
My best Enemy

a girl who wakes up and discover that her identity has been changed , find out how she clears the wrong and a way to succeed

mirabelria234 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

little brother

ami looked into his eyes all she could see was fear ' fear .... this fear is for me , his sister ' she could not understand why she felt like the boy in front of her is really her ' it might because of this face ' she thought to herself .

Amiranda looked into his eyes again ; she then reduces her height...." kia I know you are scared of me and you also love me , how about I promise you that I will never hurt you again nor will I do anything to make you cry and in return you don't need to be scared , when you are standing next to me promise!!!

"I will think about it " kia replied ' I still don't trust her , how can I be sure that she is not lying to me, moreover mom told me to be careful when ever I am around big sis ' he said trying to convince himself not to accept the tempting option.

" while we wait for your reply why don't we go to the amusement park tomorrow and your B.I.M will also accompany us , it will be so fun , don't you think " she said trying to convince him .

"big sis , are you sure that we will be going to the amusement park with big brother "

" infact you big bother has already bought the tickets , right " she said gaining Skyler attention

" ehm " he said then nodded

"big sis you know what , I love you so very much ; I am going to the amusement park , I am going to the amusement park ; big sis I will go tell Mom and Dad " he shouted as he left the room leaving the door wide open ....

"why " Skyler asked her " why what " Amiranda said pretending as if she was not aware of what was going on and what he wanted to know from her.

" playing dumb , huh well since you want me to explain ; why are you trying to fix her mistakes and most importantly why are you dragging me into this matter "

"Skyler , i know that you are not happy seeing me in your house and that too as your wife , but as you can see that little boy loves you so much ; Skyler please please please can you please buy me three tickets for the amusement park pleaseee..... I beg of you "

"No I won't get involved in this emotional drama of yours , and stop acting childish .... " he said frantically as he left the room

yui mei sank to the ground , 'how can I break the promise I made to that innocent child and that rude man , hmph he is going to make me break my promise to my new brother" she sank her eyes into a pillow and slept.....

the next day

"big sis , big sis , big sis wake up , we are gonna be late .... big sis brother is waiting for us down stairs"

"Amiranda , are we still going or not " Skyler said

Amiranda immediate looked up , not minding how she looked .... she ran and jumped on Skyler " thank you so much , wait , i will go and get dressed immediately " she said and ran into the bathroom .

"big bro thanks , since you married my sister and after she woke up from coma she has been so nice to me , i feel like she is total new person" he said and immediately hugged him . ' well that's because she is a completely different Amiranda '

he thought to himself " Kia I want to ask you a question , is it a tradition for your family to hug people tightly "

kia quickly freed himself from the hug "big sis are you done , time is not by our side and by the way big bro is getting bored"

he turned his gaze to Skyler and saw a deadly gaze which turned in to a big smile , kia breathed a sigh of relief .

"big bro I am going to go and sit down in car you can come down when sis is done " he ran out the room ' thank God I escaped , my mouth would have gone me into trouble ' he thought to himself as he ran out of the room .

few moments later

Skyler was sitting on the bed , ' it's been a while since I have slept on this bed ' he thought to himself , finally ' he shouted in his mind as the door to the bathroom opened ....

Amiranda came out of the bathroom wearing a black trouser and a sleeveless shirt , revealing her fair toned skin

meanwhile Skyler was left dumb founded seeing Amiranda dressed like this ,' since she woke up , she had not dressed up oh no what am I thinking about , why is that I am thinking about this , this is wrong , she is not among these other woman who throw themselves at you , infact why I comparing her to other women ' he scolded his mind.

"Amiranda , can we leave now , we are already late " he said but averted his gaze from her .

"wait for me " Amiranda shouted as Skyler was already ahead of her , unknown to her , he was trying his best not look at her ' god Damn it she is just wearing a shirt and trousers ' he still continued scolding himself as he entered the car

But all the scolding was in vain cause Amiranda sat beside him and he could not stop him slef from stealing dazes from her .

kia notices , so he pretends to sleep but Ami was too busy humming nursery rhymes to notice.

"Ami , which ride do you want to ride " he asked casually

"Skyler , can I tell you something , I have always wanted to ride all the ride in the amusement park in one day .... but my brother and mother never allowed me to , they said it is too dangerous for " she said while pouting her lips .

Skyler saw this and chuckled ," this girl is so innocent , who thinks of going to amusement park at this age ' he thought to himself .

" kia , are you sleeping , if you are sleeping , then I will turn back the car right now.