
Chapter 140 Pretty

"It sounds very romantic." Looking at the flowers on both sides of the wall, which gradually changed from phoenix flowers to rose flowers, these rose flowers were beautifully built and bloomed, which was very beautiful.

If she was in a bad mood, she would feel very comfortable walking along this alley.

He shrugged. "Of course."

When we were in college, Demi and I agreed that we must make a lot of money in the future, and then the two of us would go to play all over the world. I wanted to see the vastness of the world and the differences of the world. I also wanted to know the traces left by the ancients.

Later, for some reason, after graduating from college, this dream was forgotten. Later, we indulged in life and forgot our original intention.

"Lacey!" Alfred suddenly opened his mouth. I came back to my senses and looked up at him.