
Chapter 28

My best friend is straight (chapter 28)

Continuation from last scene...

Mike: quickly pushedd chigozie awày after seeing his sister watching them from the door

Chigozie: turned and saw Kate 😳😳..

Kate: Jesus Christ! Bloood of Jesus.. she shoutéd slightly as she entered the room..

Mike: Kate... He called her name calmly in fear and shocked..

Chigozie: breathing heavily and looking so scàred and perplexed..

Kate: what did I just saw? Like seriously? Mike? Chigozie? Like seriously? You both are now kissin? Wow... You both are gàys?

Mike: Kate please let me explain...

Chigozie: kept quiet..

Mike: please Kate let me explain.. he said while going down on his knees to beg Kate..

Kate: explain what Mike? She responded quietly..

Omg! I can't believe this..

How did you guys get to this place? Since when?

Why didn't I ever notice anything like this😩😩...

And I was just telling mom not long Ago that I'm scàred for you.... You don't Talk about girls or ever had any girlfriend... only for me to see you both doing this stuff... This irrítatíng stuff..

Mike: already on the ground.... Begging Kate

Please Kate don't tell Mom about this.. please.. he said while begging Kate

Kate: I won't even dare tell Mom... How can I? So that she can fall into depressioñ? No way! I'll never..

Mike: 🙏🙏🙏..

Kate: so you're the one that led my brother into this èvíl stuff. She said looking at chigozie..

Chigozie: no.. no please that is not What happened please...

Kate: for goodness sake you're married chigozie and you have kid.. Why are you still doing this rubbishh..

Chigozie: please Kate can you just allow me explain to you? Please. I'll tell you everything. Just don't shout or let any third party know about this... He said calmly to Kate..

Kate: explain what? What do you want to explain again? I have seen everything..

Chigozie: hmmm... Can we talk please? Me and you alone!

Kate: you and who alone? Why? What are we talking about? How you turned my brother into a gày? Or what do you want to say now that I don't know?

Mike: Mike it's all my fault please.. he has nothing to do with this..

Chigozie: keep quiet! He said to Mike..

Kate: why should he keep quiet?

Chigozie: allow me explain everything to you please.. I believe you will understand better if I do..

After that you can decide whatsoever you want to do about it..

Kate: hmmm... Ok meet me outside the house ! She said and left the room...

Mike: stood from the ground and sat on the tip of the bed slowly... Looking so scàred..

Chigozie: calm down! Mike just calm down ok..

Mike: how can you tell me to calm down now? What do I do from now? What if she tells my mom.. my mom is too emotional she will spend all day cryiñg about it..and I don't think I can afford to see her that way..

Chigozie: I know.. but don't worry I know what to say to Kate! She's not a kid... And I believe she will understand what I'll say to her..

Mike: this is all your fault chigozie... It's all your fault.. if you had listen to me and not come here or leave when I asked you to do so..we wouldn't have gotten to this stage... Omg what do I do now? He said looking so afraid.

Chigozie: this is not the time to be blaming anyone...it won't solve the case at all..

Mike: please just leave me alone...just go awày please.. I don't want to see you..he said angrilyy..

Chigozie: hmmm... Let me go and meet Kate outside...

He said and left immediately..

Mike: oh God.. this is not how I planned my life! I never included my family getting to know about this... How do I rearrange this stuff now? Oh God my mom must not get to know about this! No way.. he said and lie down on the bed staring at the room pop

Scene 2 ( chigozie and Kate... Outside )

Chigozie: please I want you to try and understand all the things I'm about to explain to you now please.. I promise to be honest all through.

Kate: I'm listening oga.. oya talk!

Chigozie: firstly let me correct your statement.. I didn't lead your brother into gày.. what happened was that.. few weeks after we both started staying in the same room in the hostel.... I found out that he's gày!

Kate: 😳😳hmmm...

Chigozie:( started explaining how everything went on between him and Mike and how he started developing feelings for mike)

About 20 minutes later..

Kate: hmmm is this a movie or something? All of this stuffs happened between you both?

Chigozie: yes! Please believe me I'm not lying to you..

Kate: WOW! I can't believe this... So after getting to know about his sexúality you still became closer to him?

Chigozie: Yes! I see him as a kid bro to me.. then, I never had any feelings towards him.. and I was not full happy finding out he's gày.. but I had no choice.

Kate: if I understand your explanation very well.. the both of you have had sexx?

Chigozie: Yes!

Kate: Jesus..... Omó!

Before your wedding night and when?

Chigozie: yesterday at the proposal company!

Kate: hmmm... Omó I'm lost now! I don't even know what to say anymore. All I know is that I want to protect my brother! I don't think I can allow him continue doing this stuff.. no, never..

Chigozie: Catherine... He called her name in full.

I don't think you will be helping your brother if you don't allow him to freely express him self.. this is who he's actually.. you can't change that again. Any other thing apart from this will only húrt him more..

Kate: so I should leave my brother to you for you to continue doing that shít with him?

Chigozie: no please. That is not what I'm saying! Kate I know you're educated and you understand full well all I'm trying to say! You know the exact thing your brother is and you know changing for him will be the most difficult thing ever... Please let help him together

Kate: help him together how?

Chigozie: allow me be with him.

Kate: eeh? Mr Man ain't you getting all my explanation since? I don't want my brother to continue doing this and please face your family..

Moreover you're married self.. how do you expect me to leave my brother with you when you have other responsibilities to take care of..

Chigozie: my family is a different thing and from what I explained to you I told you how everything about the marriage started...

Kate: hmm.. it's ok please. Thank you for protecting my brother. Thank you for staying with despite knowing his sexúality and thank you for not selling him out for people to know! I really appreciate you for that..but trust me.. there is more to my brother than just being gày. I can't allow that to ruîn his life..

Chigozie: hmmm..

Kate: please don't ever come back here again! And I'll talk to my brother also to distance him self from you.. I don't want our mom to find out about this.

She said and entered the house back...

Chigozie: Kate...Kate...Kate... He tried calling her back.

Hmmm... This will be tough one. He said to him self as he opened their gate and entered his car and drove off...

Scene 3( Kate and Mike In Mike's room)

Kate: he already explained everything to me.. he also told me how he found out about you be gày..

Mike: Yes!.. he knew long ago..

Kate: why did you keep this from us? We're your family..

Mike: hmmm... How can I not keep this away from you both.. being gày is perceived èvíl in our society here.. mom is a very emotional person....she keeps on reminding me about her Grandchildren and the rest.. how can I bring myself to tell her that her son is a gày and he's being fvcked by his fellow man? Eeh Kate? Is that possible? He said as his voice changed and he was getting teary already.

Kate: hmmm.. but you should have told me... Maybe there's a way to stop this act.

Mike: there is no anyway to stop this Catherine. I have tried to stop this since were kids but I couldn't.. the feelings keeps on growing and growing on daily basis. I have lived over 20 years of my life this way! In fear and secret. I can express my love freely.. because I'm scàred of what the society will do.. what my family will do first.

Kate: exhales heavily... So you mean you can't change?

Mike: Kate! Change what? How can I change what I didn't put on myself... You guys don't understand what gày people pass through daily trying to leave like normal people and adjusting to what the society here in Nigeria wants.. Kate it has been hectic for me.. ah swearr.

Emotionally, I have been drainedd.. trying to please others..

Kate: hmmm it's fine. How do you feel about your friend?

Mike: cleaning the small tears coming from his eyes..

You mean chigozie?

Kate: yes him.

Mike: hmmm chigozie is my best friend. He's someone I have loved secretly until I opened up to him... But he was straight and got married.

Kate: and what about now?

Mike: now? I currently have a boyfriend! But he kept on insisting on wanting to have something with me..

Kate: and don't you want him?

Mike: hmmm... I really don't know! I just want to be happy.. stay with someone that will give me happiness and understand what I want for myself..

Kate: I can't tell you who to love Mike.. you understand your heart better... But from me I prefer you stay with chigozie... That guy like you..

Mike: Kate he's married now!

Kate: yes! I know.. that is just a bonus for the both of you.

Mike: bonus? How?

Kate: hope you know you're in Nigeria! You have to keep aside all those big big dreams you want for yourself and your partner and love life.... Let face reality ok!

I understand all you want for yourself but as it stands now... If you want to continue living your life in Nigeria you should stay with chigozie because he's the only you will stay with and nobody will suspect anything since he's married already..

Mike: what about my current guy?

Kate: I don't know any other guy Mike! I'm doing all of this for you... So you can continue to be your self.. and so that mom won't get to know about this.. imagine if mom sees you with another new friend...

Mike: hmmm... Thank you so much Kate! I understand you better..

Kate: anyways I told him not to come back here again...

Mike: why?

Kate: I just did that so he won't feel I'm so linient and free. Even though I know he won't listen to me..

Then Mike's phone rang out...

Kate: maybe he's the one calling...

Mike: Carried the phone..

Yes! He's the one..

Then he answered the call and put it on loud speaker..for both of them to here

Chigozie: howfer..

Mike: I'm fine.. what is it?

Chigozie: which one is what is it? What are you doing now?

Mike: nothing... Just in my room..

Chigozie: ok. Hope you're not cryiñg?

Mike: I'm not..

Chigozie: please don't! Because I know you.. cry cry baby boy..

Mike: go abeg... It's not funny

Kate: 😂 laughing quietly..

Chigozie: haahahha don't worry ok.... I'll come back tomorrow..

Mike: don't! I told you not to come back here again..

Kate: 😒😒😒 looking at Mike..

Chigozie: you know me that I must come back! You can't stop me..

Mike: hmmm... What did you discuss with Kate?

Chigozie: nothing much o.. don't worry..

Mike: tell me what you guys said..

Chigozie: she said we can be together!

Mike: liar. I know you will lie..

Chigozie: 😂😂😂😂... So you Know?

Mike: 😂😂😂yes na

Chigozie: finally you're laughing..

Mike: I'm not?

Chigozie: yes you're 😂

Mike: Good night!

Chigozie: no wait na...

Mike: wait for what?

Chigozie: I want to tell you something..

Mike: eeh? What is it?

Chigozie: I LOVE YOU!

Mike: 😳😳😳 you say?

Chigozie: I said I love you.

Mike: hmmm... You love me?

Chigozie: yes ah swearr I do.

Mike: ok thank you.

Chigozie: thank you for what?

Kate: 😂😂.. still laughing quietly.. not wanting chigozie to know that she's there..

Mike: for loving me na..

Chigozie: hmmm I go slaap you now..

Won't you say it back?

Mike: I won't!

Chigozie: stop na.. please.. say it! Say you love me..

Mike: hmmm no.. leave me alone.. good night. He said and ended the call

Kate: why did you end the call..

Mike: because I know he will call back immediately!

Kate: huh?

Boom Mike phone began to ring...

Kate: hmm. No be small thing oo..

Mike: yeah... We're used to each other already..

Kate: smiles.. it's fine!

So now what do we do about mom?

Mike: hmmm...

Kate: you can't continue this way for long.. she must surely ask you about getting a wife and the rest

Mike: yes I know that... I'm confused now..

Kate: don't worry ok.... I know what to do about her...

Mike: really?

Kate: yes! Just stay happy ok.. I won't tell her..

Mike: ok Kate thank you so much... I love you

Kate: 😒😒😒😒 you love me abi you love chigozie?

Mike: 😂😂😂😂 I love you more!

Kate: 😂😂😂ok dear enjoy your self and do things wisely ok..

Let me go back to my room now...

Mike: okay...thanks again Kate.. this mean so much to me.

Kate: 🙄🙄.. you will pay me for it soon..

Mike: hahaha ok..

Kate: opened the door and left..

Mike: exhales heavily...

Hmmm! Then he fell on the bed... Thinking about the whole stuff and finally slept off..

Scene 4..( mike, chigozie, Kate at Mike's family house)

The following morning being Saturday.. as early as 8am... Chigozie was already at Mike's house..

Chigozie: knocking on the gate..

Kate: who is that? This early morning..

Mom: maybe it's the man that brings egg for us

Kate: let me go and check...

Then she left what she was cooking and head out..

Chigozie: still knocking..

Kate: opened the gate and saw chigozie

Chigozie: Good morning ma,

Kate: who is your ma? Don't ma me oga!

What are you doing here? I thought I told you not to come here again.

Chigozie: sorry ma.. I'm sorry.. he said looking at Kate.. with a pity face..

Kate: no no.. I'm not buying that looks from you! Please go we're busy Inside..

Chigozie: please na Kate! I just want to talk to him for few minutes.. that is all I'll go back immediately.

Kate: no!

Chigozie: hmm... It's fine then. Just tell him I came around..

He said and turned back

Kate: come and enter 🙄🙄

Chigozie: really? 😳

Kate: I'll give you 1 hour only!

Chigozie: really? Thank you so much.. he said and entered the house..

Scene 5 ( the whole family with chigozie at the dinning table having breakfast)

Mom: chigozie you should be coming around all the time like this... You can come with your wife and kid..

Chigozie: ok ma.. no problem ma..

Mike: 🙄🙄🙄...

Mom: and you Shea you see your friend? Stay there and be wasting time.. I want grand children too

Kate: hmm mom allow Mike to breath.. see Mike marry anytime you want and if you like don't get marry self. It's your choice ok!

Mom: 😳😳😳 Kate! If he likes he shouldn't get marry? You don't want your brother to get marry?

Kate: yes! It's his choice.. get marry when you want ok.. and with whom you want..

Mike: thank you Kate.. at least someone is starting to support me in this house..

Chigozie: I'll support you!

Mike: 😒😒

Mom: even you chigozie? You don't want my son to get marry?

Chigozie: yes ma!

Mom: 😳😳 why?

Chigozie: 🤐🤐oh no ma.. I mean he should get marry but at when he wants..

Mom: ok this one is fair...

Mike my son don't mind them please get marry ok!

Mike: hahahha don't worry Mom I'll.

They all laughed and continue eating

Scene 7( Mike and chigozie at Mike's room)

Chigozie: smiling ☺️☺️☺️

Mike: why are you smiling?

Chigozie: I'm just happy! And I'm surprised that your sister let me in..

Yesterday she sounded so angryy at me..

Mike: hmm she gave you just one hour to stay here. Remaining few minutes..

Chigozie: you self want to chase me away?

Mike: Yes!

Chigozie: haaha if I slaap you..

Can we go somewhere together?

Mike: where?

Chigozie: to my house..

Mike: why?

Chigozie: I want to show you my kids..

Mike: really? Kids? Are they two?

Chigozie: they're twin.

Mike: 😳😳😳 twin? And you didn't tell me? Omg..

Chigozie: yes.. boys!

Mike: awwwn.... Wow that's nice.. I'll like to see them seriously..

Chigozie: ok let me call my wife first and asked if she's at home..

Mike: are you not just coming from your house?

Chigozie: no I don't stay with her.. I stay in the hotel..

Mike: why?

Chigozie: we argue and fighhtt all the time and I don't want my kids to grow up and see us fightingg

Mike: hmmm I understand.. ok let go

I can't wait to see them...awwwn.. hope they didn't carry your face🙄😒..

Chigozie: you dey mahd... Abeg let go joor..

Mike: okay...

What can I buy for them now oo...

Chigozie: don't worry we will stop at the mall and get anything you want.

Mike: ok..

Then he dressed up and they left..

Scene 9( Mike and chigozie at chigozie's house)

They entered and met the twins cryiñg alone in the living room..

Chigozie: what's happening here? Where this woman go?

Mike: Awwn stop cryiñg... He said and wanted to carry the twins but they refused and contiue cryiñg...

Chigozie: already angriéd at the whole situation..

You see what I'm telling you right? How can she leave this children here and go out...

Mike: maybe she's I. The room go and check!

Chigozie: head to the room..

He opened the door...

Boom... He met his wife and another màn on thier bed!

Chigozie: Chineke 😳😳😳

Linda: jumped off the bed immediately...along with the unknown man..

Chigozie: Linda... He shoutéd

Then the man quickly took his clothes and ran out to the living room..

Mike: Jesus 😳😳..

Who are you? He asked the man..

The man ran out of the house immediately...

The twins still cryîng..

Then Mike quick head to the room.. to see what was going on...

Chigozie: park your things and leave my house now!

Linda: chigozie please it's work of the Devil 🙏🙏 she said begging

Chigozie: just leave now when I'm asking you politely..

Mike: calm down chigozie.. just calm down..

Linda: please forgive me it's a mistake

Chigozie: mistake on my bed? Is this woman ok at all?

Pack your things and leave now!

Linda: I'm sorry I can't go anywhere..

Chigozie: you say?

Linda : you heard me correctly.. I'm not leaving. This isn't house too were married!

Mike: 😳omor see liver.....he said In his mind..

Chigozie: you dey créaze?

Linda: if I should leave this house I'm going with the kids..

Chigozie: are you stupeed? Leaving with who? My own kids?

Linda: your kids? 😂😂😂

Mike: 😳😳😳

Chigozie: why are you laughing?

Linda: oga if I leave this house I'm going with the kids and I'm taking them to thier real father!

Chigozie: you say?🤨🤨🤨 To thier what?

Mike: 😳😳😳😳 Jesus!

Linda: to thier real father...

Chapter 29? Loading....

Final chapter .. coming soon

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