

John frowned his face when he saw who had interrupted his time with Lilian.

"What do you want here, Noah? John said with a frown on his face.

"Does it matter what I am doing here? Stop harassing the girl and let her go. This is a market. We don't need this kind of behaviour here," Noah replied.

"And who is going to make me? You?" John smiled evily.

"I don't have time for this. Do you want me to call the police on you? You better respect yourself and leave this place before it gets bad for you," Noah warned.

Lilian stood watching as both boys kept exchanging words. She looked at the boy who had intervened. He looked young, almost the same age as John. He is fair and tall. He looked like a foreigner because of his hair and face. He also has beautiful brown eyes. Lilian was mesmerized by the boy's handsomeness. John is the same height as the boy he called Noah. John is dark and also tall. But he was not as handsome as Noah.

The boys continued to exchange words with each other as Lilian just stood and watched them.

John seemed a bit shaken when Noah mentioned the police.

"Okay, I will leave. But, this is not over yet, Noah. I will get back to you."

He turned to Lilian. "We will meet again my dear girl," he winked at her, making Lilian frown. She looked at him in disgust.

He left the place in a hurry, still wearing a frown. Noah walked towards Lilian and smiled at her.

"Hello. Are you alright?"

"Yes, thank you," Lilian replied.

"My name is Noah by the way. What's yours?"

"I'm Lilian. Thank you once again for helping me. I don't know why he always bothers me."

"He is like that. Pay no heed to him. Anyway, will you like me to accompany you? I also have things to buy. I can use that chance to get the things I want to buy."

"Sure. Thank you."

Both Lilian and Noah walked around the market and got the things they wanted. They spoke and had a lengthy conversation to help them get to know each other better. When they were done buying what they needed, both of them walked out of the market.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Noah. I really had fun spending time with you."

"I had fun with you too. Do you stay around here?"

"Yes. I live around the small restaurant on the high street. It is at the estates," Lilian said.

"Wait, is it sunshine estates?"

Lilian nodded. "Yes. That is the name of the estates. Do you by any chance live there too?"

"Yes, I do. I'm actually on the next street. My parents are Mr and Mrs Smith. I don't know if you have heard of them?"

"I have. Mr Smith is a white man from what I have heard."

"You are very right my dear. Well, I better get going. I can drop you if you want?" Noah offered.

"You brought a car?" Lilian looked around in confusion.

"No. Actually I came here on my motorcycle. I hope it won't bother you?" He pointed to a motorcycle that had been packed on the other side of the road.

"I don't really like motorcycles. They scare me. But thank you for the offer," Lilian smiled.

"Okay. I will see you around then. Take care of yourself. And try to avoid John, he is bad news."

Lilian nodded again. "I will. Thanks."

John waved at her and crossed the road with a black polythene bag in his hand. He sat on his motorbike and drove off as Lilian waved back at him. When he was out of sight, she took a turn down the road and walked away.

Lilian got home later than her mother had expected her to be. She walked into the house and found her mother in the living room, waiting for her.

"What took you so long?" her mother got up and took the basket from her.

"I am sorry I am late, mother. It's just that I ran into John again and he started to harass me at the market."

"What?! Why has that boy decided to bother you? What is his problem? I hope he did not hurt you?"

"No, mother. A boy helped me get away from him. His name is Noah Smith."

"Smith? Wait! Is he the son of Mr and Mrs Smith? The couple that live on the next street?"


Lilian's mother took the basket and headed towards the kitchen with Lilian following behind her. Her mother smiled to herself. She knew very well who Noah was and was happy that her child met him too.

"Mother, why are you suddenly smiling?"

"It is because I know the boy. His mother is a very good friend of mine. I have met him a few times and I can tell he is a good boy. We will go there this evening to properly thank him for helping you. For now, let's start making dinner before your father returns home."

Lilian nodded and quickly helped her mother make dinner. Lilian has always been a very respectful girl. She is the only child of her parents and they adore her. Even though she is an only child, her parents never spoiled her. Instead, they treated her like every parent will train their child. She never felt spoilt either. She loved the training her parents gave her and never complained.

Little did Noah and Lilian know that their meeting was going to give way for a beautiful friendship between them. Lilian in fact is a very beautiful girl. She is slim and of average height. She has beautiful chocolate skin, which glows whenever she steps out in the sun. She looked like an African goddess. She looked too beautiful for a girl her age yet she was so humble.

Everyone loved her and all the girls in her school wanted to be with her because of her intelligence. As a bright girl in her class, she was always at the top of her class and that earned her the respect and admiration of all her teachers. Her life was just that perfect but she never allowed any of that get into her head.

She loved being the way she was. The sweet simple girl everyone loves.