
My Best Friend is a Major Lesbo!

Xiao Lin and Ling Yue have been friends since they were children, they're such good friends that they both plan to attend the same University! Ling Yue is a carefree jokester, making jokes, laughing about, and just having a good time, while Xiao Lin is a cold and serious student, she just wants to study all day and she has a really weird habit of staring into your soul! Like she's judging your past lives! Even still, they're best friends, and despite their differences, they love being around each other. Who knows if it might evolve into something special?

Saikoes · LGBT+
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10 Chs

My Girlfriend is NOT a Biantai!

The clock read midnight and Xiao slowly opened the front door. Ling quickly burst into her house.

"Yue, what are you doing here at this hour?" Xiao asked.

"Got kicked out," Ling snickered, "Figured my girlfriend wouldn't mind having me hide out at her house,"

"What did you get kicked out for?"

"Mom's iffy on the gay thing," Ling replied, "But I guess it's more of a 'I ran off' thing rather than a 'I got kicked out' thing, just feels cooler to say I got kicked out,"

Ling inhaled deeply before clinging onto Xiao, "Being called all those names by your own mother isn't real fun, but it's okay… I've got you,"

Xiao embraced Ling. She didn't know what to do with her hands. She let them rest at her sides for a few moments before embracing Ling as well, "It's okay…"