
Chapter 75 Pregnant Women Should Eat More

I got out of bed, washed up, and went downstairs. Aunt Aubree had prepared a table full of delicious food. When she saw me, she said with a smile, "You're awake. Come and have a try, I've made a few dishes. Just tell me which are the ones you like and I'll make them more often in the future."

After looking around, I didn't see Dylan. I sat at the table and looked at all the food on the table. Stunned for a moment, I looked at Aunt Aubree and said, "Aunt Aubree, isn't this too much?"

She shook her head with a smile. "No, no it's not too much. Pregnant women should eat more. Mr. Thomson said that you're eating too little, so you should eat more."

"Where is he?" Since I woke up in the morning, I had never seen Dylan. 

"He went to the company. Someone called him early in the morning and urged him to go to the company." Then, hearing Aunt Aubree's nagging, I nodded and ate while planning for today's work.