
My billion dollar jackpot of a husband.

Shanelle_Nova · Teen
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5 Chs

The bookstore

On a perfect sunny day,a 5feet 8 inch lady with black Raven hair tied in a messy bun entered the bookstore in search of a book she had ordered beforehand.She was clad in a big black T-shirt,cargo pants and black Jordans on her feet.On her eyes were huge ugly glasses.One look at her and the first word that comes to your head is ,nerd.She was indeed a nerd but without those ugly glasses you'd see another pretty person hiding with fake frackles under her eyes.Her beauty was akin to a goddess but she didn't like the attention she always received in her younger days so she dressed in that manner.Entering the shop, she went to the counter and talked to the receptionist in a friendly tone."Hi, Luke ... has my package arrived?"she asked smiling.

"Hi Nova, yeah the books arrived this morning,let me see how many are left,"he said as he went to check his computer.After a while he said,"well you are in luck because one remains."

"Wait ,how come?You said that they arrived this morning, how is it that only one remains?"she asked frowning.

"Ooh , that's because you were not the only one that was waiting for them.As soon as they arrived,people swarmed in here for them,you are very lucky that one remained "he answered her plainly.

She humped and left for the second floor where the book was.

At that same time,a man dressed in black Armani suit with black leather shoes on his feet entered the bookstore and headed for the second floor too.He had dark shades on his eyes making it hard for him to be recognized.Luke didn't bother with him and continued looking at the screen in front of him.He took large strides towards the floor and arrived the same time as Nova did.Both their hands were on the book and none of them was willing to let go.The funny thing being that none of them saw this coming.How hilarious right?The guy's hand was on Nova's but he refused to let her have it so now the book was being pulled by both of them.Anyone seeing this would take it as a sibling's quarrel where no one wanted to lose to the other so they were fighting for it.This felt, weird because the fight was silent.No one was speaking, the only communication happening was between the eyes.she was literally glaring at him telling him to let go.He on the other hand had a murderous look in his eyes.If looks could kill both of them would already be dead.Seeing that he wasn't conceding defeat ,she decided to talk first,"Perdon senor,I held the book first ... can you please let go,"she pleaded with him politely.

The guy answered with a curt "NO".How arrogant,hmmp.If there was something that Nova disliked was someone being arrogant for no reason at all.Thay had never met but he was behaving like she owed him a million dollars.Could he at least behave like a gentleman even if he wasn't and let her have the book.Well, no simply because he was an arrogant prideful fool who doesn't know the proper way of treating a lady.Where in the word did this guy come from? Didn't his mother teach him manners?Nova felt really frustrated looking at the guy.And since he had the damn shades on,she couldn't know what he was thinking as she couldn't read his expression.Luke who had been in a sour mood when answering Nova a while ago, came looking for her.He wanted to apologize to her but what he saw surprised him.She was standing too close to an unknown guy and they were holding hands.He wanted to laugh.This was the first time in the short time that he had known Nova that he was seeing her with a guy.From where he stood,he could not see them properly so he went nearer.

At some point,he thought she preferred her own gender over the other and that's why he'd never seen her with a guy.But looking at her now he knew that that was not the case.

He came closer and that's when he understood what was going on.

They were fighting for the book.

"What's happening here?"he asked.

"Well,I happen to hold the book first and this guy held it too except I held it first,but he refuses to let me have it."she answered looking at the guy.

"How about we go solve this at the reception because here we are disturbing the peace and others are reading.Is that ok..ay?"he directed the last question to the man and pointed his hands towards the staircase.

"Sure,"his deep enchanting voice answered.

Seems like the guy didn't speak much because he always gave short answers but that wasn't the problem here.The problem was ,it was very annoying.

Luke liked Nova but he didn't have the courage to tell her.He knew her stance when it came to relationships and that's why he'd never mustered the courage to tell her about how he felt.Thats why when he saw her with this guy he kind of felt jealous.But after knowing why they were in that position,it quickly went away just like the way it had arrived.

The man noticed it too,and got annoyed.Why did she have so many admirers? Sometimes he felt like he could kill these guys that were always near her.He couldn't get too close to her because she was always surrounded by people.Today he got the perfect excuse but this Luke had to ruin it.He initially had planned on giving the book to Nova but with Luke's interference he decided against it.He now wanted to let her suffer a little for having so many men around her.He knew he was being petty but he didn't care.In the future,she would think twice before allowing so many men close to her.

At the reception,he paid for the book and snatched it away from Nova's hands then left.

"Thanks for coming to our shop..."he had Luke speak behind him but didn't care what he was saying.He was beyond mad with jealousy and couldn't stand the guy any longer.

Nova was very angry.She couldn't believe he left just like that, without even an apology."how arrogant,hmmp.I hope a car knocks you dead out there, bastard.Arrogant fool."she cursed him heard.What she didn't know was that both Luke and the guy heard her.she only noticed that she had said it out loud when Luke burst out in laugher.

"Why would you say that,Nov...come on (laughs even harder)what if he really gets hit by a car..."Luke asked her in the middle of his laughter.

"Wouldn't you say he deserves it,mmh...how dare he, ugh,how annoying..."she said angrily as she stomped her feet heading to the library.

Luke who wanted to speak to her and apologize didn't get the chance to.He knew if he dared to speak to her at that state she would shift all her anger on him,so he backed off and went back to his work.

Nathaniel,on the other hand had not left the place.He had just gotten out of sight when he heard her speak.The guy instead of being mad he has been insulted,was elated he left an impression on her.Now she would think of him and that's what he wanted.He was beyond happy.

He felt guilty though, because he knew she needed that book for research.He also needed it's guide but he could wait.For him,it was more of advancing in another career but for her this was her only career in this field.After contemplating for a while,he decided to let her have it.So he went back in to look for her but unfortunately he didn't find her.

"where would I go when angry if I was Nova?"he asked himself.

He didn't have to think that much because she could be as blank as a white paper, very easy to read.He took his long legs to the library that was on the third floor and true enough,she was there,sitting in a corner with cute pink pouted lips.

Finally took a step forward and started writing in this platform and so far I am enjoying the experience.

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