
Chapter 174 It's rediculous

"Thomson company has been destroyed. I was the one who signed the document. Owlimited is under my name. Two things are related to me, and they are closely related to me."

"Even if something happens in the end, the company only needs to kick me out of the game in public, and the Thomson company can still manage the company."

"Haha!" I couldn't help laughing and said sarcastically, "Mr. Mcguire, you've done a good job. I admire you!"

It's impossible to find any flaw in kicking me out of the company in broad daylight.

He looked at me with deep eyes and noticed my bulging belly. He said, "You don't have to do this. Even if you leave the Thomson company, the shares of the Thomson company under your name will still be yours. You just don't want to stay in the Thomson company. Besides, you are going to have a baby now. Next, you have to leave as well."

Yes! I'm leaving in the end!