
Nothing Need To Talk

I nodded, neither servile nor overbearing. "Hello, Mr. Murray!"

"Haha!" He suddenly laughed. He looked at the Layla and said, "This girl resembles you a little bit. Not only does she resemble you, but she's also very tough in her bones."

Layla nodded, and there was a hint of gentleness in her eyes. She smiled and said, "When I first saw her, I felt the same way. If I hadn't seen the DNA identification results, I would have thought of this child."

"Lacey." Jason looked at me. "Can I call you that?"

I nodded. Some things in my memory may have floated for too long. It was only a moment before it passed. I didn't catch anything, but only remembered the familiar voice.

"Your parents..."

"Mom and Dad!" Jason was interrupted by Camilla, who was holding a glass of champagne and gracefully walked over in high heels. She looked at Layla and Jason and said, "Uncle Leo said that he wanted to talk to you about something. He's waiting for you on the second floor."