
My Billionaire Crush

She’s 25, she’s free, makes rich…. A billionaire. She’s the richest and the most successful lady in South Korea. She’s the daughter of former president Banks. She’s the owner of the Krystal group of companies, the biggest in Korea. She’s also a fashionista, a fashion idol who owns Arizona’s fashion institute, the biggest in Korea and popular for idols patronization. She lives a lavish and extravagant lifestyle. She can buy a hundred different car brands at the flick of a finger. She spends billions at a standstill. Cosmetics, shoes, clothes of different designers, jewellery, shoes and brands of bags are her babies. She spends money on them every day. She has been tagged as a shopaholic. To top it all, she’s a sociopath. A crazy one. Her name is ARIZONA BANKS, the p, sycho herself. The first daughter of the rich BANKS family. She has two juniors…. Adam and Cassidy. Adam Banks…. An eye candy. He’s 18. Cassidy Banks, the pretty baby of the house, the last born… She’s 15, a student of Flowers high, junior class. The parents are former president Paulson Banks and Rita Banks. Arizona has a rival. Her name is Arielle Lee. Arielle is the daughter of an assemblyman. She’s the owner of a wealthy group of companies, the second biggest in Korea. She’s also a fashionista like Arizona, another fashion idol. She owns Arielle’s fashion institute, the second most popular after Arizona’s, but at times, it competes with it. Arielle is proud and arrogant, she never gets along with Arizona, they ha, the sight of each other. Arizona believes a lot in dramas and her whole life depends on it. She loves romance movies but she ha, tes romance for real. Why? , Due to the ups and downs involved in love, she’s not ready to cry over a guy. Guys and men flock around her but.. She’s not a fan of feelings. She calls all men snakes…. Different species. Things changed when she met a cold guy. Viace Mendelssohn. Who’s he? How did they meet? Cold meets crazy Surely some crazy occurrences will take place.

Sajawal_Ali_4181 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


"I'm sure his c,ock will be the biggest I've ever seen, guys like him are always that way" she said in excitement.

She finished unb,olting and was about to p,ull the b,elt out of the loop when the door suddenly opened.

"Who the h,ell is….

Summer was cut short when she saw Chrissy, looking at her @ngrily.

"What the h,ell are you doing here!" She demanded, getting down from the bed.

" The moment I saw you and your st,upid sister here, I knew you're planning something and the fact that Vince came in afterwards, you're planning to r@pe him?"

" What about it?, I love him" Summer replied.

" You're a sh,ame to the other girls out there, sha,meless pro, 'stitute!" Chrissy sh0uted.

Summer came closer and made to sl@p her but another guy came in, he h,eld her hand firmly.

Summer recognized him as a guy from their department.

"It's better you run right now, else I'm calling the c,ops and I'll definitely report you for attempted r@pe, hoe" he said ici,ly and pushed her.

Summer staggered on the wall.

" Leave!, Wh,'ore!" Chrissy ye,'lled.

Summer stood, gla,ring at the both of them.

" This isn't over!" She thr,eatened and left the room.

"Vince…oh p,oor him" Chrissy said, rushing to the bed.

Seeing his shir,tless body, she g,ulped nothing down her th,roat, he's really beautiful.

"Vince!" She called, holding his face.


"He must have been se,dated, we should get him outta here" the guy said.

" Branson you need to help me" she replied and he went closer.

He carried Vince on his back and they both left the room.

He dropped him in Chrissy's car when they got out.

"Will you take him home?" He asked.

"Sure, thanks" she replied and made to enter the car too.

He held her back and she faced him

"You haven't really given me an answer" he said.

" It can't work, sorry, I'll see you in school on Monday" she smiled and st,ylishly made him release her.

She got into the car and ordered the driver to drive.

The drive to Vince's place started but halfway through it, she changed her mind

"Drive home" she ordered the driver.

"Yes miss" he replied.

They got to her place shortly and she took him out of the car with the help of the driver.

He was taken in and dropped on Chrissy's bed.

"Thanks" she told the driver who left immediately .

She was about to cover him when she sighted the locket in his necklace.

"Who could she be?" She wondered, letting curiousness take over.

She took the locket and slowly started to open it.

"He h,ates when people in,trude his privacy, but he's asleep, I'll just take my chances" she though.

She opened it finally and her eyes widened when she saw the face of a young girl which she concluded as u,gly immediately.

It's red with rashes allover.

"She's u,gly" she muttered and remembered she saw him drawing something like this in his note earlier

"It's her" she said, looking at the picture in the locket again.

"His childhood lover?, He has a childhood lover? No he can't have a childhood lover who's as u,gly as this" she thought, feeling awkward.

" But if she's not, why else did he have this locket?" She asked herself, covering the locket.

" Is he looking for her?"

She sighed and finally covered Vince with the duvet then sat beside him.

She touched his face gen,tly, rubbing his cheek.

"Sleep ti,ght h,ottie" she smiled, b,ending over him.

She k,issed his hair before standing .

She left the room after giving him one last stare.



Arizona flexed her fingers after drawing the young boy for the twentieth time.

She draws his face everyday, signifying how much she misses him.

She smiled, looking at the last one.

"If he grew up already, he'll me more handsome, how much more? " She chuckled, standing and walking around, staring at it.

Vince's face sudden flashed in her memory and she stopped, remembering what he did earlier.

The words he said.


Before she knew it, she's smiling.

"Brave responsible ana,conda" she said, smiling more wide.

" He looked cute" she said to herself and the smile dropped from her face.

"What did I just say?, Oh Arizona…all guys are sn,akes, get that" she said to herself and went to her room.

She sat in front of the mirror and started brushing her hair gently.

"But why did he not take my compensation?, Should I disturb him?" She said