
Leave Dylan

She bought a car scattered on the street. Even if she was pregnant, she would become fat and I would be swollen. So she had bought everything about skin care.

I moved the things into the car and smiled. "Demi, your godmother is more concerned about you than me, her biological mother."

She smiled faintly and suddenly hugged me with red eyes. "Lacey, leave Dylan! I can also take good care of you."

I didn't know why he would suddenly say these words. I was slightly stunned and patted her on the shoulder. "Why are you suddenly so emotional? It's only a matter of time before I leave Dylan, but Demi, I want to leave openly, not secretly."

She nodded and said in a hoarse voice, "It's okay. I'll wait for you. I've found a suitable place in Grury. The housing price in Grury is low. I've counted our money and can buy a small villa. At that time, we can live together with our children."