
My Billionaire Crush

She’s 25, she’s free, makes rich…. A billionaire. She’s the richest and the most successful lady in South Korea. She’s the daughter of former president Banks. She’s the owner of the Krystal group of companies, the biggest in Korea. She’s also a fashionista, a fashion idol who owns Arizona’s fashion institute, the biggest in Korea and popular for idols patronization. She lives a lavish and extravagant lifestyle. She can buy a hundred different car brands at the flick of a finger. She spends billions at a standstill. Cosmetics, shoes, clothes of different designers, jewellery, shoes and brands of bags are her babies. She spends money on them every day. She has been tagged as a shopaholic. To top it all, she’s a sociopath. A crazy one. Her name is ARIZONA BANKS, the p, sycho herself. The first daughter of the rich BANKS family. She has two juniors…. Adam and Cassidy. Adam Banks…. An eye candy. He’s 18. Cassidy Banks, the pretty baby of the house, the last born… She’s 15, a student of Flowers high, junior class. The parents are former president Paulson Banks and Rita Banks. Arizona has a rival. Her name is Arielle Lee. Arielle is the daughter of an assemblyman. She’s the owner of a wealthy group of companies, the second biggest in Korea. She’s also a fashionista like Arizona, another fashion idol. She owns Arielle’s fashion institute, the second most popular after Arizona’s, but at times, it competes with it. Arielle is proud and arrogant, she never gets along with Arizona, they ha, the sight of each other. Arizona believes a lot in dramas and her whole life depends on it. She loves romance movies but she ha, tes romance for real. Why? , Due to the ups and downs involved in love, she’s not ready to cry over a guy. Guys and men flock around her but.. She’s not a fan of feelings. She calls all men snakes…. Different species. Things changed when she met a cold guy. Viace Mendelssohn. Who’s he? How did they meet? Cold meets crazy Surely some crazy occurrences will take place.

Sajawal_Ali_4181 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Incident in Hospital


Yang ran in with Ming, meeting Vince by the hallway, he's sitting on the available chair.

"Where's she?" Yang asked quickly.

"She's in, they said she needs rest to be ok" Vince replied, standing up.

" Wait…you're that an,aconda guy" Yang said surprisingly.

" Vince" he replied simply.

"Thanks Vince, thanks for bringing her here, what exactly happened?" Yang asked.

" She.. passed out when the reporters started asking questions" he replied.

" Did they use cameras?, Like flash camera lights?" Yang asked quickly.

" Yeah" Vince replied.

" Oh no why would they do that!, We need to s,ue the darn reporters, she'll surely s,ue them after waking up I'm sure of that" Yang said.

" I have to go now" Vince said.

"Sure, thanks for saving her once again, thanks" Yang smiled.

Vince left the hospital and drove a taxi home.

Throughout the drive, he kept rubbing the locket on his neck.

He opened it at some point and looked at the young girl's picture.

"No, it can't be, stop overthinking" he said to himself but when the words she said came to his head again…

*S..sa… save me*

That was exactly what the helpless girl said fifteen years ago.

The girl bumped into him just like Arizona did, the she told him to save her.

He remembered her face clearly, the face in the locket…but it can't be Arizona.

"Cr,azy coincidence" he muttered, getting out of the taxi when it got to the front of his house.

He went in and met Alena packing a bag, Blaze's face is bruised up.

"What's happening?" He asked in confusion.

"I'm going to start the job tommorow" Alena said.

" Didn't I say you're not allowed to work?, Mum….

" I just can't sit and watch you and your brother suffer again because of me, I need to fend for myself too, let me work, even if you don't give the approval, I'm going to work" she said with determination.

" But you know your condition…

" That shouldn't stop me from working, I'm short of my dr,ugs already and I need to get another pack before nine days, I can't just continue like…

"I promised to get another pack before the nine days, don't you trust me?" He said .

Alena smiled and came to him.

She held his face and smiled.

"I understand your fears, I heard the family is a nice one, they won't maltreat me" she said.

" Which family is it?"

" I dunno yet, but my friend said they're nice, I'll find out tomorrow, it's just a simple job, no stress" she said.

" What if it's one sp,oilt brat"

" Hyung, stop worrying, she'll be fine" Blaze replied.

" And what happened to your face?" Vince asked.

" I got bu,llied" Blaze smiled.

" Are you a softie?, You should have b,ashed them in and out" Vince said, going inside

" B,ash them and lose my scholarship?, Thanks" Blaze said and put on their small TV.

The first news he saw made him scr,eam.

How Vince carried Arizona in his arms out of the restaurant, how he placed her on the stretcher that took her into the ambulance.

"Hyung‼‼‼‼" He scr,eamed.

Alena covered her ears.

" What?" Vince asked, rushing out of the room.

" You're in the news!, You helped miss Arizona!, How does it feel to have her in your arms?, I'm sure your arms will smell like money right now, she'll surely compensate you and maybe we'll be swimming in money soon!" Blaze said.

Alena smiled.

" You sc,reamed and scared me cos of this?" Vince said, looking at Blaze as if to fry him.

" Isn't it worth it?, You became a celebrity" Blaze replied.

Vince took the TV remote control threw it at him.

He ducked and ran into the room, Vince went after him.

Alena smiled widely but sadly, hoping secretly that she'll get to stay with them for longer.