
My Best Friend Become My Girlfriend

Ivan was a normal child in a normal house. He didn't have a father but was happy. One day, his best friend Lucia came to his house to watch movies, and somehow they ended up becoming girlfriend and boyfriend. Their relationship continued, and they also became Awakened when the world's aura revived. --- No NTR There is Yuri

RyukiAkuma · Urban
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28 Chs

My Girlfriend Interrupted by Dog

To be honest, she wasn't exactly sure how it worked or why it caught her eye. Maybe it was the bright colors. Or the ribbed ridges running all the way along the big head. But Lucia wanted to use it.

So the big head probably went inside her, Lucia figured, using astute deductive reasoning skills. After all, it looked like a dick. And then the second head went.... Lucia looked at it.

My... butt? That didn't quite seem right.

Lucia flopped down on the bed, lying on top of the covers. She positioned the vibrator by her crotch, sizing it up.

No way that second head was supposed to go up the butt. The dimensions didn't work.

So that meant.... She flipped it around, and suddenly the whole thing clicked. Lucia sat back up, turned the device on, and her suspicions were confirmed when both heads started vibrating. She pressed it to her thigh, just to feel a comparison to the wand from yesterday.

This vibrator's lowest setting felt even a little lower than the wand's. Much more manageable she thought, especially since there was a part that was supposed to go inside you as well.

It would be perfect.

Lucia switched it back off, and took a couple deep breaths. She was a little nervous to try this out, but already was getting very excited. She felt her nipples harden, exposed to the slightly chill air.

She set the vibe down next to her and reached down to her panties or Mrs. Smith's panties. It's hers for now. Lucia lifted her butt up and pulled them down her legs. She felt the crotch of the panties stick slightly to her lips; dampness already was starting to adorn her labia.

Such a shame to take off the lingerie set already considering how confident she felt in them, but unless Mrs. Smith had crotchless panties, Lucia had no other option.

Actually, knowing what she knew now about Kerry, she probably did have crotchless panties too. Lucia would have to search for those later.

Lucia settled herself into a comfy position, fluffing a few pillows behind her to support her neck. She grabbed the vibrator again and moved it back down between her legs.

Just as Lucia was going to start, Mark stood up on his little ottoman. He peered over the edge of the bed, setting his sweet little head right down on the foot, and stared up at Lucia.

"Lie back down Mark," she softly commanded.

Lucia found the control panel, and switched the vibrator on to the first setting. Her heart was still pounding. It would be the first time she'd used a vibrator, actually directly against her skin, and her vagina.

Wanting to warm up a little, Lucia gingerly brought the tip of the big head to her clit. As soon as the toy touched her hard nub, shivers went up Lucia's spine and a small gasp escaped her mouth.

"Fuuck," she muttered. It felt good. Like the wand last night.

She held it down on her clit, letting the sensitive nub adjust to the pressure and vibration. That warm rush was coming over her again. Lucia felt simultaneously more tense and also more relaxed. Her core and leg muscles were tightening up, but her body and mind were feeling a little looser, more free and relaxed. The vibrations on her clit were all she was focused on right now.

Except the little dog that was still in the corner of Lucia's vision. She tried to ignore Mark, hoping he would lie back down and go to sleep, but it didn't work.

And no way she could masturbate while her neighbor's dog stared down at her every move.

Lucia reluctantly pulled the vibrator away and turned it off. Just as it was starting to get good.

She got off the bed and moved to Mark's ottoman at the foot of the bed.

"Lie back down boy, go to sleep." Mark listened to part of the command, plopping back down, but he looked back up at Lucia with his big brown eyes and whined.

"What do you want?" she asked, a hint of frustration in her voice. This interruption was not ideal.

Mark yipped back and then stood back up.


He jumped off the ottoman and ran to the bedroom door, circling in his spot before barking again.

"Do you need to go out? You just went out?" Lucia didn't know why she was trying to reason with him. He always won these arguments.

Mark simply sat down in front of the door expectantly.

"God, alright." Lucia opened the door and took Mark down to the backdoor, letting him out into the spacious fenced-in backyard. She threw on her oversized shirt; just in case any neighbors god forbid her parents could see her walking around the house in nothing but a shelf bra covering absolutely zero of her body.

"Go do your business, I'll be back in a bit." Lucia knew leaving him outside for a little bit wouldn't matter. He couldn't go anywhere, it was a nice cool early-summer night, and he enjoyed being outdoors. Just to get him out of the way until she was finished.

Lucia raced back upstairs to the bedroom, trying to move quickly before the horniness escaped from her. She got back and clambered into bed, pulling her shirt up to her chest to free up access to her pussy.