
My Beloved Super Fierce Wife

"The new book 'Scolded as the Star of Death, All the Big Shots in the Capital Rush to Spoil Me' is now available!" Also known as "Reborn Era: Getting Rich with the Check-In System." [A physical powerhouse of a female lead vs. a vindictive, sarcastic, and elegant male protagonist] After a laboratory explosion, Lin Tang returns to that impoverished era and is bound to a check-in system. Before she has time to claim the newcomer gift pack, her fiancé, sporting an air of confidence, comes to break off the betrothal. The reason being, he's about to secure a stable job. Lin Tang looks at the ordinary yet self-assured man, parted her red lips slightly and said, "...break it off!" Less than a month later, her ex-fiancé was fired for some reason. Lin Tang took a stroll around the county and became the executive officer of the Broadcasting Station in the Textile Factory. Ex-fiancé's internal OS: Is it too late to reconcile now? - Those times were tough! Despite being treasured by her three big brothers and parents, everything from food to cloth and even soap required coupons... Even living frugally couldn't alleviate the miserable condition. Looking at the black mush in the bowl, Lin Tang fell silent, “......” Thankfully, she had a system! Need anything? Just check in to get it. - Many years later. A handsome man looked at his delicate wife with a fair complexion, managing to keep a straight face as he said, “I heard you could knock out a wild boar with just two punches?” Lin Tang's eyes sparkled, her fingers gently exerting force, and the Enamel Jar in her hand deformed. She responded in a stern manner, “Nonsense! Don't believe those rumors. We're civilized people and can't be that barbaric!”

a visitor from South Flight · Urban
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727 Chs

Is the 65th sister a golden baby girl?

Translator: 549690339

The brother and sister chattered and laughed as they walked toward the Textile Factory.


Fang Xiaoyun spotted a familiar figure ahead and her eyes lit up.

Her home was in the county, and after eating lunch there, she was planning to go back to the supply and sales cooperative.

Lin Tang heard the voice and turned her head.

"Xiaoyun? What a coincidence! Have you been home for lunch?"

"Yes, yes! How come you're in town? Why didn't you come to see me?" Fang Xiaoyun walked over, pouting slightly as she playfully scolded her.

She had promised to treat Lin Tang to a meal.

Lin Tang replied, "I had some things to do and haven't had the chance to find you yet."

Without beating around the bush, she said directly, "…If everything goes well, I might start working at the Textile Factory, so we'll be able to see each other more often."

"Ah?!! Really?" Fang Xiaoyun was overjoyed.

Even happier than on her first day going to work at the cooperative.

"Yeah, it's true..."