
Try it!

His face darkened. "Try it!"

Why would I try? It's not the right time yet. If it's necessary, it's not a bad thing for me to kill a demon.

The lights in the yard were turned on a few degrees. It was the lights of the car. I looked up and saw that it was Dylan's car.

Looking at the time, it was already 12 o'clock. It was rare for him to come back.

Kody's car was very obvious. He saw it as soon as he entered the yard, but he didn't get out of the car. He just lit a cigarette in the car and looked at Kody and me with gloomy eyes.

Kody was a very cheap person. He usually pretended to be a dog, but his ability to stir up trouble wasn't bad at all. Seeing that Dylan didn't get out of the car, he leaned against me and said with a smile in his voice, "What would Dylan do if he saw me kiss you?"

"You're sick!" I said and moved away from him, but the space in the car was so big.

He moved his body slightly and kissed my lips. Then he looked at Dylan with a smile. He looked very mean.