
My Beautiful Wives are Overpowered Spirits

In a world where humans forcefully contract spirits for power, Ryan Hanley discovers he's the reincarnation of the feared Spirit King, a being who brought havoc to the world. As he awakens to his true identity, he must reunite with his seven spirit wives, unlocking hidden powers from each of them, having the titles of the deadly sins... “From this moment henceforth, I hereby submit myself to you, Lord of the spirits”. “You have made the right choice...”. But in exchange for their services, he needed to reward them with something of equal value. "Please Ryan, make me a woman". Balancing his growing powers and dual identities , Ryan journeys a dangerous path of getting stronger, and ancient rivalries. From corrupt officials to shadowy organizations, enemies lurk at every turn. As he uncovers sinister enemies both human and spirit, Ryan must decide what it truly means to be the Spirit King. “What do you mean there are other spirit king candidates, and what do you mean they are all coming after me?!” Ryan Hanley must make a choice... Do I become the savior of two realms - or their destroyer?.

Chaos_to_all · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Dual Acceleration [Are we going to have sex?]

Ryan's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the familiar sight of his bedroom ceiling.

Sunlight filtered through the half-closed blinds, casting thin stripes of light across his face.

For a moment, he lay there, disoriented and groggy.

"What... happened?" he mumbled, his voice hoarse.

As he tried to sit up, a sharp pain lanced through his abdomen and he fell back to the bed.

Ryan winced, his hand instinctively moving to the spot where... where...

His eyes widened as fragmented memories began to surface.

The supermarket. Rain. A crashing sound from the sky.

Ryan's breath quickened as more details flooded back.

Two spirits locked in combat. A woman with piercing eyes and a cruel smile.

Pain, sharp and sudden, as something pierced his flesh.

He lifted his shirt with trembling hands, expecting to see a grievous wound. Instead, there was only smooth, unmarked skin.

Ryan ran his fingers over the area, disbelief etched on his face.

"That's impossible," he whispered. "She stabbed me. I felt it, right? It happened…"

More memories trickled in, each more unsettling than the last.

Red eyes reflected in shattered glass.

The sensation of overwhelming power coursing through his veins.

A wind spirit, dissolving into his very being.

"Something isn't right here," Ryan muttered, feeling the rush of energy swirling inside him.

The power felt both familiar and alien, like a half-remembered dream.

Just as he tried to stand, a sudden chill raced across his skin.

Golden chains of pure energy materialized, wrapping tightly around his arms and legs, binding him to the bed.

"What the—" Ryan struggled against the bonds, but they held firm. "Uhn? This feels… familiar".

A melodious laugh filled the room, sending shivers down Ryan's spine.

The air shimmered before him, coalescing into a figure that took his breath away.

Where once stood his small spirit companion Migi, now there was a woman of ethereal beauty.

Long, fiery red hair cascaded down her back, contrasting sharply with the elegant white and gold Chinese-style dress that hugged her curves.

Her eyes, a swirling mix of amber and crimson, sparkled with mischief.

"My, my," she purred, her voice rich and teasing. "Look who's finally decided to wake up. Did you enjoy your little nap, My Darling Ryan?".

Ryan's jaw dropped. "Migi? Is that... you? You have boobs? You have boobs… I mean, you're a woman?!!! A beautiful one at that".

Migi sauntered closer, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Oh, come now. Surely you didn't think I was just a cute little fox spirit, did you? I'm wounded".

She perched on the edge of the bed, studying Ryan with an amused expression.

"As for what's going on, well... let's just say you've bitten off a bit more than you can chew, darling."

Ryan frowned, tugging at the chains. "Care to elaborate? And how are you able to use a manifesting technique… you're a low grade spirit… Also, can you remove these chains already?".

[Note: A manifesting technique is a technique where Contractors are able to use their Spirit energy to create materials, such as shields ,blades, and so on].

Migi laughed again, the sound like tinkling bells.

"Now where's the fun in that? Besides, it's for your own good. That wind spirit's energy you absorbed? It's far too much for your current level. Without these chains, you'd be tearing the place apart."

"Don't ignore my other questions".

"I didn't. They are just simply irrelevant, my love".

"Wait," Ryan's eyes widened. "So that really happened? Waking up and absorbing a spirit?...I thought... I thought it was a dream".

"Oh, it was real," Migi's expression turned serious.

"You've taken the first step on a very dangerous path, Darling. Absorbing spirits, manifesting the aura of the Spirit King... you're playing with forces beyond your comprehension".

Ryan's mind reeled. "The Spirit King? What are you talking about?"

Migi leaned in close, her breath warm against his ear. "You know exactly what I mean, but you don't want to acknowledge it. Let's just say you've awakened something that's been dormant for a very, very long time. The question is, are you ready to accept it?".

She pulled back, fixing Ryan with an intense gaze.

"The power you've tapped into... it's like trying to contain an ocean in a teacup. Your body, your spirit... they're not ready for it. Not yet, anyway."

"To say I do believe what you're saying, even though I don't… how would I go about it? And also, how are you so beautiful?" Ryan asked.

Migi's smile returned, sharp and predatory.

"Why, you cultivate, of course. Well, more like you train, you grow, you evolve. And lucky for you, you've got the best teacher this side of the spirit realm."

Migi's smile turned enigmatic as she traced a finger along the glowing chains.

"You see, these aren't just for show, you know. They're helping to stabilize the chaotic energy inside you, and it's rapidly growing… right now, they are unstable because your spirit side decided to absorb a high level spirit".

Ryan raised an eyebrow, his usual skepticism returning despite the bizarre situation.

"Right. And I'm supposed to just trust the spirit who's been pretending to be a cute fox all this time? I've been with you for what? Over 12 years and not once did you think I'd like to smash a beautiful red haired?".

"Oh, don't be like that," Migi pouted playfully. "I've always had your best interests at heart. Why do you think I chose you as my contractor in the first place?".

"I assumed it was my charming personality and instant noodle collection," Ryan deadpanned.

Migi laughed, a sound like tinkling bells. "Well, those didn't hurt. But I sensed potential in you, Darling. Potential that's finally starting to awaken and I'm here to witness it".

She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Tell me, what do you know about the different levels of spiritual energy?"

Ryan shrugged as best he could while bound.

"Not much. Green for novices, light green for adapts, purple for masters. That's about it."

"Oh, darling," Migi shook her head, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"That's just scratching the surface. Spiritual energy is like a vast ocean, with depths most can't even imagine. What you absorbed from that wind spirit? That's like trying to contain a tsunami in a teacup… as I've said before".

She placed a hand on Ryan's chest, and he felt a warm tingle spread through him. "Your body, your spirit... they're not ready for this power. Not yet. But there are ways to accelerate your growth, to expand your spiritual pathways."

Ryan's eyes narrowed. "Why do I feel like there's a catch coming?"

Migi's smile widened. "Smart boy. You see, one of the most effective methods is something called Dual Acceleration. It involves the exchange and harmonization of spiritual energies between two compatible partners."

"That sounds... intimate," Ryan said, a blush creeping up his neck despite his best efforts.

"It can be," Migi admitted, her eyes twinkling. "But it's also incredibly powerful. With the right partner, you could make leaps and bounds in your cultivation, possibly even stabilizing the energy you've absorbed."

Ryan's mind raced, processing this new information. " Pardon my rudeness, I'm a bit still pissed you're beautiful… but I'm guessing you're volunteering to be this 'right partner'?".

Migi placed a hand over her heart in mock offense. "Why, Ryan, are you implying I have ulterior motives? I'm wounded."

Despite the gravity of the situation, Ryan couldn't help but chuckle. "Alright, alright. Say I believe you. What exactly would this 'dual acceleration' involve?"

Migi's expression turned serious. "It's not a decision to be made lightly. The process forges a deep connection between partners. It requires trust, vulnerability, and a willingness to open yourself completely to another."

She leaned back, giving Ryan some space.

"But the benefits... they're extraordinary. Enhanced spiritual perception, faster energy circulation, the ability to tap into each other's strengths. Some even say it's the key to breaking through to the legendary realms of contracting".

Ryan fell silent, contemplating her words.

Part of him – the part that had always been cautious, always played it safe – was screaming that this was insane.

But another part, a part that had awakened with that surge of power in the parking lot, was intrigued.

"... Uhm.. Migi?" he called.

"Yes darling".

"Bring forth the dual thingy. I can't believe you're forcing me to have sex with you, but what must be done shall be done… let's do it".

He said with utmost seriousness.