
My Best Friend is the Hero

After getting betrayed and killed by someone he holds dear. Max finds himself thrown into another world as a baby. Born as the first son of one of the supreme general and first general of demon army. Max (Arcon) has to strive to reach the expectations of the society. As though the world wants to mock him, when his powers are checked, not only does he have only an ego, which falls short as a primal demon, his only ability is luck. Through the encouragement of his ever-loving mother, he pulls himself together and trains to live a decent and quiet life and not disappoint them any further. To pour spit on the wound, one of the most prodigious demons named Crystal Del Monre takes deep interest in him after hearing a prophecy. He tries his best to avoid her eyes and the attention that it brings but all to no avail. Through her tortures...err...help, training and tutelage, he manages to advance to higher levels of strength, but such training brings about problem, a problem to his essence. His essence now tainted with chaos aims to drive him to and past his breaking point through unending nightmares. After ending the hero and his group and subduing the human army, the demon continent is plunged into chaos by an organisation whose end goal is to put demon back on their 'right path', the path of never destruction and carnage. This event leads to Arcon's most fruitious encounters. During a dungeon raiding as per usual with Crystal, he stumbles into a missing room with an enchanted book at its centre. Feeling compelled, he walked closer, hands outstretched towards the book. He had finally reached it, all the conditions clear, the space and state to complete his missing part. Chaos was complete, his mind serene, his purpose, his goal clear. Rain down destruction and chaos to the world. Engrave their hearts with fear at the utterance of his name. Who was going to stop him? The monster in him finally unleashed. What hero could slay his predatorial hunger? The time for demons to rule drawing ever closer. The fate of all other races dangling on a thread. A force on like any other, only another of greater intensity could bring an end to it. Who might it be? Where might they be? Only time will tell.

prime_infinity · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Miss Belmere

It is finally the day Arcon had been anticipating. He wore the best dress he could find as he awaits his instructor. The event at the ceremony lingered in his mind and gave him new resolve to excel.

Lyn is rather happy to see the resolve in her son. Though, he progressed rather slowly. All that mattered to her was the effort. A carriage finally pulls up at the entrance of the courtyard. Arcon's heart raced as several emotions ran through him.

This was not a new feeling to him, but it was still terrifying. The feeling of impending disappointment and fruitless labour. Several doubts surges through his head, but he shaked them off with a bright smile.

" Nothing's going to go wrong", he tells himself repeatedly as he slaps both his cheeks. A warm hand touches his shoulder as he looks up and sees his mother who gave him a reassuring smile. Her smile killed all the doubtful thoughts he had in his mind.

He takes a deep breath as the coachman opens the carriage. Arcon's eyes lit up as he waited in anticipation for his teacher to come out. A woman who was just a bit taller than him came out of the carriage. Her red skin glistened in the sunlight and is adorned with a long blonde hair tied to pigtails. Her big blue eyes just made her cute. In all honesty, she looked like a girl in his age range.

"What is this, mother?" His excitement slowly began to fade. His mother understood why he was this way. She just smiles and ruffles his messy black hair." Don't judge a book by its cover honey. When she comes show her some respect and Nina will show her in." Lyn goes back to the house.

A butler helps the woman's luggage as she skips towards. Once she reaches him, she extends her hand for a handshake." So, you're Arcon, right? I'm Belmere, your trainer". She smiles making her look even more cute." Um....yes, it's nice to meet you". He takes her hand and shakes it.

Name: Larz Belmere Ego: Charm caster Inherent talent: Tamer

" Same here", her smile still remains bright causing him to subconsciously smile. Nancy bows as she sees the young master and his trainer." It's a pleasure to meet you, madam ", she does another courteous bow. Belmere chuckles," Well thank you", Nina collects her bags then two other maids carry it in for her.

Arcon follows suit and so does Belmere. As they enter, a maid runs past them. Arcon stops in his tracks to observe the situation. His brother runs towards him giggling. Luca is just the splitting image of mom but in face and behaviour while Yun his sister behaved more like his dad.

Luca hugs him then looks at Belmere suspiciously." Arcon, who is this girl you brought along? Is she your girlfriend?" He was shocked by the questions his brother had just asks but more than that Belmere was pissed but she clenched her fists to restrain herself and gave a creepy smile." I'm not his girlfriend neither am I a child. I'm your brother's trainer ", she said when seriously holding herself back.

She really hated it when people addressed her as a child because of her looks and personality. Luca ignores her and faces his brother," I know you're lying but take care", he faces her and sticks his tongue out then ran away.

Name: Luca Diavolos Ego: Mimic Inherent talent: Way of the warrior

" I'll show that cheeky brat", Arcon looks at her and notices the tense aura around her. "Sorry for his behaviour, he's still a kid", her face softens as she hears this," Sure. We'll see tomorrow then", her and the maids head to her room. He walks towards the staircase where he saw some maids," Where's Yun-Yun", he asks. They all pointed at the library. "Guess she's still at it".

Name: Yun Diavolos Ego: Shatter Inherent talent: Tempest of chaos

Arcon knocks twice then entered the library. A small girl sat on a chair reading a huge book. The library was huge and very long filled with all manner of books neatly stacked in their respective shelves. There was a table and chair neatly arranged by the side of every five shelves. Yun had short black hair and sharp purple eyes." It's pointless knocking on the door if you'd just come in", she said with her cold and strict voice. He isn't concerned about her way of speaking but her demeanour did amaze him.

" Still battling against knowledge, it seems", he said as he sits at the edge of the desk. She ignores him and continues her work. This much he expected from her then a thought came to his head as he smiles." Mom still says your powers are dangerous. Have tried to get it under control".

She murmurs something before she left the library. He shrugs then yawns loudly." Guess it's time to hit the sack." He heads back to his room and slept off.

The next day

Arcon is outside bare-chested sitting on the ground while Belmere is down some 'incantations' on him. After a while, a bright blue light enveloped his body then dies down quickly. She strokes her chin as she tilts her head to the side." This is going to be a tough one", she looks at him sternly," I hope you have the determination to bear through my harsh regiment". He had already decided to be focused but it was hard to do even just that due to how cute she looked.

" Normally, I would have started off with you fighting my pets but instead we'll use this week to strengthen your body". She points at a huge barrel," Carry that and follow me", she starts walking to the west side of the compound which leads to a really vast forest. He struggles to keep the barrel at his back. He feels like he's being crushed by a truck. He finally powers through and follows her until they reach the west gate which was tightly locked.

He curses his luck as he staggers behind her. He was breathing heavily and sweat covered his forehead." Can't we take a break, I've been walking for a while and my legs are really hurting", he was barely holding on as he said this. She giggles and looks him, "Break? We've only just begun". He stares at her in disbelief as they teleport into a vast forest." Our real journey begins now", she said with a smile on her face.

After several hours, they are back at the courtyard. Arcon couldn't feel any part of his body. He felt as though his soul was drifting away from his body. What was she thinking? It's as though she wanted to kill him but all he could do was lay back and hope all goes well. "We did okay today but we could improve", she thought out loud. Arcon was in shock, he knew now that it was either his body or mind that will breakdown. It was all a matter of which one will crumble first.

She began to list things that will better his training but all he heard were torture devices she will use on him. In his eyes, she is like his personal demon sent to torment him. He looks at the sky just to notice that it was just dawn. He turned to her, "Just when did you wake me up?"

"Around one.", she said thoughtlessly. He just laid on the floor waiting for his impending doom. She stretches out her hand as a green light envelope his body. He feels alleviated from the stress, strains and tensions accumulated on his body. He felt light and free. He quickly stood up and did some stretches.

" Consider this a tutorial pack. From tomorrow, you have to find a way to rid yourself of your stress and tensions. That will also be part of your training". He was about to protest but she vanished. After a while of taking in the peace energy around. He went back inside.

And so, the week passed, with her giving him really heavy items and taking him for a hog in the morning and theoretical explanation of aura, ki, and mana usage. He truly gained a lot in the past week. Once, she made a boar which was about 30 meters tall chase him while he carried a basket filled with stones on his back.

He used the tsunai hot spring which his mother had made a few months ago to release tension and stress. The hot spring has amazing healing and relaxing attributes in it.

Belmere is looking at him with a smile on her face. "At least we're getting somewhere with this", she said triumphantly. Her first stage was nothing less than brutal, but he endured. He wondered how much more an eight-year-old could endure before his body let's out." Well, the next stage will be easy", a huge 10m tall, grey, three headed dog with red eyes appears beside her. It growls loudly as its layers of sharp long teeth are displayed.

He looks at the monster in shock. "This woman is crazy", he thought. "You better think up something because it's either you beat it, or you die". On hearing that word, he cringes a bit. His body trembled as the only voice in his head was screaming run! As she signalled begin, Arcon took off at an astonishing speed. He was determined to outrun the best through the forest until it was over.

The monster chased after him. It destroyed trees in one strike of its claws and bashed through others. This just made him more resolved to run more. It seemed like he had been running for hours. His legs were beginning to give in, but he felt the terrifying aura behind him. His body was in a haze. His body did not listen to him, he just continued running until he didn't sense the monster again.

He just sat there for a while trying to catch his breath. After like an hour he went back to where Belmere was. She just sat there petting the monster's head. "Why did you run? You were supposed to fight him". He looked at her in disbelief as he pointed into the forest, "That beast was able to demolish a tree with one slash but somehow you want me to beat him". She slaps her forehead," Maybe I started too strong".

Arcon sits down and yawns. Belmere understood perfectly. He had done enough for today, so he could rest. The next day, he was confronted by a huge red salamander with yellow eyes and a flaming back, but the same thing happened.

This happened for all her 362 monsters.

Arcon sat on the ground. He was now chiselled, and his body is more defined. It has been 4 years since Miss Belmere became his instructor. He was now 14 years old. His sister, who was now 9years, had already performed outstanding feats that brought people from all over the demon empire wanting to nurture her outstanding talent. Though she declined all of them.

He was quite envious as even his junior brother was beginning to show off his amazing talent and he just had a new brother three years ago. Belmere had just finished analysing his body. "Well, you haven't really improved on your power. You just refused to face off the monsters. But on the bright side, your speed, agility and stamina are really high. It really improved considering the short time.

"You should just up and faced the monsters", she said strictly. "What makes it so bad is that your attacks and durability are really weak. Your growth is really slow. I just chipped in on Shina's training and see how far she's gone". Arcon was angry but he knew it was true. He was going to tell her his mind, "I know that you'd expect me to be great, but I doubt you could even beat these monsters".

As she heard this, she clenched her fists tightly as her eyes began to twitch. The energy around them changed so fast that Arcon tilted his head in confusion. Immediately a gust of wind blows past him. He slowly turns as he hears the loud explosion behind him. He sees the deep long hole caused by her punch.

His body quivered in fear as he looked at her face which spelt death to him. She cracked her knuckles as she walked towards him. "Just so you know. To take a dominating role in taming monsters. You have to beat them till they surrender. So, I am by far more powerful than the monsters I have. I thought I would leave this fight till after you beat all my monsters". She then smiles evilly as she appears in front of him, "Guess I'll make you an exception".

She throws a punch which he barely dodged. She spins in the air and lands a kick directly on his head. He staggers backwards a bit as everything becomes fuzzy then it all turns dark.