
Chapter 40 How Did They Both Know Each Other?

I thought that maybe that girl was their neighbour's child, so I went on looking at other photos without thinking much.

Thanks to Grandpa Thomson's effort, every stage of Dylan's growth was recorded in the photos behind. They included one with Dylan in a school uniform too.

Then I flipped to the back and saw a recent photo of Dylan, Camilla, Benjamin, Ace and someone that I didn't know who. This photo looked like it was taken a few years back.

All of them in the photo were good-looking, so did the stranger. He looked like a passionate and gentle man, but in this photo, he seemed to be sick or something. 

Camilla, who stood between these four men, looked pure and cute here.

It was obvious that she was the girl pampered and loved by all of them, which made me feel envious.

After flipping through the photos, I felt a little disappointed. Camilla had known Dylan for many years, and yet I had only known him for two years.