
My Beloved Archmage

Betrayed by the person he loved, and after losing everything. Ethan in his last moments meets the person who has unconditionally loved him. Luna, The Archmage who had loved him one-sidedly for a long time confesses her love for him in his last moments. After his death, Ethan Regresses in time and returns to the first year of his academy days. Ethan swears to live without any regrets... However, things are more complicated as he founds out the truth about Luna's past and her connection with the death of his parents... Follow Ethan's journey as he overcomes every challenge to save his beloved Archmage. ***** This is going to be one of the good ones that I have written in a long time. The elements of the story are, Magic, Academy, Mages, Unique Bloodlines, Kingdom building, Revenge, Romance and Adventure. ***** After the first chapter, every chapter will be around 2000 words so there will be only 4 chapter every week. I hope you like this story. So don't forget to leave a comment as it helps me stay motivated to write more stories like this. [ Note- The Cover art doesn't belong to me]

RYZ_WN · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Our First Date ( Part 1)

Part 1, Ethan's Pov

Today was a good day, there was no class in the morning and there was no reason for me to wake up early...but today was more important than any other day.

Knock! Knock!

Someone knocked on the door and I have to finally welcome the new day.

"Good Morning Sir, I have brought your clothes and the other things that you asked me to arrange."

On the door was a young, energetic, and everyone's favorite errand boy. His name was Johnathan Nes, He was also a student of the academy but in his 3rd year.

Jonathan carried a huge smile on his fair-skinned face and carved his brown hair like a true Chamberlain. He had my special clothes and some other things that I'd requested for today.

"Thank you, senior, Can you please wait here?" I requested.

"Sure young master."

After taking my clothes, and taking out some of my money I went back towards the door and closed the room. The first thing I did was hand over the payment for the things he had brought for me.

"Senior, can we talk in private if you don't mind?"


After closing the door of the dorm room, I and Jonathan walked towards one of the most common meeting places where students would usually talk.

We reached the terrace on the second floor, and there were also tables and chairs for people to sit on. Overall, this place helped to set up a good mood for a friendly talk.

Jonathan and I sat at one of the tables for our conversation.

" Senior, do you know the reason why my best friend Davis fought with Albert Drew?" I asked since Davis never told me the complete story.

" I only know what I heard from the other students that they fought over the young lady of the Fluer Family."

I smirked after hearing his response, he wouldn't answer what happened just by asking. Seeing my smiling face the expression on Jonathan's face changed, and he reflected on what he said.

He was the type of person who would watch their words and think many times before saying anything.

" I am ready to pay for the information senior as I believe that you might be the only person from who I can get information about what happened in reality," I spoke.

" Young master, I don't know anything, I am not someone who pries in other people's lives. I may not have the information you are looking for."

He said nervously, I have wasted much time already which means now I have to utilize the trump card that I'd prepared.

" You know senior, I might give you something that you have been looking for a long time."

" Haha...Whatever that can be?" Jonathan acted ignorant and laughed but after seeing my confidence he stopped.

" You want to be the Heir of the Nes family rather than a Chamberlain or a Merchant...Others might mistake it for trying to get on their good side however, in reality, you are just looking for weaknesses in influential noble kids attending the academy so you can find some valuable allies through the method of coercion. I know that You have already allied with Albert Drew, who is an heir to a great Knight family."

My words left Jonathan speechless, he wasn't expecting this since nobody was supposed to know at this point. The Nes family is one of the merchant noble families, they may have the title of Baron but they are one of the wealthiest in the entire empire. Jonathan was not going to leave such a family and give everything to his half-brother, he wanted it all for himself.

In my previous life, he was known as the Ringleader who caused disputes among various families from behind the scenes but even then he was unable to achieve what he initially wanted.

He lost because he lacked one thing...

" If you know that, then that means I am indirectly your enemy," Jonathan spoke.

" You will not succeed in achieving your goal since the Taron family and Augustine family will stand in your way." I declared.

Jonathan's pleasing and cheery face turned into a face of annoyance and he expressed enmity.

" Is that a threat...I will believe that it's the Taron family but you are in no position to say that the Augustine family will stand in my way, no one supports you in that family and you will soon be kicked out because of being such a useless talent...aren't you just walking garbage?"

He wasn't provoking me, he simply considered that I was no threat and that I will not be able to do anything. Otherwise, he would have been wiser with his words.

" I gave you a warning Jonathan...Soon you will see the biggest obstacle on your path of succession. I am going to change many things today...so be ready to become hopeless." I spoke and got up from my seat.

. . . . .

Part 2, Luna's Pov

" You are here very early for our date, why?" Ethan asked.

This idiot, is he misunderstanding something? Does he think that I came early because I was excited about this date? I am just early because the meeting place was near the girls' dorm building.

In normal circumstances, I wouldn't have called him an idiot but he did one thing that made me feel he was truly one.

We are just pretending so why is he dressed so seriously to look so handsome, and why is he openly calling it a date when there is no one around us?

'It couldn't be that he is taking things seriously... That would be a disaster.'

" Hey—"

" Can you please check if there is any tracking spell on my clothes or maybe anything else?"

He cut me off and requested something weird, but I did as he told me.

" ~Inspect~"

My spells covered his entire body in a green light and soon it detected several rules hovering over his clothes and some of the things he was carrying with him...They were tracking spells.

" ~Dispel~"

" Thanks...Now we can enjoy our date."

" Why do you keep calling it a date when we are alone? We are just pretending ...and who put a tracking spell on your dress?"

'Is someone trying to spy on us? If that's the case then it would be a big problem, I am just dating...I mean pretending to date him to get revenge on a certain girl.'

" I am making enemies right and left for various reasons, it's just done by one of them...let's get going, I have other things to do as well, and don't forget what you promised."

His roundabout way of answering things, I think I am already getting tired of it. He is been like this since day one...but it doesn't concern me. I should not involve myself too much in the shenanigans of nobles like him. If someone is tracking him then it's his problem and it has nothing to do with me as long as it doesn't affect me.




I just followed him wherever he was taking me... our first stop I thought would be somewhere we could eat breakfast but we were standing in front of a beauty salon.

" Thank God, it wasn't too difficult to find." He sighed in relief and I just looked at him with a perplexed expression on my face.

" Why are we here?" I asked but instead of replying to me he smiled and grabbed my hand tightly before walking inside with me.

Inside there weren't many customers, despite having such a beautiful interior there were only a few people.

" Excuse me." He spoke to the receptionist.

" Yes sir, how may I help you?"

" My girlfriend requires your service can you make her a beautiful lady? Don't worry about the payment...I hope this much is enough."

My eyes widened as I realized what he said...Why'd he call me his 'Girlfriend' and what does he mean by saying 'make her a beautiful lady'?

The receptionist's eyes were glued on the gold coins that were put on the desk. She quickly grabbed them and started counting them.

" Please wait for a second sir...I will arrange our best staff." She got up from her seat and ran towards an office room.

" You...What are you trying to do?" I spoke irritably but in a low tone since I didn't want to make a commotion here.

" I am doing what's necessary for you." He replied sarcastically making me even more enraged but before I could say or do anything, a very beautiful lady and that receptionist walked towards us.

" I am Jeanne, Sir...may I enquire who are you." She asked as she bowed graciously in front of Ethan.

"Greetings Lady Jeanne, I am Ethan Augustine...and this is my girlfriend Luna. we came here after hearing about your amazing skills, I would like you to provide your best service to her."

He spoke and didn't stop there as he added more which made my face turn red with embarrassment.

"As you can see, she is a natural beauty but due to how hardworking she is. She lacks self-care...today is our first date together so I want you to help her."

He went on the grab the lady's hand and looked at her with eyes full of expectation.

" Of course...Of course, I will do my best for the young master...of the prestigious Augustine family."

I could see her forehead sweating, like any commoner she was afraid of the Augustine family.

"Please follow me miss." The receptionist grabbed me from behind and made me follow her.

I saw Ethan waving his hand, That Idiot... No...to call him an idiot would be an understatement. I am gonna make him pay for this.