
My Best Friend is the Hero

After getting betrayed and killed by someone he holds dear. Max finds himself thrown into another world as a baby. Born as the first son of one of the supreme general and first general of demon army. Max (Arcon) has to strive to reach the expectations of the society. As though the world wants to mock him, when his powers are checked, not only does he have only an ego, which falls short as a primal demon, his only ability is luck. Through the encouragement of his ever-loving mother, he pulls himself together and trains to live a decent and quiet life and not disappoint them any further. To pour spit on the wound, one of the most prodigious demons named Crystal Del Monre takes deep interest in him after hearing a prophecy. He tries his best to avoid her eyes and the attention that it brings but all to no avail. Through her tortures...err...help, training and tutelage, he manages to advance to higher levels of strength, but such training brings about problem, a problem to his essence. His essence now tainted with chaos aims to drive him to and past his breaking point through unending nightmares. After ending the hero and his group and subduing the human army, the demon continent is plunged into chaos by an organisation whose end goal is to put demon back on their 'right path', the path of never destruction and carnage. This event leads to Arcon's most fruitious encounters. During a dungeon raiding as per usual with Crystal, he stumbles into a missing room with an enchanted book at its centre. Feeling compelled, he walked closer, hands outstretched towards the book. He had finally reached it, all the conditions clear, the space and state to complete his missing part. Chaos was complete, his mind serene, his purpose, his goal clear. Rain down destruction and chaos to the world. Engrave their hearts with fear at the utterance of his name. Who was going to stop him? The monster in him finally unleashed. What hero could slay his predatorial hunger? The time for demons to rule drawing ever closer. The fate of all other races dangling on a thread. A force on like any other, only another of greater intensity could bring an end to it. Who might it be? Where might they be? Only time will tell.

prime_infinity · Fantasy
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53 Chs

What a world

My name is Max Cruiser. Age 17, Status: single and still pure, Location: unknown. I sighed as I look around the place, I'm in. I've been floating around this white void for 1,862,426 seconds, I think. It makes me wonder if time is applicable here. The funny fact is that nothing feels blurry. It doesn't feel like a dream in the slightest and that scares me. I still remember all that happened.

After I had escaped from that bastard, I headed straight through the hidden passage we had that leads to a tunnel that takes you a few blocks away from the house. It was a nice plan until I encountered the biggest and most unexpected hurdle.

What lay before my eyes was so shocking that I just fell to the floor and began to laugh. He had me and he had me good. I couldn't believe it, after everything I did. It was all going to end in his favour. I stared at the bomb one last time and chuckled. This was checkmate, I touched the firm wall created where the passage was meant to continue. I took a deep breath and smiled as everything went *boom* and then I find myself here. I wondered if this was how the afterlife was, but I truly doubt that.

The most surprising thing here was that I neither felt hungry nor thirsty. This place really piques my curiosity. But alas I'm only left in more doubt the more I try to make reason of it. If there's one thing I do feel here, that'd be sleep. He closes his eyes and yawns.

He's awakened by noises that he can't make sense of. He opens his eyes but only sees darkness before him. What is happening? Have I turned blind or what? He asked himself. Suddenly he's being pushed out by a force. What sorcery is this? He asked but all he heard was crying. Who's crying? Again, is only responded by more crying. He's lifted by a humanoid woman and given to a beautiful red lady with crystalline purple eyes and a 5-inch horn under her long flowing silver hair. The woman caresses the baby in her arms as she smiles at him. Let me go this instant, he shouted but only more cries came out. "Are you angry or hungry?", she cocks her head.

She'd never been a mother before and so was really confused. " Don't worry dear Arcon. Mummy Lyn will take care of everything", she kisses his forehead as he begins to smile and giggle. On closer look, she does look beautiful despite her horns and colour. She looks rather cute if you ask me." That's my boy", she kisses his cheeks as he smiles and laughs.

She continues to play with him until his stomach rumbles as she smiles," Looks like someone wants his first snack quickly.", she raises her top as he gasps in surprise. What! She chuckles as she sees the expression on his face, " Even my little arc is charmed by them ", she laughs as she strokes his hair. " Do go easy on the girls my love. "

She continues to play with him until a man enters the room where she stays. He's a 6-foot-4 tall man with a huge muscle mass. He's a red demon with 8 inches long black horns, long black hair, red eyes, and scars all over his bare chest. Looking at him made me gulp as I held on tightly to Lyn. The man had a stern face as he walked towards me. My heart pumped faster as my mind raced all over and suddenly, I began to cry loudly. Lyn looked at the man with a face of anger," See what you have done Korag. You've made Arcon scared of you". I just stared as the man walked closer to me. I finally noticed his dark bushy beard and small scars on his face. He knelt on one knee before me and smiled then he looked at Lyn.

"He sure will make a fine young lad. So, when are we checking his ego." On hearing that, Lyn's face contoured as she scowled, " How can you bring up such a thing when you just saw your child." Korag scratched his hair as he looked at Lyn. For some reason, I could see the fear in his eyes as he looked at her. What was even more baffling is that they spoke in a different language, but I could clearly understand them for some reason.

Korag gulped a little then continued, "It's not that I don't care. It's just due to the war amongst the demons and other races", he took a small pause and then continued, "Especially the human race. They just won't give it a rest. We've been battling for ages, and they keep evolving and surprising us. They've really kept us on our toes. Therefore, I wanted to know about his ego to know if he will be safe or better still, if he could help us beat the rest and end the", his eyes suddenly lit up as he said," Or in the best-case scenario becomes the bodyguard of the demon lord."

" I think your imagination is running far too wild for comfort. So far as I live and breathe, my son will only do things because he wants to and not for his father or mother's benefit ", she hugs him and smiles I'll give you all the love in the world, my dear arc." She looks up to Korag again, " Korag, we've been together for four years and I told you I wanted six children, but we've only made one. I think you should make more time for me."

Korag sighs and then sits beside Lyn as he strokes her hair," You should know how much I want to be with you, Linda, but my work as the first general of the demon lord's army keeps me busy especially now during this high peak of the war. It's even a miracle I could make it here today." He kisses her forehead and smiles as he caresses her cheeks. She blushes and kisses him on the lips," Guess you're right about that. Still, I want you to force time out for me, okay?" He laughs lightly, " Sure thing my love", he stands up to leave but is stopped by Lyn. "His ego will be checked in eight days so don't miss it." He smiles as he hears this," I wouldn't miss it for the world." After that, they kiss again before he leaves. All through that time there was only one thing in Arc's mind," She's so cute. How did she end up with a man like him."?

Just like that, eight days had passed. Linda had taken very good care of him, and he came to realize one fact after all this time. Lyn was the prettiest woman he had seen, both in this life and in his past. He was kind of sad every time he remembered that she was his mother. She was like the perfect wifel; pretty, cute, smart, a good cook, hardworking, cheerful, caring and so much more. He had subconsciously come to love Lyn and was happy to be her son. Over the days she always talked about the ego test I was about to take and prayed that yours will be something that makes him such an amazing person.

I prayed for that too so that I won't disappoint her. A maid briskly walked up to her. Her name was Sally, and she is one of the head maids in the mansion. She took a bow and announced, " It is time Madam Linda, the carriage is waiting outside to escort you to the Baal temple." Lyn nodded her head but hesitated a bit. Sally notices this and asks," What's the problem, madam?"

"Isn't Korag coming?" Lyn replied.

Sally smiled and nodded," He's already at the temple waiting." Lyn smiles and nods," Okay then Sally. We'll be on our way". She carries Arcon and heads for the temple.

They reached the temple after a few minutes. The place was a little crowded, but Lyn was able to find her way to the Ignal section.

"You finally arrived ", a voice behind her said. She turned and saw Korag smiling at her as he then proceeded to hug her.

She looks at the line and sighs," So how long are we waiting?" Korag folds his arms and stares at her. She understood all too well what he means but chooses to ignore it. After many attempts, he gives up and just waits in line. They stay in line for a few minutes before they enter a dark room with two men standing at the side and a sort of floating blue orb at the centre just above a podium. Arcon starts getting goosebumps. He is nervous as all the doubts in his mind start rushing in.

He is just about to go into panic mode when she whispers in his ear," Everything will be alright my love. Anything you get will be a gem. I just know you're that amazing ", she smiles as she places him on the podium.

Her smile does warm the world. Those were the thoughts crossing his mind as a weird energy passes through his body. He feels a light shock then it all goes back to normal. A blue flickering screen appears before him as one of the men speaks up," That's his ego. I would like to speak with you later Master Korag".

He nods as he and his wife rush forward to see his ego, but their faces don't light and neither does his. He looks at the screen as if it trying to decipher a code. How could this be? I actually thought I would be special here. So, he thought.

Ego: Luck: 72

Destructive potential: None

Inherent talent: None

Aura: Shifter

Willpower: Above average