your d*ck, it's so cute!" she winked, bi,ting her lip.

" Must you go this far?, Why must you always prove that you're a nuisance" he said, his eyes showing how a,ngry he Is.

"I love you, don't you get it?, Do I have to write that in a board and take it round the whole Haesung before you understand?, I want you" she replied, coming closer.

" I understand your mum owns the school but that doesn't mean you own the students, I've said this several times but I'll say it again, stay away from me" he said flatly and didn't bother to bolt his belt before trying to go out but the door is locked.

"I locked it" she said.

He faced her.

"Open the door" he glared.

"Promise me you'll always talk to me first" she replied.

" Open the door" he said, walking to her.

" Tell me you'll always talk to me else I'll have to sh,out and tell everyone that you're trying to r,ape me" she replied seriously.

" You really have plans to r,uin me" he said.

"I love you and I want you for myself, just give me what I want and I'll make you the king of boys in this school Vince, please" she begged.

He got to her and started trying to take the key from her, she hid it behind actually.

He stretched his arms behind her and she hugged him.

He tried breaking free but she started car,essing his body.

"I'll w,ound you" he warned.

"Do it and go to j,ail" she replied, looking up at him.

He's breathing heavily.

She smiled de,vilishly.

"I love you" she said and stood on her toes, trying to kiss him.

Just a little before their lips will touch, Vince turned her back to himself and wriggled the keys from her.

She fell as a result of the struggle.

He opened the door and rushed out of the restroom.

"Vince!" Summer shouted after him.



It's lunch break today again but this time, Blaze decided to stroll instead of sitting in class, doing nothing.

He started walking around the school, taking pleasure in the sightseeing till someone tapped him.

He looked back to see a guy, he's surely in his class and like he heard, he's a big bu,lly, he has a crush on Havana, he's Byung

He has three other guys who are also b,ullies behind him, his dogs.

"Didn't you hear the history of I and Havana?, Why are you always around her?" He questioned.

" She's my friend and seatmate, we're classmates too so why can't I talk to her" Blaze replied and Byung smiled ev,illy before giving Blaze a pu,nch on the jaw.

Blaze staggered and h,it his back on a tree.

He faced the guys with his bl,oody lips and nose.

"Why would you p,unch me" he said.

Byung made to punch him again but he held his arm and p,unched him instead, sending him to the ground with that one punch.

The other b,ullies attacked him at once, making it impossible to fight back.

They made him f,all and started giving him h,ard k,icks and pu,nches till he bled allover the face.

"Change your seat tommorow, if you're seen anywhere around Havana again, then you're dead" Byung thre,atened and left with his gang.

Blaze sat up, breathing heavily.

He looked at his already messed up shirt and sighed.

"I knew it won't be easy in here" he muttered.

A shrill laughter made him look up to see Avery not far from him.

"You look pitiful right now, your handsome face just got bruised up, how yummy!" She m,ocked.

He stood and started leaving but she obstructed him.

"Just stick with me instead" she said.

"Appear in my videos instead and no one will b,eat you up" she offered.

He took another way and left

Avery took the other way too.

"You'll still come begging" she smiled.



The staffs of the store greeted respectfully when Arizona entered with Ming and Yang behind her.

Anytime she comes to shop, there's always bonuses for everyone.

She shops at least thrice a week.

She removed her shades and th,rew it to Yang who caught it.

She started walking around the hangers, picking anything she finds attractive.

She never looks at anything twice.

Once she looks at it and likes it, she's picking it.

Almost thirty minutes, she's still picking.

"The car trunk is full already" Yang said.

"Tell the driver to contact another driver, I have more than ten drivers if I can still remember" she replied and continued shopping.

Yang looked at Ming and they both sighed before Yang made the call.

She was still shopping when another person entered.

Arizona smiled, smelling her scent.


She stopped shopping and walked down the lane, meeting Arielle at the end of it.

Arielle is with Bing and two of her staffs.

"Oh, the shoppaholic is here" Arielle said.

"Ro,tten pizza is here" Arizona replied.

"What!, Rotten…. Rotten what?" Arielle said.

"Ion like repeating myself, that's why I always talk loud and clear" Arizona replied.

" Heard you messed up with Kevin" Arielle said with a mocking smile.

" Are you jealous that I should have messed up with you instead?, Did you miss me?" Arizona replied with a slow but w,itchy smile.

" If you get the contract, that means my name is not Arielle" Arielle said.

" Your name isn't Arielle initially, it's rot,ten pizza" Arizona replied.

" Yaa!, I h,ate you" Arielle sh,ot an,grily.

" I don't h,ate you, I'm just simply not excited about your existence" Arizona replied simply.

Arielle breathed in a,nger.

"I'd have just b,urnt you right now but my mum told me not to burn trash" she said.

" Oh wow!, That's why you haven't burnt yourself" Arizona smiled.

Yang laughed out so loud and when Bing couldn't hold it anymore, he laughed out loud too.

"Two wrongs don't make a right, I'd have gave you a dose of your your medicine" Arielle said.

" Yes two wrongs don't really make a right, take your parents as an ex,ample" Arizona replied and Yang finally f,ell, laughing so much.

"I'll k,ill you‼' Arielle sh0uted and rushed to Arizona, gra,bbing her hair ro,ughly.

Arizona gr@bbed her hair too and they started p,ulling each other's hairs.

"You dys,functional b*tch!, You're a b*t h!" Arielle s,pat.

" You say that as if it's a bad thing" Arizona replied, p,ulling her hair more hard.

Yang had to stand and join Bing.

They started trying to disentangle them.



Alena almost scr,eamed when she saw Blaze's face.

He came back from school with a swollen face full of bruises.

"Blaze!" She exclaimed, rushing to him.

"Why is your face like this?, Were you bu,llied at school?, Who did this to your face?" She questioned.

" I'm fine mum" he replied, trying to go in but she held him.

"Talk to me already what happened to your face!"

" Ok I fell" he replied.

" Do you think I don't have a brain?, You fell and your face became like this?"

" Mum I'm fine I promise, I need to go pull off my uniform" he said.

" Why is your uniform a mess too?" She asked, looking at it.

" Mum I'm fine, have you eaten?" He asked as he entered the room.

Alena quickly got her phone and dialled her friend's line.

"I'll take the job, when should I start?" She asked.

"Really?, Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"I need the money"

" Come to my place tommorow morning then we can go together"

" Ok" Alena replied and hung up.

" Blaze you need to get your face treated" she said, entering the room.