
Chapter 162 Who will you meet later?

Aunt Aubree had prepared a lot of dishes and food in the kitchen. I was used to being casual, so I seldom went into the kitchen. Even if I cooked in the kitchen, I just ate some noodles.

In this respect, Demi and I were equally capable. In the past, Grandma always said that girls' hands were delicate and expensive. Don't always move in the kitchen. You should read more books and move your brush and stick.

"After a long time, I don't have much time to go into the kitchen. Now I think about it. In the past, Grandma loved me and didn't want me to be in the kitchen, so she said that."

I can't go to the company, so I'll stay at home and cook something. I'll prepare some food and put the oil in the pot.

Dylan came down from upstairs after taking a shower. He seemed to have blown his hair on purpose. I was slightly stunned. "What's the matter today?"