
Chapter 131 Thanks a lot 

Mr. Cotton said a few words to Dylan, and then looked at me and said, "Mrs. Thomson, Dr.Rios is a see-through expert in our hospital. Mr. Thomson specially asked me to find you such a medical background to observe and take care of your pregnancy from time to time."

Dr.Rios smiled at me and said, "Mrs. Thomson, if you have any problems in the future, you can come to me at any time."

With a faint smile, I was more or less familiar with the etiquette at the dining table. I took the wine glass and poured juice for them. After toasting the two of them, I looked at Mr. Cotton and said, "I may have to trouble you in the future. I, Lacey, am here. Thank you for your help."

There was a hint of reservation in her words, which brought the atmosphere back to life.