

I am strong but not stronger than my best friend,I can be my self with pat

Praise_9081 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


Renee got home and told her mother that she does not have any friends to play with and her mother said"but you have a dog to play with saved your life darling you must start getting to like him,alright.Renee said"thanks Mom.

So they went to a party next door but something happened there,there was no cat there only dogs barking in her ear.Renee's mother went to get some food for pat,but pat did not eat from her hand.he barked and went to Renee then ask her to feed him orelse his going to ruining the party without Renee's permission.Renee saw the dog and feed him, the dog was confused.The dog said to her "thanks,i really love my military partner but i killed him" Renee was shocked,to hear the dog ,Renee asked him how ,pat replied i was a speacial military dog ,so we where training in our studio but over helped i was learning how to jump high buildings but when i jumped the building fell on my partner so they locked me up and they had to sell me and i saw you ,Renee started liking pat and she fell for him,she was so sad.

Renee replied to the dog and said"i am sorry for saying i hate you" the dog said "don't worry its nothing ,so now i am you best friend" Renee said okay you are my best friend ,I only like you as my best friend ,pat was shocked and said"why would you take any other dog aside from me ,they laughed ,dog are Every mans best friend Renee replied"well looks like i am a man they laughed .

Renee's mother said"Ok lets go home"when they entered the car the mother said"so how are you enjoying your new friend Renee said"new friend,well he is my best friend so i enjoy him" mother said"well it is the least i could do for you.

They reached home with joy,when they got home pat asked if he could play with his best friend,Renee said"sure,but let me go have a bath .Okay said pat,pat was so excited .

meanwhile Renee went upstairs to have a bath,but she was feeling so guilty for trying to get rid of pat,but instead she was still happy to have a heroic dog.

Renee finished having her bath she wore her robe and went down stairs,for to see her mother standing in front of the window a bullet pass through her head and she died,Renee screamed she checked outside and saw a sniper man running away.

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